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Are You Serious Jo

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Everything posted by Are You Serious Jo

  1. Just because you don't agree with a law doesn't mean it can't be enforced, or conversely, that something that you personally deem unacceptable will be acted upon. So when a person is charged do the police say my neighbour doesn't like the way you conduct your business, or do they say you are charged under section X of act y? There is no law against commercial dog breeding so good luck trying to have someone prosecuted. I'm sorry, I've never heard of a charity breeding dogs, can you please provide a source for this? Again, if the dogs are well fed and housed according to the COP what are the RSPCA actually going to have them charged them with? If there are no welfare breaches then how can the RSPCA act? Purely personal opinion about the quality of the dogs and the RSPCA will not prosecute over this.
  2. Huh? If the law says that large scale commercial dog producers are fine then really what leg do you have to stand on to get the laws changed. If the dogs are kept according to the COP then what exactly are you going to complain about? No welfare breaches then the RSPCA aren't interested. You might personally not like volume breeders but that is your own opinion and not enforceable by law. It is inevitable that puppy farms will flourish with these new laws and will be untouchable.
  3. Puppy farms won't be shut down, they'll just be licensed. Once they are they can demonstrate that there are no welfare issues (via govern. sanctioned licenses) and they won't be touched. Articles like this only serve to promote the new generation of puppy farms.
  4. But until a law has been passed it is no use to report someone in another state as you suggested. I understand the process of forming new legislation but that wasn't what you posted, you said they should be reported for "breech" (sic) of law, but that won't work in this case and I explained to you why. Now if you were advocating contacting relevant state politicians then that is a different matter entirely. But again if they are complying to the Tasmanian laws then that might fall on deaf ears and currently the push is toward regulating puppy farms instead of shutting them down. If you do a search on here you'll find all the relevant facts.
  5. You are jumping between legislation and social pressure. Your first quote refers to the NSW Animal Welfare Code of Practice, and you asked why that was not enforceable in NSW. Simply put, NSW state law (you even refer to it as law) is not applicable in Tasmania. Hence why it is called state law. This quote below has moved from laws to ethics, which are non legislated guides that people usually abide due to social pressure. They are NOT enforceable by law. Since your first quote was in reference to the law in NSW then that is what I was referring to, see your quote above. With all due respect, that's simply inaccurate. Everyone has been subjected to social sanctions, or ostracised. Other sticks are financial boycott, public discrediting and political protest. Education of course should be included. The Law is an ass. And the law is informed by social practice. Change social practice and the law will change. Regards Px
  6. The law is irrelvant in the context of negligence in animal welfare. Ethics over-rides law every time. And agreed mimimum standards cannot be deemed to lack foundation just because it is politically expedient for one state to do so. Afterall, this is the frontline of our efforts to promote our dogs interests. This is where the trenches have to be dug and a stand against such 'ludicrous' logic has to be taken. Px Umm, we live in a society where laws are the only things enforceable. The law is certainly not irrelevant and is the only stick that matters. If you want to report someone then they have to have breached some agreed upon piece of legislation as there has to be a written set of guidelines that they have broken. Are you saying that the Tasmanian puppy farmers can be reported for unethical practices? Who would you report them to and what act are you reporting a breach of? Are you really confusing ethics with legislation?
  7. No tralee, you can't expect Tasmanians to enforce NSW law, it doesn't work like that.
  8. Yeah, not sure how that one would fly Alyosha :laugh:
  9. Have you read the thread, it has been posted twice at least that Brightside is a rescue group NOT the puppy farm.
  10. The article isn't well edited, the sanctuary is different to the puppy farm.
  11. I agree, something isn't right with these breeders. They would have known your pup was not quite right and shouldn't have sold him to you unless you had full knowledge that there was something wrong. They would have known about the issue but didn't disclose this to you.
  12. That groom is exquisite! I'm failing to see what is wrong, all I see are well groomed dogs looking their best
  13. People can do the bolt in panic when faced with a situation that their dog has just bitten someone, it doesn't mean an aggressive and mismanaged dog doesn't mean the world to the owner with the thought of their dog potentially being euthansed over the incident, their instinct is to shoot through and avoid apprehension. Then there are others with a cool head who do provide assistance with deep apology offer to pay medical expenses calmly providing a false name and contact details to the injured party and disappear that way? Some people are only concerned about an incident not effecting them directly and although they know it was wrong to leave an injured person laying on the nature strip, they live with it on the pride of saving themselves and their dog. Their dog should be PTS, morons like that shouldn't even own a dog. Not only did they flee and leave an injured person but the injury was their fault which makes it even worse!
  14. The brain is just an organ and subject to disease just like any other organ in any animal. To claim that dogs can never be born with aggression is like saying that there can never be organic brain disease. GM, why do you think the brain is different to the heart, lungs, kidneys etc?
  15. What a strange idea. I have to use down for lying because I use stop on my sheepdog and drop and stop sound too similar.
  16. I'm going to be doing a bit more travel this year and some of it with dogs so I'll be watching your blog closely
  17. His head isn't quite right and body too fine to be pure. One of the downfalls of not buying from a registered breeder. But he looks like a lovely dog and you love him so enjoy him for who he is.
  18. The vet school in Adelaide that treats the public's pets won't desex without bloods and pain relief, not sure about fluid being mandatory. It is becoming more common to offer it and I can see a time when most vets won't operate without it.
  19. Fluids are helpful but really aren't necessary for every animal. Some bounce back quickly without it so it isn't something that is crucial. I agree that it is preferable but is still something that should be optional for healthy animals who have no indication it is needed.
  20. I meant as a get the owners to cough as much as you can even if the animal doesn't need it type business. Sorry, I should have been clearer.
  21. If you can afford the bloods get them done but really if your dog is healthy fluids aren't necessary. $80 is a lot for what you get and yes, I do know what is involved with a fluid kit and how much it costs them. Some surgeries operate as a business and there is a nice mark up on some things.
  22. I think it looks ridiculous but very funny, therefore I wouldn't cut it off because every time I looked at the dog I'd get a laugh
  23. Most people who show don't have a lot of dogs so their dogs are their pets as well, the us and them attitude is a figment of some very fertile imaginations.
  24. If I were looking through ads for a potential new show prospect why would I want to call every breeder when a simple show/pet wording would let me know what is available. I personally wouldn't because I would research which lines I'd want but people starting out don't know. Conversely pet owners would be calling every breeder who had an ad because they wouldn't be able to tell which dogs, particularly with older single dogs being rehomed, would be suitable for them. That would put off a pet puppy buyer more than anything. Not every breeder talks down to pet owners just like every pet owner doesn't think all showies are Aholes.
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