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Are You Serious Jo

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Everything posted by Are You Serious Jo

  1. That was my interpretation, they consumed the garbage because it either wrapped the food or had food stuck to it. I didn't think they just ate it, but the fact they weren't as selective with diet suggested that they were hungry enough to do it.
  2. Showing is what you make it, you go out to have fun and meet nice people you will. You treat the tossers the same way you do tossers in any other area of your life, ignore and go about your day.
  3. Some people don't believe it though, fools :laugh:
  4. These cats weren't fully feral, they were in the category that still relies on people for some of their sustenance but they weren't owned or pets, can't remember what the term is now. I guess when you are hungry you'll eat anything even if it means taking in rubbish as well. Now I've also had a flashback to undergrad and the uninteresting way that all the methods of deciding species were lectured at us I'm on the dogs and wolves are the same species side though.
  5. I agree with cats needing meat to thrive but they will scavenge if they have to. I did a project where I analysed the gut contents of cats living at one of the dumps in a town between Brisbane and Toowoomba. Kitties were dispatched for me and I opened their guts to find glass, alfoil, plastic, rocks, alongside native marsupials, reptiles, frogs and birds and some feral mice. I was surprised at the garbage they did eat.
  6. It wouldn't have mattered to me if the phrase this is "what some dogs do that are not normal", because this is aberrant behaviour. It is non adaptive in the context of their wild ancestors and also not acceptable in domesticated dogs. I think it really needs to be stressed that this subgroups of dogs are not behaving in a way that is typical for domestic dogs, especially well raised pits and amstaffs. Otherwise you just fuel the argument for BSL because the public would take that phrase as it's normal big dog behaviour and they are all dangerous. Think about how the public who already fear these dogs would interpret it. We need to educate so that people know what dogs are capable of but also that the extreme aggression we see in these type of attacks are due to the fault of the breeders and owners of these individual dogs.
  7. Sounds like you aren't getting what I mean about the semantics of the phrase because yes, I know dogs can be aggressive in this way. What sort of fool do you think I am not to know this?
  8. Saying this is something dogs are capable of is different to saying this is what dogs do because that implies it is normal dog behaviour. I have seen lo pan excuse pitbulls for this sort of behaviour before and it doesn't help understand where the fault lies in these attacks.
  9. I've read the whole thread and the reaction of dogs being dogs to the vile monster comment is what bugs me. They aren't dogs being dogs, because that implies that it is normal dog behaviour. It's like saying that's what dogs do. It is an extreme of dog behaviour and when the public see this sort of thing no wonder they support BSL. Upping fines won't work either, because capital punishment has shown to not be a deterrent to murder. I don't know how to stop the people who breed without concern for temperament without hurting a lot of responsible people. You have to wonder how they manage to create individuals who are HA from breeds that have been selected specifically for their tractability with humans.
  10. Do people really think this is ok because it's just dogs being dogs? How is this normal dog behaviour?
  11. What issue are you having? You need to get focus on the subject right then pan or they have trouble. I need to head back down to SACA, let me know when you are there next and I'll come down.
  12. Most flashes only let your shutter speed go as high as about 1/180, if you want to use a higher shutter speed and flash you need one that does HSS.
  13. I agree there is significant psychopathology going on here, but the only real abuse is the pug is way too fat.
  14. You'd be surprised what vets and doctors mis-diagnose. Xrays are just a picture and it's all just an interpretation remember. Ask the vet why they think it's arthritis and list your concerns about why you are unsure. You are paying for an opinion and sometime it is wrong. But let them explain first, they may have valid reasons.
  15. Don't automatically believe what you are told if your gut says something else. When they send the info have a very good look. Vet are just people and they make mistakes and have bias just like everyone else. Arthritis isn't a sudden onset thing unless the playing aggravated something, he isn't very old and if it was that serious you would think you'd have seen signs or other joints would be affected. If it is arthritis in that one joint due to an old injury there has to be something conclusive on the xray.
  16. Look into high speed sync as well, you might not need it but if you'd like it you need to get a flash that supports it.
  17. Oooh, I know but can't download pictures to upload so I'll just guess to myself.
  18. I'm in the consider them indigenous camp. We've seen some fairly rapid behavioural changes in species that are co-existing with cane toads, some can now safely eat them. Haven't heard the cat story though, what evidence is there they may pre-date European settlement?
  19. That's why I said broad, because I didn't think they have been verified. ML, do you know Brad Smith? He was my honours student and did his PhD on dingo cognition. He's become fairly well respectable in the dingo community. One of the reasons for our interest in dingos is the unusual type of history they had with humans, so we wanted to see which side of the cognitive fence they'd fall on some tasks, closer to domestic dogs for wolves.
  20. Yes, black and tan dingos can be pure, there are different broad sub types, tropical, desert and alpine.
  21. Number one and number 3, no.1 can't see eyes, so I'd ditch it. No. 3 is a problem because the exposure is uneven due to being taken in the bright light. No. 2 needs the white area cloned out at the back because it makes the dog look like he has spilled out at the back end.
  22. Yeah, but I wasn't going to be the first to say something :laugh: I wonder how widely it was advertised? The border collie was probably shot with a very angle lens.
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