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Are You Serious Jo

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Everything posted by Are You Serious Jo

  1. Brenizer! I already have been practising this technique so this will give me the boot up the bum to finish those projects
  2. My K7 is not awesome with AF and I had to push my ISO to 2000 to get that shutter speed recently at herding, which gave too much noise. Did you use continuous focus, pan or preset to release the shutter when in focus? Bianca can get something out of this as well I think, so not off topic.
  3. what's your exif on that shot? I'm still sucky at action so am working to fix that.
  4. Your racing shots are excellent kirislin, one of the few times I have canikon envy :laugh:
  5. Because I usually shoot animals I use spot focus, focus the eye, hold the shutter halfway and recompose. But I will experiment with the other modes and toggling the focus points. One of the biggest things is remembering to change settings between shoots, my worst is forgetting to turn off IS when putting the camera on the tripod. I'll do some manual shots later or tomorrow, I already shoot AV or manual so I'll find something more difficult with manual. Nice portraits huga BTW :D
  6. I like the idea of no deadline, since I'm now on mobile broadband instead of ADSL it will be easier for me. I'll post my list of things I'd like to try/weaknesses tomorrow.
  7. I'll think of what challenges I'd like to see and list them, maybe if everyone does then we can decide which to use from the most popular.
  8. We'll need to decide on what the challenges should be. Maybe make a list of say 12, then draw in random order?
  9. Camera raw is photoshop thingo. What is it with animals and their velcro habits Don't worry about taking decent shots though so as long as you can get something in focus as a test just do it. Even if you just shoot pot plants, gives you the best way to see what the settings do without wasting good shots. I'm still learning about my camera and doing test shots, we can do that now with digi as it is free and only costs time. Maybe we need some challenges again to get us thinking and working at learning our cameras fully?
  10. Yes, AV mode is the go with animals, my camera stays on that unless I put on one of my old manual lenses. Snook has covered it all pretty much. One of the best things to do is just sit with the dogs and take shots and change settings to see the differences in the results. Digis are not like film, you have to try a lot of things out see how your camera behaves in certain situations. Also, shoot in raw, open in camera raw and use clipping and shadow highlights to see what areas are blown and too dark, then you can get your exposure fixed as much as possible.
  11. Go look at getdataback, it has saved me twice.
  12. Well done weasles, that is a great result I'm going to video Leo helping put the chickens away. His second go here, new house, new poultry and he was perfect. I think he works himself up at training because of the other dogs then goes into over working it mode. If anyone hears of any second hand copies of the all breeds herding DVDs can you let me know, otherwise I'll order them soon.
  13. What an awesome photo Poor G, hope she is feeling better soon, but I bet she's quiet :laugh:
  14. Good luck, once you are out there you'll probably forget all about feeling crap. I'm working my way through photos BTW peeps :laugh:
  15. I'm thinking of asking the wrinklies at the spinning club I go to if I can take some shots. One guy is in his nineties and spins so he would be a good subject, or rather his hands would :laugh:
  16. I can't believe the girl at the rspca ignored the brief about doco style shooting and put up a posed shot. Not an easy shoot that's for sure.
  17. Hopefully I can get a good vantage point and get some good shots for you, I'll go both days.
  18. There are some nice ones from sheep training, but duck training day not so much :laugh: I bumped the ISO up to crazy levels for sheep to get the shutter speed high enough, noise wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Will you be at the state champs?
  19. I'm finally back online! Finally met dova and her gorgeous dogs and properly met jr and Rommy and they are awesome, so I have a few more things to miss about SA when I leave :laugh:
  20. I found out last night I got colour print of the year for one of my shots :D 90 entries and mine was the only one with a perfect score. It's the perenti pic in my flickr album.
  21. I haven't been with this club all that long, about 6 months, but in the past I've been to a few others, but that was a very long time ago. This one is a country town one that has members from the surrounding towns. It has everyone from raw beginners to pros. Some members just have little point and shoots, up to good DSLRs. I've only been to one meeting at the local club down in Adelaide, not sure I have the energy to devote to more than one club. Even down here though there was people with just point and shoots.
  22. I'm not either, it is an real effort to talk to people I don't know. I just ask them about their gear or look at their photos and start from there. If you have photos with you people often can't help but ask to see them as well, they are always keen to scope out the noobs :laugh:
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