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Are You Serious Jo

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Everything posted by Are You Serious Jo

  1. Every little thing that doesn't eventuate just confirms the suspicions of those who start to have doubts. Then he can add another item to the wacky theories he has on his website :laugh:
  2. My brother hasn't replied yet so I hope my screenshot didn't block the message, I'll email without it to make sure he got it. He should at least get a stern talking to about wasting their time and misrepresenting them.
  3. I'm more than a bit fascinated by people who tell lies even though they are easily proved false, it is amazing to me that they try it out. If you are going to be a liar then why not be a good one at least :laugh:
  4. That's why I am sticking it out, there are a few people who are privately getting things done so it's worth it.
  5. I'm trying to steer things back to the issues and away from the irrelevant, I think I can still do more good there than harm.
  6. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: True, one funny looking dude and a couple of groupies doesn't really make riveting TV
  7. They aren't the BBC, they run the story while it's topical or they don't run it. I have my doubts they will show it, probably because the secret squirrel info was found to be fake, like everything thing else that he says or writes. Even TT can't justify a story based on easily proven lies.
  8. Some of his supporters turned against him because of the rspca is coming farce so he is desperate at the moment. I've sent a screenshot of Mark's claims to my brother so he can advise me if anything can be done about his false claims of AFP involvement.
  9. I would think that the death threats to the rspca employees family would come before comments on his exact quotes. He is full of it, his back is against the wall and all he has is his made up world where he is saving the world and pretending the feds are approaching him. Bitch please, I wouldn't even waste my brother's time with asking about something so stupid :laugh: However I might just ask him what the consequences are for pretending there is AFP involvement. MN got a good rap on the knuckles for doing something similar.
  10. Hahahaha, he is bluffing. My brother works for the federal police and they don't care about small time stuff, certainly not a FB page. What a joke he is :rofl: I cannot believe the lies that he spreads!
  11. I have no doubt he is politically motivated, I wasn't at first but am now. Why else would he destroy the shelter in exchange for attention? He is also a proven liar, which kills all his credibility.
  12. Now he is making up stories of his impoverished youth and being on the streets at 15. Except someone he went to school with and who lived near him and was a friend of his sisters tells a very different story. Not homeless and not poor
  13. Another guy who has visited Moorook a bit has spoken out about all the cats running around with dripping eyes.
  14. Narga need a punch in the cooter, they are really anti-breeder. Can't wait till the next instalment of The Young and the Restless Waiting for the Raid is out :laugh:
  15. Hopefully a lot of people see it before it's deleted. I do love a good dose of Karma to those who deserve it.
  16. Implosion was inevitable. The fallout is interesting and I think Mark is on the way out now.
  17. He can't keep crying wolf and having people drop everything at his command. They'll get tired of it.
  18. I just thought of something. Maybe Mark makes up a story about the rspca being seen heading up. Then he starts the hysterical posting and mobilises a bunch of idiots. Of course the rspca don't show but Mark thinks he can make it look like he saved the day and scared them off. Just a guess because I find it hard to understand a thing that man does.
  19. What a circus! Wonder how much they are paying the "independent vets", if they exist :laugh: If I were the rspca I'd be taking an alternative route up there. But it's probably just more bull from him anyway. The camera crews are not going to be happy about being tied up if there was never going to be a visit. Good luck getting them to arrive next time.
  20. I'm not sure Anthony can develop a grubby enough character to play Mark :laugh: I'm thinking Eric Bana, he's already had practice playing a narcissistic fantasist
  21. You can't make this shit up, no one would believe you if you told this story to them without proof :laugh: Someone is going to wear out his welcome fast if he keeps screaming the injuns are coming and they don't, and there is a helicopter sitting there having wasted considerable money going up there. Love the scary head office, head of what
  22. Yes, forgot about FIV and parasites, there are just so many levels of wrong jumping out at you that it's easy to forget the obvious.
  23. That won't happen, I was told they have to take us or leave us the way we are. Well they'll take you, but not the way you think :laugh:
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