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Are You Serious Jo

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Everything posted by Are You Serious Jo

  1. Aussies would be up there on my list except for the coat, I need smooth from now on. But I've seen some nice Aussie workers.
  2. A few days ago he was denying he was a political candidate, just a businessman and sanctuary owner. It's quite funny actually :laugh: They have no hope of being the best, they will struggle to reach mediocre. I'd like to know the dimensions of the huge exercise enclosures, if it's the ones I'm thinking of they are no where near huge. I shudder to think he is encouraging Lola to have 150 animals
  3. Apparently there are some good herding lines in WA. There are a few at my herding club and I love them to bits, they are on my list of dogs to own.
  4. It's no surprise he doesn't understand clean and tidy :laugh:
  5. Second verse, same as the first But a little bit louder and a little bit worse :laugh: I just realised there hasn't been any I was awesome at Moorook today, maybe he didn't get in?
  6. It's like high school isn't it, Lola tells her BFF to tell Mark he's dropped :laugh:
  7. Everyone is to blame for everything happening to him except him. I particularly love it when they say Mark can't answer questions because he is busy saving the world. What has he achieved exactly other than helping destroy the rainforests with his cheap imports or getting free labour for his campaign. If he is so awesome why hasn't he actually done any world saving?
  8. He went from former owner to owner a week or so ago as well. He really is shit at keeping the continuity of the lies. That's why I love the truth, there is only one version.
  9. He's just desperately throwing out as much shit as he can at this point. Hopefully Moorook will announce he is no longer their spokesman.
  10. What an outstanding politician he'd make. http://community.cruisercustomizing.com/member/cinch
  11. It wouldn't be a Mark fact if it contained truth :laugh: He seems unable to bring himself to post accurately, I think it's a disorder!
  12. Damage control :laugh: If it was about Lola and the animals why do the media need to attend, especially as it's going to be an easy win? His facts aren't even written by him, what a wally, just more bullshit.
  13. Of course we'll get the blame for Moorook dumping him. I can't see him going silent as it would have been very humiliating and he has a sizeable ego so there might be some real fireworks soon. Someone messaged me to say that he has posted a big list of facts on his page, haven't seen it yet though, should make some interesting reading :laugh:
  14. Oh the ironing, Mark telling Moorook they weren't being professional by not keeping him informed :rofl: :rofl: I knew once Lola got a lawyer they would tell her to ditch him. He's not taking it well at all is he :laugh: They'll probably have to get a restraining order to keep him away from court! Wonder how he'll handle this publicly.
  15. He probably thinks you repeat a lie enough times people believe it. I hope Moorook has come to their senses, will be interesting to see if he backs down to Lola, hard to be a hero of his proportions if you don't have an audience!
  16. He doesn't like being excluded does he, he was told along with everyone else to stay away and he still pushes it. Moorook's own lawyers, does anyone still think he is in it for Moorook, or the publicity. He really is a piece of work and I knew he would claim he stopped the rspca on those non existent visits, I called that one!
  17. Mark is pretty pissed and he has gotten Cinch out to go on a little rampage. That profile is Cinch Marshall, Cinch is Mark's nickname (shown on his FB photos) and Marshall is his middle name. What a man.
  18. Also note that "may" gives them an out, I think they realised after 493 times of saying it's on tonight/this week/next week they are giving some room to their claims. Yeah, we aren't loving the cyber bullying but his followers are, bunch of beeps!
  19. I think once he has exhausted this crowd he'll move on to another cause. I refuse to believe that so much malice and stupidity can prevail for long. You think "Hearding" is bad, one of the other immoral bastards works for St Johns, saving human lives, now that is a depth I refuse to sink to :laugh: Yes, that was used as an intimidation tactic!
  20. Let's face it, they should really be doing a story on how batshit he is, you show footage of that place and it just shows how inadequate it is and how we are right about things.
  21. I have a friend who sends me screen shots of his page if he is particularly ranty. I would be very surprised if TT showed a story that had a pending court case, legal would not approve. But why would Mark let that boring fact get in the way, it had to be that the rspca challenged him quoting their PTS stats.
  22. I seriously haven't come across this much of a deluded fool in a long time. He really will sink to any depth. He has taken something I said and has changed it into something very different. In response to why I wasn't helping Moorook I said I had offered help a while ago and it was declined plus I wouldn't work with them because I couldn't go along with their policies. Now that has changed to I was thrown out of Moorook and am bitter and started a page about it. The tactics of a person who knows he has been caught in multiple lies. His alter ego who has a fake page also posted my name along with a few others, my crime was I was into "Hearding" :laugh: It was an attempt to bully me into silence and two of the other people mentioned did stop talking because of it, one having her job mentioned, another her dog club. My brother told me in caps lock to not get involved he is nothing but trouble, he'll be pissed and use my full name if he finds out, JOANNE!
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