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Are You Serious Jo

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Everything posted by Are You Serious Jo

  1. Exactly Hater gonna hate, they've deleted my posts and banned me, all I did was point out where they were wrong, constantly :laugh:
  2. MN told me that she personally drove Venna out of the pound that day. It was in a deleted thread though so I can't go back and save it. I asked why she wasn't taken out earlier using the money donated to PR but got ignored, of course.
  3. Every aspect of their management seems to be an issue.
  4. MN specifically mentioned the collies when she was having a recent rant, so now the shoe is on the other foot She also said there are no responsible breeders, even ethical registered breeders are bad because they are part of the "industry". I'd be happy if they were just more accountable due to fear of being picked up on small things. I don't expect a big win and they will be shut down, but I can see change is possible.
  5. Oh you better believe I'll be taking action if I don't get what I've asked for. I may have some questions Plan B, but I'll pm you when I do because there is only so much she should know at this stage.
  6. Link: Authority Conditions. That's what I asked her earlier, of course I won't get a response. It is deceptive.
  7. The only reason I can see for her to publicly claim they aren't a rescue is to knowingly avoid people making them take responsibility for eff ups. But the thing is they operate like a rescue so she can deny it all she likes, if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck it's a duck.
  8. You might want to delete that link because MN will be threatening Troy. But lots of people already know about that page outside of DOL.
  9. Well I hope she has been a busy little bee because she won't have long to supply me with her records and when they arrive I'll be getting them looked over by someone who knows the relevant law.
  10. In outgoing expenses it would have to show who money was paid to. As it has to be made available to the public it should be able to be published too I should think? I sure hope those rescues are doing the right things as well, these things tend to have a flow on effect.
  11. I'd heard all about her legendary tactics and got to see them first hand yesterday. That only goes so far and nothing she can do if you are following the law. I'm looking forward to seeing who her executives are and the financial records, start getting them ready MN
  12. I agree, so will have to work though the pound rounds beware FB group.
  13. MN pulled her usual and threatened legal action so she avoided the questions asked yesterday where she couldn't ban anyone. Don't think she is too happy about having to supply her accounts and other details and it shows she is reading this thread.
  14. They can't be watching it 24 straight so screenshot things as soon as you see it. Why would an organisation with nothing to hide delete so many posts? You would think that with all the donations they get they'd be more transparent.
  15. You are right, what happened to no moderation :laugh: I saved that rant because it was hilarious
  16. If I miss anything let me know, I'm starting with requesting the accounts and will give them the allowed time limit and then go from there. Heather is back BTW :laugh:
  17. I'm sure Mel will have no problem supplying us the accounting report because I think she has gathered we are serious, hi Mel If she doesn't then I know I am going to have a word with the NSW office of liquor, gaming and racing.
  18. Yes, I posted asking some important questions and she has gone silent.
  19. Imagine how much It should all be nicely documented though, I'm so looking forward to getting my copy of their accounts
  20. I might send a request through their FB page too. Doesn't seem to work, but I bet all the donate buttons on that page do!
  21. No automated response yet. Don't worry I'm not going to use my home address.
  22. I've emailed but but will send a registered letter tomorrow because I just know my email won't get there :laugh:
  23. My link On this link click on the PDF called "Access to Information" under the section "Charity Fact sheets and Guidelines". It is actually very well written and easy to understand exactly what they have to make public. Be aware they can charge you a small fee for this info, I am prepared to pay it. Here is the email I have sent them. Pound Rounds 9 Brisbane Pl Cromer NSW 2099 18/01/2013 To whom it may concern; I request a copy of the following documents with reference to your Charitable Fundraising Number 22083. The last annual audited statement of accounts The organisations objects and constitution The names, qualifications and occupations of the members of the governing body of the organisation Please forward these documents to my email Thanks, that is a big help and I'll do the same I hope their books are all in order!
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