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Are You Serious Jo

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Everything posted by Are You Serious Jo

  1. Yeah, I think SA is as far West as I'm game to go, I'm really an East coast girl. Why no herding now I'm back in Adelaide, herding Gods hate meeeeeeeeee :laugh:
  2. Please let me know if there are any training events or get togethers where I can bring my coolie, he's keen to get back to training :laugh:
  3. Yes, more details please and would people mind me taking photos, need to get in some test shots.
  4. Oops, thought it was a grey :laugh: I'll dig up a test shot and see what ps does with HDR with one shot, if it works it might be something really worth playing around with.
  5. I'm talking about the odd eyed greyhound shot, where you said it does it with one picture. I only know HDR through photoshop, I don't use the in camera HDR because it only uses jpegs. So guess I'm confused about where you said one shot as HDR usually used 3 or 5, I was wondering what your program does with just one shot?
  6. Kuma, you may have to change your settings to jpeg not raw if you are trying to do in camera HDR, it can't do it with raw in camera. Kirislin, so did you do the grey pic in CS using one shot in HDR mode?
  7. HDR done properly is awesome, you have probably seen too many overcooked images.
  8. Hmmm, not sure if the same specs across brand, but I'd google the lens model and review, you might find a nikon lens review site. If it's fast and sharp it would be great for sport shooting.
  9. There is a lens review section on the big pentax forum, what camera are you using?
  10. That's what I thought, if it didn't say it then it's not likely to be one. The sales guy didn't believe me so I googled to show him they are a thing, ahole thought I was mistaken or lying or something :laugh:
  11. I went through a heap of screens at cash converters and none said on the back whether they were ips or tn, so you can't always tell. Probably best to google the model.
  12. Anything coming up in the next few weeks in SA? I've moved down here and ready to start regular training.
  13. I'm with GT, I always log in anon because it amuses me that people get so upset about it :laugh:
  14. Can anyone give me an idea of what to look for in a screen for photoshopping, I need a new screen and can't do much research as I only have my tablet.
  15. I'll call her to see if she can and put Peter next, thanks everyone.
  16. Yes, please, am currently in Nowra and going back through Goulburn.
  17. I've run away from home and am only here temporarily, but would like to get desexing done asap as my easy going doggie is starting to feel his nuts! Jan sounds like plan, I'll make her top of my list to contact.
  18. I've got a pension card so that's no problem. I'll call Jan, thanks espinay.
  19. I haven't sorted my email on my tab yet so might call the NDN and see what they say. I'll contact the nearest pound when I get back to Canberra as well, I'm not a local so don't know all the pounds.
  20. I need to get my coolie boy desexed before he develops any bad habits and I'm over in Canberra for a bit, are there any low income schemes I could use? I also need to place my ferret, hopefully in a working home as he was a worker, does anyone have any ferreter numbers handy.
  21. Standards can be changed all people like but it won't change the fact some breeders will still use bad breeding practice. The fact there ars perfectly functional individuals within breeds shows that the standards aren't the issue.
  22. I'm not sure how learning everything there is to know about standards one to two hundred years ago helps welfare today. Things change over time and sometimes for the better. Otherwise why not go back to driving model T Fords and using rum for medical procedures. That time has past, we need to think about the dogs we have in front of us today.
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