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Are You Serious Jo

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Everything posted by Are You Serious Jo

  1. Yeah, see the problem with that is he says one thing then shows a video of the opposite, so his evidence usually buries him. Of course the SA police would allow themselves to be shown intimidating an innocent person Makes perfect sense doesn't it, they deal with a vexatious person so they give him "evidence" of their corruption. Thanks for the memories SA
  2. Keep posting them Looks like I have my winner for the next agency to victimise* him, it's SAPOL *make him behave like a normal law abiding person :laugh:
  3. He's been busy deleting a lot of stuff, good thing people get screenshots when they see it Last week he was a former owner at Willow Wood, now he's an owner again. I can only think of two reasons he would be stopped from wildlife rescue, he hasn't got his permit (well established he would lie and say he did anyway) or he is in trouble over their health. Neither option is acceptable. I do also love the way he has admitted to breaking the law for several years. Can he not google something as basic as regulations on selling eggs or has he just been ignoring the law. Again, neither excuse is something you want to see in a want to be politician. Cinch, caught out being a naughty boy :laugh: Heard back from my brother, he's not worth them bothering with for the fake phone calls and investigation claims, that would have just been icing on the cake :laugh: But now he has had DEH and pirsa, who can be left now :D
  4. That's the problem with lies, everyone has to be on the same page. Note that picture that snook posted and the old freezer or whatever it is. On one of the videos that Mark posted it showed that from another angle and had two cats wandering around. Above that freezer thing is a solid roof, allowing easy access for the free ranging cats to jump in. That is their quarantine, the one they were whinging about how the rspca inspectors didn't wash their hands, but cats have access, making it useless anyway. Just another example of the bull going on there.
  5. You are right, FK has nothing to do with Moorook so your comparisons and comments about rspca inaction on them has no relevance to the conditions at Moorook. Moorook is the subject and you defended them. FK has nothing to do with Moorook and the pending court case.
  6. You are making the same mistake that the other supporters are, the dogs weren't PTS because of being old, but because they would have had age related untreated illness. How can you claim that she cares when she watches them suffering? That is not care, that's actually selfishness. She has sick animals, she has rehomed sick animals, she rehomed undesxed animals to keep breeding, she rehomed unvaccinated animals, she rehomed to anyone who gave her $50, she keeps them in inadequate enclosures in their own filth, she keeps them in enclosures that expose them to extreme heat and cold, she lets them drink from green water because she can't or won't keep their water clean, she has let dogs breed, she lets cats roam all over the place transmitting disease. That is just the stuff I can say publicly and if you think that is giving a shit you need to go see some real shelters, ones that don't have serious cruelty charges pending.
  7. Mark's inappropriate behaviour is a separate issue from the failings of the rspca. They started it isn't really a valid defence :laugh:
  8. Of course my phone number and address is critical to the substance of my arguments :laugh: As if I'd be stupid enough to open myself up to death threats from his groupies! He is trying to get people to ignore the page because he knows there is evidence there he doesn't want supporters to see. Ker, you are making the mistake of assuming that if you are anti-Moorook you are pro rspca. From the start I have been critical of the rspca's initial response to this. They have since handled it a lot better. Also note that if you post on the rspca page on a thread unrelated to Moorook your comment will get deleted.
  9. Transparency, I don't think it means what he thinks it means :laugh:
  10. Now he's mentioned me and my comments that he keeps claiming he wants to debate the detractors, but we won't. The reason people can't debate him is because he deletes anything that hints at being a challenge. He's backed into a corner now :laugh:
  11. They are in the dark ages when it comes to rescue, they'd still be selling them for $50 undesexed and unvaccinated if not stopped. Lola is a disgrace. They don't see anything wrong with what they do so they post about it.
  12. If help save the furry ones give money to Moorook then they are in breach if Moorook don't have their fundraising licenses. If Lola really gave a damn about those animals she wouldn't have been keeping them in puppy farm conditions for 20 years. She just doesn't like things being out of her control.
  13. Almost. I went to a rodeo in Queanbeyan not long ago, I wanted to see if they have improved and also take photos. Was sitting in the suicide seats at the fence and a horse came straight at me. He hit the fence and it buckled in and I felt it but it held enough to stop him collapsing on me. It was a close call and I even had the press photo for the news story, the last thing she ever saw :laugh: Irony was it was the only appy there, killed by an appy would be rather disturbing considering I love them for their steady nature
  14. Mark will burn out soon I think and dump Moorook if Lola doesn't boot him.
  15. There is a way to yell that is effective and there is a way to yell that gets every area of your life scrutinised and you neutralised. It's not that he is speaking out, it's that it's only for his benefit and that he is doing it so inappropriately. I've never seen more inappropriate behaviour from someone who wanted to gain public office.
  16. She hasn't gotten anything other than the rspca charges, Mark is the one who goes online and is facing the flack. Her only punishment is the pending court case, which is the result of her own actions. She'll be fine, if she actually valued what she did she wouldn't be facing some serious cruelty charges right now.
  17. Now the key volunteers have quit and been fired it is really back to just her again, a woman who doesn't care and gates that only the police and the rspca can get through. Thank Dog the trial isn't far away
  18. Personally I'd be happy with less punishment if it stopped her from rescuing any more. She works so she doesn't have the time to look after the animals the way they should be. The other major thing is she really is indifferent to disease and suffering. I know it's really hard to understand or believe that someone who is supposed to save dogs really doesn't give a shit, but she doesn't. I know some think her heart is in the right place but it's not. She really needs to be stopped from rescue altogether. She has already said she won't refuse to take in animals so it would quickly go back up again. I think once the rspca case is outlined in court anyone that had lingering doubts about this "poor old woman" will realise what a horror she really is. People didn't help at Moorook to support her, they did it to try to make the animals more comfortable there. Even when this woman knew she couldn't cope and the animals were suffering there she refused to let anyone help to make their life better. Some of her most vocal supporters and a volunteer there have told me in person previously how bad it is and they don't have a nice thing to say abut her. They only help now because Mark has brainwashed them into thinking all rescue will go down and the dogs and cats there will all be PTS. Don't fall into the trap of thinking adding the word rescue in somehow mitigates how neglectful a person can be, it's no excuse. We don't tolerate it from puppy farmers and give them any leeway and the conditions are similar down to having dogs breeding on the premises.
  19. He probably got done for no license if he can't rescue any more, they won't let you unless you have the correct permits. What a fool, why would you open yourself up to this is you hadn't done what you should have done in regards to paperwork. I am just guessing though from his comments. Protecting from the rspca comments might be a smokescreen to cover for the fact he just couldn't bother or couldn't get permits. Good luck getting then now :laugh: $200,000, I think we know that that is a Mark fact, i.e. pulled out of his bottom.
  20. Yes, the cattery was fine before, until there was discussion on the lunacy of having free ranging cats there. He is very transparent isn't he.
  21. Well they have only been back once since the first visit and no animals have been taken on the other visits because those visits never happened. The personal cost is staggering translates to you better vote for me bitches :laugh: All those working bees and people and they still couldn't reach council compliance. There are no orders from the rspca because they have a court case pending, has he forgotten that, he makes it sound like all is ok there now and the rspca are happy.
  22. Assuming there really are informers, could be all a fabrication too. One thing this story has taught me, just when you think there aren't any more plot twists there are a few more!
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