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Are You Serious Jo

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Everything posted by Are You Serious Jo

  1. Other than the pet people here I'd never heard it was a problem before, which is why I have been I'm not adverse to being flexible and moving with the times, just hadn't realised it was an issue anywhere except here. Shame it's come to the stage where we have to dumb down everything and cannot use a simple term anymore without it being taken the wrong way. How else do you word an ad, show prospects and non show prospects?
  2. Can't understand what you are on about in the context of my quote
  3. Oh Hai, it's you I don't breed right now, I used to but won't as the world has lost it's mind over registered breeders and if I wanted to feel non stop pain I'd just move back in with my mother. But apparently according to sheridan I'm helping destroy the purebred world from within without being a breeder
  4. Maybe people have gotten a lot dumber then because none of my puppy buyers had a problem with the term pet quality. I haven't heard a complaint about it anywhere other than here and considering most breeders would only have to give a few sentence explanation I can't even see what the big deal is? Do people also have to explain that when you use the term bitch it doesn't mean you hate your dog or that a stud isn't a metal thing you use to hammer something together. I think there are bigger things to concentrate on with regards to pedigree dogs such as lack of response to the constant smear campaigns.
  5. Pet quality is a term I learned and used well before DOL existed. It's just the flip side of show quality and I have no problem with it, it's not designed to be denigrating, just descriptive.
  6. Read the link I posted, he wasn't 80 but in his 40's. He was a cool chimp though and one of the lucky few to get a good life as a pet.
  7. I know I'm going to be a fun sucker but here is a bit of the real story of Cheetah. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/11/25/AR2008112500939.html?hpid=features1&hpv=national
  8. I don't socialise much either anymore but getting bored with talking to the dogs, they just look at me and wag their tails, no intelligent conversation there
  9. When ever I see him at events round here I tell him he should have dragged you along :D We went to customs house too the other day with our adopted 85 year old uncle who had to show us the cliffs there that he used to visit when he was a kid, the ones now over grown with trees and weeds!
  10. I just wish they had all accessories, I had to ebay a shutter release cable because they didn't have one.
  11. Just be careful of where your info comes from about him. Just realised I only have a hard copy not electronic of the original paper, but I have an electronic copy of a review he did on LH if you'd like it.
  12. They would be aware of his previous work trust me, those experiments are famous and are key papers so the committee that would have reviewed him would know about them. They are his claim to fame in academia. They probably have a counter strategy ready and form letter for complaints. I don't like his early work but it has lead to good things and that is all they'll care about.
  13. As far as I know though he hasn't done any shock work with dogs for a very long time. I've got a bit of learned helplessness stuff in my thesis so I know what you are talking about. LH was something that they discovered by accident and we now use that research to make animals lives better. I'm not sure you'll get far because it's ancient history but that sort of research with shock floors was very common and a lot of older animal psych researchers did it. I'm not sure any dogs died in those experiments at all, the shocks aren't enough to kill. I don't like those types of experiments at all but be careful of who is telling you about them because they aren't as gory as some make them out.
  14. If she had called you and said hair on back legs couldn't be saved what would you have told her to do?
  15. Until you've been a groomer you cannot know what it is like to deal with these types of situations so groomers are naturally going to give their opinions. As pointed as as well we only have one side of the story.
  16. I agree that the groomer should have called and given them the option of shave or take the dog back. I personally would have looked it over on the spot and if matted said it's shave or nothing. But if you have a matted leg that can't be groomed do you just shave one leg and leave the rest because that would look ridiculous. I'm glad to be out of grooming and the unrealistic expectations of people.
  17. If you wash a matted dog then the matts just felt and the dog suffers even more. It takes an incredible amount of time to brush out matts and you end up with patches and a sore dog. So really the groomer had no other choice when a dog is presented like that.
  18. If you are heading north through Renmark again and have time to stop let us know.
  19. He's a coolie, give him a few more times practising and he'd be driving like a pro
  20. Just ask yourself whether there is any benefit in stressing over what an ignorant old woman you'll probably never see again thinks.
  21. Variation is the driving success of sexual reproduction and I often inwardly groan when people insist that all dogs are completely a product of the owner.
  22. Yeah, shows you the dangers of taking advice from the internet.
  23. Saline solution is 9g/L.
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