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Are You Serious Jo

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Everything posted by Are You Serious Jo

  1. Maybe give Troy some suggestions for the breeds like the LDG breeds. The main thing I see being attempted is weeding out the BYBers and it can be done in a few ways, for some breeds showing, all breeds health tests, some titles in herding etc. I don't think there is any attempt to exclude the non traditional dog activities and their breeders, so maybe some ideas on what to look for in an ethical breeder in your breed? I'm a supporter of groups self policing so I think this is a good move and helps educate the new puppy buyers too.
  2. Awwwww, look at Daddy's sheep envy :laugh:
  3. Phew, never know if you are going to get a tough crowd :laugh:
  4. No brown nosing (see what I did there :laugh: )
  5. From the rspca this afternoon. "RSPCA South Australia For those who are enquiring about the Inspectorate's routine inspection this morning: Inspectors returned to the Moorook animal shelter in the Riverland today, to ensure living conditions for animals on the property have improved. Whilst Animal Welfare Inspectors recognise some work has been carried out to improve the shelter, inspectors remain concerned about the health and welfare of some of the animals on the property. The Inspectorate will address these concerns with the proprietor of the shelter. These standards are determined by the Animal Welfare Act 1985. Members of the inspectorate were accompanied by a behaviourist and an independent veterinarian. No animals were removed from the premises. Five dogs surrendered by the shelter in March remain in our care and their treatment is continuing. We are doing everything we can to ensure the best outcome for them. As is the case with any investigation, Animal Welfare Inspectors will now give careful and considered thought to the information at hand, to determine the most appropriate course of action from here. As the matter is ongoing, we cannot comment further at this time. This is also available from our website: http://www.rspcasa.org.au/files/view/?id=1014 Thank you."
  6. I know this is going to sound like I'm brown nosing but from your posts your attitude is what I like to see in a LGD breeder. As you said, the key to it all is balance.
  7. There is a lot to be said for picking your battles. We all know there are major issues with the rspca but they have the power and it's a given they will win this one. Meant to say I was smugly told the other night that the country cops are different to city cops and that's why they helped Moorook by allegedly targeting the rspca. Funny how they didn't "help" this time.
  8. Latest update. "So I thought I'd have a day off today, have a sleep in ... wow did I pick the wrong day. Here's an update from the shelter: The RSPCA arrived with approx 6 officers. The gates were locked, they broke into the premises which in itself is disgusting, not only the breaking in part but we have dogs that run loose as it's their home. They could've easily gotten out. They had the police with them. Lola asked to see the warrant and they waved a piece of paper in front of her face but wouldn't let her read it - we are still trying to find out if it's legitimate. They had the 'death' van there ready to seize more dogs. They said one cat had runny eyes, we'll post a picture up later to let you gauge for yourselves. They were told Channel 7 were on their way and they immediately left. So, we don't know if this was their final inspection or just more intimidation tactics. Will keep you updated as I find out more x"
  9. They have left and not taken any animals according to the latest posts.
  10. You should see the comments, people are talking about physically stopping them from taking the dogs into Lonsdale, letting down tyres, stopping them from actually taking dogs. Comments are pretty ugly and I wouldn't be surprised if this call to arms ends in violence if they are there.
  11. Then there is this on a related thread "My sis just spoke to a volunteer who is at moorook saying they not there . Can someone please clarify??????". I misread, channel 7 not on their way. But everyone will be calling them and other stations so they may head up.
  12. Seems something is going down right now. From the boycott rspca page. "Filthy scum are at Moorook and have broken in with police assistance, they are there to take animals, please get there asap, urgent, cameras, and demand answers, get there asap, need every one on site now.....urgent"
  13. He wants a dog that he thinks will win in the ring ahead of a dog suitable to work in our climate, but keeps saying working ability is critical, eating cake and all that. We've seen that dogs can work and do well in the ring from other exhibitor's examples so why he is obsessed with the heavy Italian dogs is beyond me.
  14. Maybe you'd be happier moving to Italy tralee.
  15. Why would bulking up and increasing coat on an Australian working dog be a good thing? For someone who says he wants to protect the working ability of the breed you sure have some unusual ideas.
  16. I feel like going Dr Phil on their ass, how's that working for you Moorook?
  17. Corvus is right, what harm can it do if the voting public believe that hobby breeders are just as bad as puppy farmers.
  18. Don't you love the last bit, if you don't approve of our enclosures you aren't caring :laugh:
  19. So the line is editing, as long as you don't use actual elements that are not your own such as textures others have made? I don't want to inadvertently do anything I shouldn't and I REALLY love the platinum nik effects on mono landscapes, I could play around with swatches for years and never get that right. Now I just have to see if it will actually download on my crappy wireless connection. Thanks!
  20. I really love the effects for mono that I've seen, so it's ok to use that for comp entries? I wasn't sure so haven't pursued it so far.
  21. The weekly passive-aggressive award goes to... "Mark Aldridge's latest email to the RSPCA Moorook has been ready for you to visit for some time, we believe we comply with your Animal welfare notices that ended on the 25th of April, even though final upgrades are pending council development applications. Myself as spokesperson and the owner of the shelter Lola, waited on site on the 25th and 26th of April, people were on hand to show you through on the weekend, and again on Monday the 29th of April. We can not be on site 24 hours a day 7 days a week, due to council pound pick ups and veterinary pick ups and drop offs, so please give is adequate notice of the time and day you wish to visit, as expected in the Animal welfare Act of 1985, and we will be happy to show you through. It would be very inappropriate to waste your time if you were to show up unannounced and there was no one on site to show you around. Moorook has had extensive upgrades since your last visit, something I am sure will impress any caring animal welfare groups or agency."
  22. If it's a private shelter then there is no reason the government would be supplying funding. One thing the supporters need to realise is that the rspca and government won't give them money for a good reason. Why would they give money to an organisation that they have no control over, what if there are complaints about the way it is run? The organisation has to match the ideals of the government agency funding it and the only way that can be assured is by the agency controlling it. For Moorook, that won't happen as Lola wants total control. She won't work with council unless they let her do what she wants. She has complied with the council ordered clean up because it isn't to do with the dog's care. She has already said she'd rather close than do things the way the council and rspca have told her they want her to do it. Government funding comes with conditions.
  23. I see they are supporting Moorook and haven't condemned their cages like that have done with Kate the vet puppy farmer. When Kate keeps dogs in cages like that it's disgusting, when Moorook does it it's fine
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