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Are You Serious Jo

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Everything posted by Are You Serious Jo

  1. Surely asking for donations for dogs that are safe with another rescue etc. is the thing that will sink them. You don't even need the person who donated to speak out, anyone could do so. They rely on the kind hearted non rescue people who won't investigate, just write it off, but we know better.
  2. They just can't keep doing this and if evidence is gathered it will make a difference. They go into denial so you really need proof. They might not be able to be stopped but they can be forced to do the right thing, even if it is to just stop people collecting evidence.
  3. Of course you can't ask questions on the PR page or you just get banned, but there is another place PR has been frequenting that she can't ban you from if you want to ask her something. Don't forget to get screenshots of everything!
  4. I'm coming over to the ACT for about a month and also want to do some training while there. I have a few names up in Sydney but would like to do some closer to home if possible.
  5. Laugh heartily at him, as the others said no solicitor can build a case on nothing and he'll pay a fortune to be told that. He's bluffing.
  6. If she does get back to work condition let me know, I am mostly training in the small stock yards so not much running around.
  7. Ness, I've got two quiet older lambs I use for training, you are welcome to do a bit of work with them.
  8. They probably would have frogs and may attract tigers. It's good to know what snake species are likely to be around so you are prepared.
  9. Tigers generally stay near water as one of their main food items is frogs so that's why I asked.
  10. Hmmm, looks a bit like a tiger, I can see some banding lower down. Do you live near water?
  11. Well, Rebanne has a good point here. You still pay for dogs from pounds and rescue, do you not? Why is the language different? I'm not having a go at you here but it's interesting that it is different and it's only been different in recent years. No that is true, I guess society has used those words for those types is all. But I never said that what I said was twisted into it. I said people may want to adopt because if they dont that dog will die it was twisted to say if you buy a dog from a breeder a shelter dog dies I NEVER said that. See so there were no AR rubbish coming from any one until someone tool something and twisted it into AR rubbish. Why assume the post was about you? I'm not going back through all the pages of this thread, but the "don't breed or buy while a shelter dog dies" was certainly brought up, and not initially by you from memory. Because I was quoted and told not to bring that AR shit here Where, I just looked back to page 23 and can't see it. What tdierikx actually said is very different to Because I was quoted and told not to bring that AR shit here. She actually was quite polite about it.
  12. Well, Rebanne has a good point here. You still pay for dogs from pounds and rescue, do you not? Why is the language different? I'm not having a go at you here but it's interesting that it is different and it's only been different in recent years. No that is true, I guess society has used those words for those types is all. But I never said that what I said was twisted into it. I said people may want to adopt because if they dont that dog will die it was twisted to say if you buy a dog from a breeder a shelter dog dies I NEVER said that. See so there were no AR rubbish coming from any one until someone tool something and twisted it into AR rubbish. Why assume the post was about you? I'm not going back through all the pages of this thread, but the "don't breed or buy while a shelter dog dies" was certainly brought up, and not initially by you from memory. Because I was quoted and told not to bring that AR shit here Where, I just looked back to page 23 and can't see it.
  13. The next dog I adopt will be a mains registered Anatolian or pug :laugh:
  14. I can understand the breeder wanting avoid the wrath of some within the rspca, she might have managed to get the dogs but she would be a target after that forever. Oh but what can the RSPCA do to a registered breeder who isnt breaking laws? Just glad the dogs are safe. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  15. I can understand the breeder wanting avoid the wrath of some within the rspca, she might have managed to get the dogs but she would be a target after that forever.
  16. That is garbage SD, there has been no rubbishing of people who choose to source their dog from rescue. You'll actually find that a lot of people who have registered dogs also have rescues or have in the past. It's the nonsense about don't buy or a dog dies garbage. If you read the posts before actually posting you might notice that.
  17. More than once I've woken from a daytime nap to find my modern game rooster has been herded next to the lounge because he's jumped into the yard :laugh: My coolie is an honorary LGD because he checks out any fuss and doesn't hurt the chickens if they come over the fence.
  18. Hybrid vigour in this context is a myth. It generally exists in plants and when crossing species, not within species and not within these dogs because they share so much common genetic material.
  19. I can understand people calling them vile, they are the only animals I've come across that will kill all your poultry and not eat them, very depressing to find that.
  20. Oh Reverend,you preach against hope. It kills me but it is reality, you just have to look at this thread and some of the strange things posted, imagine what people are aren't dog savvy think It will take a miracle to turn the tide now.
  21. The game is already lost, numerically the number of registered breeders is too small and from that there aren't enough taking it seriously. The canine councils of each state have not been proactive enough to counteract the bad publicity so now it's become folk law.
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