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Are You Serious Jo

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Everything posted by Are You Serious Jo

  1. Sounds like it might be a bit of a displacement behaviour. So the shunning didn't take :laugh:
  2. Go to the source of any tender & ask? [email protected] When it was first raised by a poster, I searched the Australian Tenders website. Also the Ipswich Council has a section on its website where (current) open tenders are listed. Well good luck getting a response from any email that isn't offering them money. Since you seem to be on such good terms with them maybe they'll answer your emails because they've never answered mine! Also, asking whether the rspca will be barred from tendering for the contract once this issue is resolved is not a moot point, it's very relevant to the current events.
  3. Andrew, if the RSPCA are in charge of investigating the matter does that mean they are automatically barred from tendering for the contract? That is one thing concerning people, that a group is able to police their own rival. This matter must have been ironed out as it is clearly a conflict of interest.
  4. Oops, fixed have to haven't. Who was it that told you that they don't handle Maremmas in Italy tralee? Someone has been feeding you some porkies.
  5. I don't understand tralee, are you claiming the CPMA are lying? It seems pretty clear that the judges are expecting to touch the dogs and they have devised tests specifically to address this issue. I still don't see the issue, the dogs you have been putting up have been awarded, and they have done so after being examined, so no discrimination there. The dogs from different LG breeds in Australia get awarded and handled by judges and I haven't seen any accusations of corruption or discrimination there either. Maybe you really do need to think about why you seem to be the only one who is having issues? Everyone has a few bad experiences during their show career but you seem to think you are being targeted? You say you want a level playing field, then train your dogs to be on the same level as all the other dogs in the ring
  6. Well that went swimmingly :laugh: Anyone who gets so defensive and can't answer basic questions about their business needs to go to professionalism school No I'm not going to call a mobile when answers can easily be given here. If I were a business I'd welcome the chance to promote and be open about it all. Secrecy just puts people off.
  7. Every time you choose the aperture, shutter speed ISO, lens etc you are manipulating the images. No one goes around showing their negatives, ALL film was manipulated at processing anyway. There was a lot of dodging and burning and manipulation in the darkroom by the old masters as well. Digital also is a bit lower in contrast so even basic shots need a bit of tweaking. Funny when people put in caps NO MANIPULATION of their images, it's not a badge of honour.
  8. So are you offering to house and pay for professionals to rehabilitate those dogs that are identified as having behavioural issues? Or is it ok because the consequences of letting aggressive and problem dogs out into the community doesn't matter as long as people get some warm fuzzies from the save? Do you have any qualifications in behavioural modification or do you just count as emotion to get you through? For someone who claims not PR alliance your particular emotive arguments sound awfully familiar.
  9. Don't you care that PR has pulled dogs out and sent them off to new homes where they have attacked and in one instance killed another dog? Doesn't it bother you that PR don't even meet some of the dogs they "rescue" before they ship them off interstate? How do you feel about the fact PR take money for dogs that are safe or not even in their care?
  10. Are your other FB pages working? Maybe clear your FB cookies, something might be glitchy from when the crazy person blocked you. Snap :laugh:
  11. I think she has a very deep well of crazy to draw from :laugh:
  12. I had to reply to that one Juice! I gave the reasons why that person was wrong about PR, but that other rescues do temp test and rehome responsibly. I've posted about three times but there is just so much stupid it's hard to keep up
  13. Don't worry, PR are going away, she just keeps on digging her own hole. There is no way on Earth I'd ever trust PR to be involved in temp testing. PR will never be happy till they have total control but that is all slipping away. They need to be kept well away from anything official as they cannot be allowed to co-opt anything official to give them the illusion of legitimacy. It might sound harsh but this is just one consequence of PR tactics, it could have been much worse and it still might get worse. Though I do agree that the more help Blacktown get the better, just nothing to do with PR.
  14. Do you really think PR would ever fail a dog? I don't think that would ever happen based on their must save all the babies posts on FB. It is totally against the grain.
  15. Tell them to stay strong, MN has already received some police attention from her recent harassment and this will help finish her off. Make sure you screen shot EVERYTHING and keep it safe. If you need to talk to someone about which police officer is dealing with her pm me and I can get someone to talk to you (sane and safe people don't worry). Bullying usually works for her so she might ramp it up so be prepared for a deluge of crazy.
  16. WTF? Are they really THAT ignorant?????? Scarily, yes
  17. Post so BP know they have supporters in rescue who aren't going to resort to childish blackmail!
  18. Not a rescue keeps up on what is said here and just have one thing to say to her, you reap what you sow
  19. From what I know of the facilities they cannot house 100 animals and Lola herself admits there isn't enough help with them. From the information I get the only thing that has changed is the desexing. It is never ok to be a hoarder, no matter what the motivation behind it. The council are also to blame for enabling. There are some things that I can't post on a public forum as well. I just hope things improve for the animals.
  20. The fact is Moorook needs to be pulled into line and it would be the locals who managed to get action because they have been trying for years to fix issues there. It doesn't matter who it is, rescue or registered breeder, none are above the law and if they are doing something wrong they should be stopped. It's ridiculous that some groups get a free pass because they call themselves rescue and people who have no clue about the situation defend them based purely on the word rescue. A registered breeder would be crucified if they warehoused aggressive dogs in substandard conditions for years, but it seems if you are a rescue it's ok? Moorook are one of those places that are going to cause a set of enforcements to be set up and it's going to close down a lot of small rescue who actually do the right thing.
  21. how could they protect their flock if they were corralled with their humans? isn't night time when there is the most danger? Think I might do some more reading at work tonight. What work do your dogs do Tralee? Yes, good point, how do they protect the stock if they are corralled? I think everyone but one agrees, even the penultimate master of the Maremma universe the Italians agree, overtly shy cannot be judged. Standing and tolerating a judge is not the same as joy to be near a strange human or cringing to the point of moving away. Not all LGDs can and should be shown and maybe if yours are not enjoying it they are better as your pets tralee. You don't sound like you enjoy it at all.
  22. I think the fact that other breeders are concerned enough to take action says a lot. Not every breeder who dobs in another registered breeder is just jealous of their show wins. Some puppy farmers do get prefixes so they can hide behind it, other breeders usually know it's happening and they should be supported. The laws are already there, the authorities need to pressured into using them!
  23. You don't seem to get much enjoyment from showing because all the judges you encounter are incompetent fools, maybe the show ring isn't for you?
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