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Are You Serious Jo

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Everything posted by Are You Serious Jo

  1. What time is the start? It going to rain on our arses isn't it
  2. A trait that is non-adaptive like DA will quickly be lost in a wild population, but we aren't talking about populations that are under natural selection. They are subject to artificial selection since nearly all mating opportunities are managed by people. I'm sure there are people out there selecting for non DA behaviours but there are also a lot of dickheads who are proud of the fact their dog is a killing machine and they breed them. They don't have to be actually participating in dog fights, they just enjoy having a "tough" dog.
  3. How can it not be fraud, it's raising money for something that doesn't exist.
  4. They don't have to selectively breed for it, the DA trait is already there in a lot of pitbulls. If I was a pitbull enthusiast I'd be really pissed at the bogan element that do want HA dogs because those few that do breed for it (or rather don't breed to eliminate it in some cases) have a major impact. They are the ones doing the damage.
  5. Surely there is some legislation that covers the difference between give us money to save dogs in general and give us money for X dog, when X dog is not in their possession. The latter has to be fraud. I hope everyone is screenshooting everything because these people will destroy private rescue.
  6. It is an incorrect use of probability anyway because each lolly/dog is not independent. Lollies are not comparable to dogs because within each breed there are common traits where as lollies are basically incapable of reproducing :laugh:
  7. This whole thing just highlights how hard it is to manage these irresponsible owners. It is obvious that it is an owner issue, but how do you legislate against potential breaches of law without the civil liberties people jumping up and down. If the troglodytes who don't give a toss about others owned yorkies it wouldn't be an issue, but they choose breeds that have been selectively bred for DA. I'm confident that I can wrestle away a small breed if it attacks my dogs but if an out of control bull breed grabs my dog good chance my dogs will be dead and me possibly hospitalised. It may not suit you argument lo pan but fact is purebred dogs do have predictable inherited traits. I love herding, so there is no way I would consider any breed that wasn't bred for herding. Would I at greyhounds to move sheep, no, because none will have the behavioural traits needed to do that job. Trust me lo pan, as someone who has taught at uni level in this area haredown is 100% correct. If you can find any evidence other than your personal belief I'll consider your position, but science and all of the dog world disagrees with you.
  8. Do you like good coffee, I can bring my plunger if you do and raise the standard of our misery a little higher :laugh:
  9. I don't know, your dogs are not bad so if they do fail it won't be by much. If they do we can sit in the corner calling the waaambulance and blaming the dodgy sheep :laugh:
  10. You guys are progressing at a fast rate, you are really getting the hang of handling exposure well.
  11. What could possibly be cruel about it if the costumes aren't too tight or makes them too hot? I don't see any logic in the argument that it is abuse.
  12. I loved their work tonight and found it more inspiring than some of the other genres. Shame it's the last episode
  13. I've done a bit of cloning and content aware and created more picture with content aware too when there wasn't enough on one side. For some shots it's worth the time if you couldn't get the shot without some distracting background or foreground elements.
  14. I need to correct something. A rifle is a very humane method of euth if the person doing it is a good shot. They know nothing and far quicker than a needle. It is only more upsetting for the humans involved, but please don't start the shooting is cruel hysteria.
  15. A huge improvement! If I were you I'd work primarily on getting shots technically correct and to the point where you know the settings automatically. Once that is right then start on getting composition etc under control and being creative. It just takes time and practise.
  16. Yours probably did, but if it sat on a shelf for a while it might not. easy to check.
  17. Yep, you can't put on low end glass and expect pro results, I think a lot of people do their reviews without being fair. I cannot wait to get decent lenses again! Don't forget to update your firmware too when new versions come out, some of the fixes are in there.
  18. I know what you mean about getting paranoid about your camera capabilities. My K7 is known to be not awesome with AF, K5 much better and when I get some spare money (HA!) I'll get a K5. But really, we are our own worst enemy because our cameras are very good and we let the negatives colour our views too much. You've already improved a lot with focusing, think where you'll be in a months time with the progress you are making. With this style, I'm going back to practising with my 28-80 macro (the one I used with my dog on a hill) till I get a fast prime. I thought I might be able to pull it off with a fast 50 but it's not going to cut it. Way to much barrel distortion to stitch and the lack of compression is really noticeable so I'm going to see what's on ebay. You can get 135mm fast primes for next to nothing. I have to submit for this months comp tomorrow and I have two still life photos to produce, I'm a bit behind
  19. I've reached some zen point now after going through a whole lot of emotions :laugh: My tips, reduce the size of your jpegs if stitching a lot of shots, once your images gets to over 800mb photoshop goes catatonic and can't do anything. It also crashes taking three hours of processing with it! Photoshop also has mood swings where it says no, I will NOT align these images this time. Yes I know I aligned them a few hours ago but I need a pay increase or something, you work it out. If you do not surrender to my vague demands I will put these damn photos together any way I want, forcing you to eat that entire family size block of chocolate while you weep quietly and ponder stamp collecting. So this has been a tale of one human's battle against adversity and the increasing free will of her previously compliant computer, which, it is now suspected to have been taken over by cylon technology.
  20. You've done really well :D You can see the emotion in these shots, even though there are a few technical things wrong you don't notice them as much because of the reaction you feel when viewing them. Once you've got the technical aspects under control you'll make some great shots. The one with your mum and sister is the standout, just needed a higher aperture for sharpness on both faces, but it's a really nice picture.
  21. I can't watch tonight, but will tomorrow. Leo will drive the chickens and ducks here for me perfectly but he loses his mind when I bring him to training because he gets so worked up. I'm going to video him putting them away so everyone can see he's not always a circling hound :laugh:
  22. Digi does tend to leave images a bit flat and lacking colour as well as slightly soft so most need some basic editing.
  23. How I did the first practise shot without hulk smashing everything I have no idea. Two hours to stitch, stitching not great in places and 10 minutes to crop. first time said not enough RAM, even though I have it set to use maximum. I have 4 gig of RAM but I suspect my CPU might be inadequate. The one I have near completion needs more of the surrounding landscape too I think, but that means more pictures and I'm not sure my computer can do it. I think I might have converted my first one to jpegs so they might have been smaller to start with before stitching. I'm going to finish this one if it destroys my will to live along with my frakking computer so it will be uploaded!
  24. Would have been interesting to see the effect of a soft spotlight on the kittie faces. The 50mms are so good aren't they, primes are always better than zooms.
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