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Are You Serious Jo

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Everything posted by Are You Serious Jo

  1. I've had success previously with the NSW office of liquor, racing and gaming. They stopped someone that I reported for illegally fund raising.
  2. Since they are listed as being an other unincorporated entity does that mean they need to have a constitution and meetings? I'm so behind in all these regs so if anyone has the links handy it is appreciated, I don't want to use the right ones.
  3. Thanks, I'll go ask have you got a link to the act that says it is a requirement so I can fully document it all.
  4. I'll see what their obligations are in terms of providing financial records to the public, if they have to I'm going to ask for it. If they have to give receipts for donations over a certain amount they better be doing that too. Looks like that bit about not being good with other dogs has been edited out, at least from the link. I'll keep looking it might be tucked away somewhere.
  5. Of course it is, who cares if the dog spends half a year in kennels surrounded by different dogs all the time and subjected to many stressful events, what matters is she isn't dead.
  6. Yes, just reinforces the fact they have things to hide and want to cover their arses.
  7. They seem to be implying she is on the PTS list. I think they use tactics like a politician, they try not to say anything that can be used against them in the future. "Baby girl Vennas time is up, she needs a home this weekend without fail. Blacktown is filling up again and sadly that means a doggie that has been in the pound since almost the middle of last year .... is in dire need of help! Please do all you can to save baby Venna - she does not deserve to be killed just because she so continually looked over - she has a we pudgy face and a lovely little mini amstaff sized body - she's beautiful"
  8. So who is currently running the Blacktown thread here, don't need names but are they officially attached to Blacktown or PR?
  9. I was confused by that. One person said directly she donated $100 to have the dog kennelled but it's still in the pound. I don't understand it either Does Blacktown kennel dogs, I thought there was a PTS list because the pound is full at times. Wouldn't she have been on a PTS list long ago? If she is being kennelled by PR there how can she be in danger of being PTS if they own her?
  10. The embarrassing part for them is they have a 100% record of getting things wrong, I'd have given up long ago :laugh:
  11. I almost asked if they had finished painting their roof with lead yet but I'm trying to tone down the bitchy as they are clearly not operating on a full deck :laugh:
  12. I thought AHF was a name I didn't recognise, they say she is in Blacktown.
  13. I'd call but I don't have a home phone or mobile phone reception.
  14. You and the rest of us! When you apply for a Clause 16D it requires a great deal of information, it is hours of work but you also have to provide annual reports to the DLG. I cannot see how PR can have a Clause 16D and maintain it. I think there has to be a way to sort this, if we can all work together and split the workload. I have a bit of time spare at the moment.
  15. Apparently that is what is happening, a certain group of people cannot join and post because by some Tom Cruise witchcraft the board registration software knows who they are. For reals, I read it on FB :laugh:
  16. I haven't managed to get an answer on that one yet, one of those pesky questions that can't be answered :laugh:
  17. I've been getting those as well, not all the comments just the ones of unhappy people who donated.
  18. I don't understand how they can hold a clause 16D but not be a rescue. I need to get some ducks lined up but in the meantime I'm copying everything that looks relevant.
  19. You can edit it out by opening in a program that allows you to select a part of the image. I use paint to paste the screenshot into then you can cut from there. Main thing is to save them and I can give you editing instructions before you send them anywhere.
  20. How can they get away with saying they are not a rescue but have a form you have to fill out to foster or adopt through them. What is their excuse as to the two different stories?
  21. Screenshot it all! The important stuff I think is asking for donations for dogs that aren't in their care. I know they might say that they will pass on the donations but that won't fly if you can show this doesn't happen. It is fraud.
  22. Their FB page is a dead end, you can't get answers there, better to just let them post and gather info.
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