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Everything posted by Sandra777

  1. Albinos are a genetic mutation or "freak" to be non-PC. IMO they should not be raised because of the health issues that will abound. They are not "white" in the sense a genetically white dog is white, they are genetically "wrong". I would be trying reasonably hard to steer son elsewhere, unless he wants a dog with the potential for major health issues including melanoma from a VERY early age.
  2. Sorry if I've got the wrong user-name, but aren't you eagerly awaiting the arrival of a Staffordshire Bull Terrier puppy? If this much of loonies get their way your puppy would be killed to save it from a life of suffering because it is is "pit bull". These people are not interested in what is best and most humane for animals and anyone who believes otherwise is deluding themselves
  3. Not on the larger planes no, on the small (10-12 seaters) they do sometimes end up surrounded by luggage because the luggage hold is actually a "cupboard" in the plane rather than separate from the cabin in some planes. I was travelling on a 12 seater with a dog as excess baggage when one of the ground staff tried to stuff her into the luggage compartment with the crate vertical. He got called things that made him blush.
  4. If you are that concerned why not spend 1/2 an hour at the gym then come home and walk him for 1/2 an hour - works for both of you
  5. Definitely complain to the appropriate CC - include copies of the appropriate DNA tests. This is a serious issue and will affect the entire litter.
  6. Really not sure what the reporter is actually trying to say here.
  7. Could very well be a generalised fungal infection which is continued and made worse by a food allergy - no I'm not having a dollar each way, yeast & fungal infections are a common side effect of food allergies. What apart from Science Diet have you tried in the way of food?
  8. Basically take the expected adult weight and feed the pup between 5% and 10% of that weight per day. If the pup gets fat give it less if it starts to loose weight give it more. There IS no magic number with feeding a dog raw anymore than there is one with feeding processed - feed however much the dog needs according to it's condition and activity. Start with say 8% and adjust from there would be my advice to a novice
  9. Mine will basically eat anything - except lettuce!
  10. Pretty sure you'd need to test dog food on dogs even if it is to just ensure they'll actually eat it so what sort of animal testing do you want to avoid? Research raw as an option IMO.
  11. Definitely not something to punish him for - he's exploring his world in the same way a human baby will, but because he doesn't have hands he has to explore with his mouth. Wait until he starts exploring the curtains and the couch
  12. There's no stigma for me in these circumstances and I've done the same myself - well intended to but the bitch went into labour three days early and had already delivered 2 dead pups by the time the vet managed to put in an appearance She had two more by caesar perfectly fine and healthy. I didn't persist with the line though, but this was only one of the reasons for the decision.
  13. Yep, China is a bitch - through and through. Her daughter is a cow so does this count
  14. Put it in his bowl and put the bowl on the floor Feed him the same weight of pet mince as you would chicken necks - sardines - RMB
  15. It is extremely prevelent in Staffordshire Bull Terriers and no I would not knowingly breed from an affected dog if other choices were available, but it would depend on the size of the gene pool and this differs from breed to breed AFAIK it is a dominant gene with incomplete penetrance, which makes it a right sod of a thing to get rid of - it only has to come from one parent and it may or may not be apparent in an affected dog. It does come in various forms and the dog with a couple of soft eyelashes suffers no illeffect, but my understanding is that this dog could throw pups with an eyeful of short bristly eyelashes.
  16. What sized breed are you talking about? My 8 week old Staffords (3-4kg each) munch up chicken wings and love a nice neck chop. Supervision is a must to start with, and definitely feed bigger rather than smaller - next step for these guys will be 1/2 or 1/4 chicken carcasses and things that size. 1/2 a sheeps heart causes great excitement at lunch time
  17. I'd do something like a chicken thigh, skin & fat removed and the rest of the meal made up of raw meat. Mind you, if he's back to normal it would probably only take a meal or two for him to be able to cope with anything, usually does here
  18. Yep, very and can be hard for a dog to digest if their gut flora has been disturbed. I'd say yes at a guess. Keep him on plain meat for a week, honestly it won't kill him. Some dogs find roo very difficult to digest (I've got one with an issue with beef). Have you given any pro-biotics? My first stop after any gut upset. I hope not, but just because it's been fine for a while doesn't mean it's fine now, so if things don't get back to normal soon I would still consider this as an option.
  19. When you reintroduced raw meat, was it quite fatty? I've always found that lean meat doesn't cause a problem but fatty does - remembering that marrow is very fatty so a chicken thigh can be quite fatty even if you take off the skin and visible fat. The next thing I'd be thinking about is a sensitivity to a certain type of meat...
  20. Now you're just teasing ;) :D
  21. I have bolded the parts of your pups diet that I personally think totally unnecessary for a canine. ;) and underlined the bit that has me worried Whole egg, not just the yolk, including the shell, raw meat on the bone offal including green tripe (and if you can't buy green tripe or can't stand the stuff, un-bold the vege and add a little bit. Mammals don't naturally consume milk after weaning - yoghurt, cheese, milk, whatever are all milk, and not the type of milk a dog is designed to drink either. With a very small puppy it's not necessarily harmful because IMO we wean pups earlier than they would "in the wild" but it's not essential either. Whatever suits your dog is fine, but if he's pooping out that much it's obvious proof that whatever is going in is not being digested so if you want him to poop less, feed him stuff he can digest
  22. They may have to convince a court, but in the meantime they can keep your dogs in the most horrendous conditions and ruin them for life. Having done nothing wrong is no defence.
  23. Maturity and genetics and exercise (appropriate for his age). Unless you really want to wander off into the world of steroids there is nothing that can create muscle except for hard work. Good quality protein (IMO this would be a raw diet) certainly helps but it won't make things appear out of no where. Patience!
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