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Everything posted by Tashnsw

  1. Hi Thanks for that advice. I usually take my girl for a walk once a day (unless hubby is working and I'm at home with the kids). She has a sand shell as her pool and a sandpit to play in. I give her chews and bones and she is always with a toy in her mouth. As for letting her inside, it's just not an option. Too much dog hair and a partner who has never had animals inside. I agree they are alot more settled when they come in. I'm going to try and take her for longer walks and spend more time playing and training her. I think she needs some TLC. I have also arranged a play date with a friend who has large dogs! Any hints on how to train her not to pull on the lead? She actually takes the lead in her mouth and pulls me along!
  2. Hi everyone I really need some advice. My GR is 1yr old and is really becoming a problem. She is getting in to hubby's greenhouse and destroying his cutting and today she got under the house and broke a house plank in the process. I'm pretty sure she is frustrated as she is by herself and an outside dog. Getting another dog for companionship is not an option and I take her for walks most days. I didn't envision having these problems as I researched before I got her. Any ideas how to stop this behaviour and to keep her entertained? I've tried kongs but she's not interested. Looking forward to getting some much needed advice. Thanks
  3. Hi, I'm also new to this thread and it just breaks my heart to hear about your puppy. I have a 10 month golden and she is outgoing and cheeky! You have got some brilliant advice here. Just speak softly and move slowly around him. Your puppy is lucky to have someone so dedicated to him and he will pay you back with lots of love in the coming years. Good luck and hope to hear more about how he is going.
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