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Are You Serious Jo

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Everything posted by Are You Serious Jo

  1. We already know there are issues with the English system. I am pretty sure that any good Australian breeder won't import a dog that is bred from parents that just look like a certain breed, they do their pedigree homework and what is behind each parent for more than 3 generations.
  2. I'm starting to suspect SS might just be The Gardener with all this talk of breeding dogs that looks like the right breed
  3. Unless you are prepared to do a full DNA profile before every mating you won't know the exact outcome of a mating for every one of those millions of genes. I give up, you are closed minded on the issue and are armed with internet articles without the knowledge of how to understand them. To think I used to defend you.
  4. You throw out the genes you don't want by mating animals that don't have them, don't you know how it works? The offspring will have whatever you select them to have, outcrossing is a bigger risk than informed inbreeding. Do you know what artificial selection is? I don't think anyone can make any impact on you though because you believe all breeds and every individual of those breeds are carrying every deleterious gene. You are clearly anti purebred and I don't know why you are on this forum
  5. COI is useless unless you know what genes you are dealing with, it isn't a magic cure all number. What do you think about the colonies of highly inbred lab mice that healthy?
  6. Well someone has their knickers in a knot about inbreeding! Inbreeding is not the root of all evil, it is only a tool for selecting genes you want. You can inbreed two closely related animals and if they are both free of a particular gene then their offspring won't have it. Similarly, you can take two animals that are not related in any way and if both carry a gene the offspring can develop it. You wouldn't blame inbreeding then would you? The solution to the problem is be selective in matings with knowledge of what your lines carry. It is well known that if you outcross you risk introducing genes you don't want. So shortstep, how do you account for all the diseases arising in crossbreds that aren't produced by those horrible people who inbreed purebred dogs?
  7. Shortstep, why do you think that if someone is saying not ALL purebreds have health issues they are really saying NO purebreds have health problems? Go back and read the thread again, no one has said there aren't some problems, but you seem to think that all purebreds are sickly and in urgent need of intervention. There are some breeds that are doing just fine, you've even been given examples but you seem to have a thing against purebreds, don't forget this is a site to promote purebreds ;)
  8. If there's a bandwagon there'll be people jumping on board to make a buck out of it. If it weren't perpetuating negative stereotypes about purebreds I wouldn't care.
  9. Might be throwing the baby out with the bath water? Why on earth would we want to ban dogs going over seas because in one country they mis - treat cattle? Have you got your sarcasm radar turned off?
  10. I'm not mad at you, I don't know you, but you seem to have contradictory opinions. So you think the animal rights people are wrong about live animal exports now despite "concerns being voiced around the world by many people"? Sure banning all animals going overseas might be throwing the baby out with the bathwater but if it stops the horrendous things that happen to cattle and sheep surely it's worth it to ban dogs and cats as well?
  11. I'm as worried about a complete ban on animals as you are about the damage PDE is doing to the purebred dog world. Not worried.
  12. Don't stress over it shortstep, PDE is helping to bring about the demise of purebred dogs so if a ban came about there will be few of those left anyway.
  13. So it doesn't bother you that she used a BYB bred boxer to highlight a problem in boxers that doesn't really exist? The reason people don't support her is because she is very fast and loose with the truth. Sounds like you either haven't read the full story about the inaccuracies in PDE or that you just outright believe what she says no question. No one has ever said there are not things to fix in the purebred world but using a doco that has no more cred than a National Enquirer article isn't the way to go. It has lead to overreaction and damaged the name of purebreds beyond repair. She does have an obligation to reveal the good about purebreds, unless you believe there is nothing good about them.
  14. A huge difference between 4 corners and PDE, I would have thought that it was obvious that this was a poor comparison. There are bad apples and areas that can be improved in any hobby/sport, but PDE was just scaremongering and sensationalistic because it caused more damage than good. People I know in the animal health industry swallowed it all hook line and sinker, while they were breeding their BYB mutts and treating crossbreds for the same problems that they denigrate purebreds for. The answer is in research and education, not gutter media.
  15. Some experts are rubbish, putting a Dr or Prof.in front of your name doesn't mean you are always right or even right half the time. Before you ask yes I am a scientist and qualified as one. Have you ever read some responses to papers in some journals, the above is like a paw pat from a 5 week old kitten
  16. You can't get an entire representation of dogs it's like TV and Radio ratings, you take a group of 1000 and there's an actual scientific calculation to determine these things. Umm, hello scientist here, I know about experimental design. What you said is not relevant to this study because the sample is only a representative of dogs bought into clinics. You can obtain decent representations of a population if you know what you are doing, it is possible. The danger here is that this sample of dogs representing dogs bought into clinics will be taken by the media and laymen as being representative of the entire population of dogs of that breed. It only is a sample of dogs presented for treatment, it ignores dogs that are not bought in and therefore not a true sample of both dogs treated and dogs untreated. It deals with a subset of a population but already people in this thread have assumed that the stats apply to all in the breed.
  17. It won't tell you the number of each breed living a full and healthy life either because it is based only on animals presented at clinics and I shouldn't have to tell you how that is not a representation of the entire population of each breed. Also, as I said if they don't sight the papers for each subject then your breed stats are worthless because unregistered dogs cannot be claimed to be a breed for research purposes. If you are a layman then proceed cautiously because it is easy to misinterpret the results of these vet record based studies.
  18. That is not a random sample BTW, it is data taken from medical records and doesn't represent the entire population of dogs. If you extrapolate that data you would get an incorrect picture of purebred dog health. I haven't read it all but I'd also be wary of any study that didn't insist on seeing a dog's papers to prove it was purebred. Lots of owners say they have a pedigree dog that either isn't or has been bred by BYBers who don't health test.
  19. I was having a bad brain day yesterday and had just woken from a nap so ignore my double negative and read it as I intended, she doesn't care what registered breeders say if it contradicts her position. She isn't interested in balance.
  20. JH has already been here and nothing anyone said made not one iota of difference.
  21. Why would anyone let this woman and her production crew have raw footage of them knowing that she has already mislead people and has an agenda to push, you would have to be bonkers to let her stitch you up.
  22. Which institutions in the UK are still doing vivisection?
  23. They can never win. People keep saying how traumatised these workers are, then when they are proactive to make the workplace safer they are wasting money. But why6 let common sense stand in the way of a vendetta.
  24. If you are trying to get what amounts to dog gold out of a breeder then yes you need to put some effort in and that often involves heading to a few shows and getting involved. In this context it is ok to tell someone they should get their dog out to a show.
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