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Are You Serious Jo

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Everything posted by Are You Serious Jo

  1. I usually agree with you espinay, but this one was beyond help. She was not going to change her mind no matter what was said and what she was advocating was cruel. This is not just a difference of opinion but an extremist view that is wrong. There are so many of us that advocate for good diet and no yearly vaccinations, but she is condemning her puppy to die in a very painful way. Same as what people get who let their dogs run on the road.
  2. The arrogance of these extremists gets to me, they read something on the net and suddenly they have the answers to the universe. The solution to most things is balance, balance is natural in itself! How naive to think that you have found something that is so magical it can cure anything. Feeding raw provides no protection from parvo and distemper and I'm glad she has gone because I don't want to learn that her puppy has died. You just know she wouldn't keep it at home because she believes that her feeding regime protects from disease. Stupid thing is she would have found the best advice here, how far you can go with natural without risking health. I agree with weasles, nature is a dreadful place, you are constantly fighting predators, conspecifics, parasites you name it. I'd hate to think she poisoned anyone here with her one sided opinions. It's one thing to respect that someone can do things differently and it's still ok, but all bets are off when it is dangerous and causes harm. Then that person needs to be told in no uncertain terms.
  3. Congrats It's a really nice image, would be good to see it printed. Welcome to the world of OMG that's not how it looks on my screen :laugh:
  4. Nice, I love the DOF when macro lenses are used for big subjects. I think purana was Carl Williams? Has anybody looked into the ring lights that are LED? They give a continuous light rather than a flash but sit on the end of lens like a ring flash.
  5. I've mainly found TAv useful in low light for moving subjects, in normal light I use Av or manual. I think you are still telling your camera what to do with TAv, you decide the aperture and shutter and tell the camera to pick the lowest ISO it can. When things are going fast I don't want to fiddle with ISO and checking shots in light changes and missing some because I know it will go the lowest ISO it can. Depends on what your main subjects are though, so you have to find what works for you with your main type of subjects.
  6. Have you got a TAv mode tlc? You set the aperture and shutter speed and the ISO floats. I've been using it and it's pretty handy, can keep the ISO moving so it picks the lowest, saves having to bump it around. I love your work CM I still haven't gotten editing done or down to upload anything. Have had two days at the royal so plenty of experimental stuff to work through.
  7. Once I order the adaptor I can try it out and post some pics. I got it to do the Brenizer photos, but 85mm might be a bit better, or at least a 100mm. I love the primes but wildlife can be a pain with moving about so I got the 55-300 to cover those. It is an amazing lens for the price.
  8. Very nice A fast 85mm is on my list as well. I've got a 135/2.8 that I'm going to try out, I need an adaptor though.
  9. I went to the rspca down here to get a few rats and the prices were mind boggling and a fair bit more for purebreds. I'm guessing the long waiting list is due to being no kill?
  10. I've read that some people don't think it matters whether you have your camera set as sRGB or adobe but I think it must or they wouldn't bother with the settings. So I'd go through and check everything, don't forget to change adobe camera raw if you use that too.
  11. The default settings on the old CRT monitors were very accurate, but the new monitors aren't and need adjusting. All your colour profiles are best in sRGB (I've learned lately) because most print shops use it as do most browsers. AdobeRGB is better but unless you have a pro print place that can use that profile then stick with sRGB. I think that was why I have been having colour issues, I was using adobeRGB.
  12. I did hear something about it that wasn't encouraging, but I've heard the same as spyders. I need to get one soon so I'll be watching as well.
  13. I usually automatically go for a wide open F stop but I wasn't happy with the DOF and upped it, too much of the handler would be OOF. Background clutter is a fact of life with shows and you have to take a bit of it to ensure enough of the handler and dog is in focus. Some elements can have colour changed if they stand out or removed.
  14. When you get a more advanced camera it feels like it is all a lot harder but once you work it out you have some capabilities available to you that really boosts your work. Takes a while to learn how they operate, they are pretty sophisticated bits of technology!
  15. You really have improved a huge amount :thumbsup:
  16. I like the second texture, the first looks like kitty is floating in space a bit :laugh: The colours and texture of yours looks really pretty huga
  17. It's a DA 55-300 to replace my F 100-300. Is a bit heavier so will take a bit of practise to hand hold but a big leap forward. My second body will be an upgrade (a new pro body is due out soon so prices are dropping on the current models) and the step up from my semi pro body to the pro is a massive one for IQ, AF and handling noise. Then I'll just need a DA 16 -50 and I'll be set for lenses. Plus I got two merits for last month's camera club entries :D
  18. Noice hair :D I found a cheap second hand copy of a lens I've wanted for a while and it's awesome! I've been using a shitty kit long zoom and you can really see the IQ is crap. I also found that I have overlooked one colour profile setting that may account for some of the print issues I've been seeing so hopefully I am on the way to fixing that. I've hardly picked the camera up lately as I've been feeling crap so I'm looking forward to getting out with my new lens.
  19. I've done one session of shooting at a show. I tried to find a view that was going to allow me to get the dog and handler at their best and get down low. I used Av setting but have been playing around with TAv since then and I'll be sticking with that. I used an 80-200, f around 8 I think and shutter 640 or above (might have been higher). Here's a few of mine http://www.flickr.com/photos/81363891@N04/
  20. I've forgotten who is who and who doesn't get on with who and there were seventy eleven thousand rescue stands there :laugh: They had cresties and someone who looks like you so my mind though snook. Though it sounds like it might have been interesting if I had of asked, I was ready for a brawl after getting through the crowds!
  21. Yep, saw someone that resembled you at the SA dog rescue stand, but not quite so I didn't say anything.
  22. I've found some instructions and film is still available so I'm going to attempt it :laugh: This link contains pictures on how to assemble and a PDF of the cut out. http://www.pentaxforums.com/forums/pentax-medium-format-645-6x7-645d/193169-paper-pentax-67-a.html It looks fun, is anyone else interested?
  23. So many nice shots in here. I still haven't gotten any back lit pictures, been feeling crap so haven't got the camera out much.
  24. I'm pretty sure the rspca asks for verification that your landlord will let you have a pet before adopting if you rent as well, so it's not personal. Fact is a lot of international students buy dogs while her studying and get rid of them when it's time to go home so it's a real issue.
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