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Are You Serious Jo

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Everything posted by Are You Serious Jo

  1. I haven't watched it yet, will see if I can wifi somewhere that lets me see it unless the file size is small.
  2. Where did I admit, that I only know about the situation from what Mark has said? I have clients that obtained their dog from Moorook.. Many infact. I also have confidentiality concerns too.. But I may know a lot more than you realise. Where did I say things were 'perfect' at Moorook? Why did Moorook pass EVERY inspection, until this year? Even with the amount of dogs Lola had in, RSPCA passed her inspections, and council kept handing dogs to her? Tell me its not true that late last year Council approached RSPCA to open a shelter in the Riverland? So NOW its a big deal? If the claims of cruelty are proven, which I don't believe they will be, then yes she should be charged. As anyone that is cruel to an animal. RSPCA are pretty fast too destroy evidence. Also to suggest that RSPCA don't go to court without all the facts in their favour. I can give you numerous examples where they have lost court cases. I can't believe you are comparing a no-kill shelter to a puppy farm! She has her supporters, and yes I am one of them. Everyone has a presumption of innocence until proven guilty. Just because a few (maybe even many) disgruntled people are against her, doesn't make her an evil person... She has her supporters too. We will see what transpires.. As I said I know of many, many dog owners that have spoken highly about Moorook. Even a well regarded professional dog trainer in Adelaide, that helps rehabilitate dogs out there. I trust these peoples judgement. Not the ravings of people upset because the kennels aren't some high class establishment. We wil lsee what happens on the 24th..... If dogs are shoved into inadequate enclosures and there are too many for the people on site to care for you better believe I will compare those conditions. How is it any different, because she has a different name, no kill instead of puppy farmer. Can you give me a daily timetable of how one woman would manage to look after 120 animals? You might think it's perfectly fine to keep dogs locked into small cages in their own filth, have dirty water and chocolate milk and vermin exposed food to eat but some of us think dogs deserve better than that. Not to mention there is no way she could have given those dogs sufficient attention each day. Some of those poor dogs are so aggressive they won't be rehomed, she does rehome some aggressive ones though, so they live in shit conditions till they die. How awesome for them. What about the cats, living loose, no protection from feral cats, disease and being run over. Can you justify that? As for your clients supporting her, how many got their dogs delivered and have never seen the place? She doesn't let many people in because too many make rspca complaints so they can buy a dog sight unseen and it gets delivered. Great rehoming system there. It is very difficult to get a cruelty conviction charge to stick so I understand why they don't seize unless they are confident they will get a conviction. It is also difficult to deal with situations like Mark created so maybe they didn't act until they knew they had enough irrefutable evidence. I'm shocked someone in your position supports hoarding, especially when you admit all your information is second hand. She has said she won't cap her numbers to what she can manage, so do you think everyone should take on more animals than they can manage or only the people that you can use to point score against the rspca.
  3. So you support a hoarder situation because you don't like the rspca? Can you speak about the issues at Moorook and drop the rspca line, it has nothing to do with Moorook conditions. Since you've admitted that you only know what Mark has told you maybe you want to be more cautious in supporting something based on the word of a man who cannot back up his claims and is now being excluded by Lola's legal team. He is not a reliable source of information because he has an agenda. Have you reads about the cats Moorook said they turn loose on the ground because they have no where to put them? What about the old dogs who live for years on end in inadequate enclosures in the extreme heat and cold. What about the fact that Lola had 120 animals, how is she supposed to adequately care for them when Mark says she is a sick old woman and there are only a few regular volunteers that stick around? There have been lots of pups being rehomed and developing parvo, contracted at Moorook, so your claim that they don't have disease is incorrect. Have you seen their quarantine? No hand washing or foot bath available and the free roaming cats can jump in. People on the inside have been trying to get the rspca to act for years and finally they have. I suggest you might want to be more careful about supporting a woman with some serious cruelty charges hanging over her. I have no doubt she is in a lot of trouble. You say the charges won't stand up, why, because Mark says it's an easy win? Do you really think the rspca would proceed to prosecution if they didn't make sure they had good evidence in such a public case? Are you just another person who thinks as long as the dog is alive it doesn't matter what conditions it lives in, because if you do, how do you feel about puppy farms?
  4. Did you manage to read where I said I do not support the rspca or is that the only thing you can use? You hate Moorook because you love the rspca. I'll speak slowly then. Many of us abhor rspca practices and how they have handled this. My problems with Moorook come from some direct experience but since it breaches confidence I cannot say how. I also have some very trusted friends who have direct experience. I also know some ex volunteers that have told me the same stories that my friends have and they have never met.I am also speaking out about things Mark or Moorook themselves has posted. To be honest, I don't see your posts as anything more than regurgitated propaganda from Mark's page. I ask you again, do you have any direct knowledge of Moorook other than what you have read from Mark and Moorook's pages. I have some specific questions on some of my concerns a page back that I have been trying to get Mark to answer for some time, maybe you could have a crack? So forget the you are all just brainwashed by the rspca crap because most of us don't support them and let's talk about known facts.
  5. AdleK9, do you know anything other than what you have read on FB from Mark or Moorook?
  6. So no answers, just more vague you are all haters and have it wrong. What permits do you have then to be a licensed sanctuary? It isn't hard to answer and all other wildlife carers do so easily. Why did you stop being able to take in new natives? It's always something conspiracy flavoured, the minister didn't have the real facts, the rspca got to TT. Where were the promised exposes? I knew you'd be off without answering questions when you realised that instead of more posts of blind adoration you get some realism from some very knowledgeable and experienced people. The FB crowd might have led you to believe that you can easily sway people to your way of thinking, but they are the electronic version of rent a crowd. There are far more people in SA who know all about Moorook than your relatively few supporters who actually have zero influence on anything. They might slip you money but they cannot control the outcome of the court case. It will be far from an easy win, don't you think the rspca would have been extra careful with their prosecution given they knew they would be dealing with you? BTW, I know the water containers have algae because an ex volunteer who used to scrub the algae out told me.
  7. Because Lola is a sole trader she has specific guidelines to follow. She has to declare all income, she cannot use the word donations at all and she absolutely cannot imply in any way they are a charity or not for profit org. They have broken the law on these in the past, that is why they have changed some wording last week. There are some special peeps in SA, from what I've heard the story was not that complimentary. They seem to have forgotten the big expose that never happened.
  8. Some things can only be administered by a vet, not vet nurses, wonder if they have been compliant.
  9. LOL Glen is the guy who posted calling off the whole rally on the 24th.
  10. What a surprise, no expose :laugh: Sorry boys, better luck next time
  11. He just wanted you to know how totally awesome and humble he is, not face the Spanish inquisition :laugh:
  12. See people, a man who thinks Moorook will be the best in Australia and state of the art is going to attempt to influence the animal welfare industry, now do you see why we have persisted. It was puppy farm conditions and a lot of people know it. Why didn't you step in years ago to help her if you knew she needed and you were good friends as you claim, why did it take seizure for you to help, because there was no media attention possible before?
  13. Where does one start :laugh: Pailin has given a good run down and behluka has covered the sanctuary. So if your rescues are in a sanctuary rather than a private home is it open to the public? What is your specialist license number required to keep that wedgetail eagle and who endorsed you to keep one? Natives are not pets, they actually belong to the government and you are just a caretaker. As they are not your pets you are under obligation to ensure that you are transparent in your management of them. If other wildlife carers who don't even claim to have a sanctuary are willing to be open about their licenses why do you refuse to discuss it. Makes it look like you have something to hide. If your concern is only for Lola why did you insist on making an event out of the court date even when told explicitly that the lawyers have said no? Do you think you know what's better for the case than her actual legal team? Why did you threaten the rspca officers on your webpage if you just wanted to work with them. It ensured they could never work with Moorook with you as the spokesman as you were combative from the start. They have a legal obligation to uphold the law and act on cruelty cases, if you are so positive they have no case why continue to abuse them? Who was it yelling abuse at them from behind a fence at Waikerie? How could that possibly make them want to work with you? Let's talk about the number of dogs shall we. By your own admission there was 120 at the property originally with only a few part time volunteers. Now doesn't Lola work as well? You have been seen on the last few days saying Lola has room for 150. Now how could she manage 150 when she couldn't handle 120, and you have even put out the call for help to clean up the kennels on the day of the last council inspection and that was with 50! How can she possibly handle large numbers of animals with her doctors appointments, work and trips down to the vet in Adelaide. I've done the run from the Riverland to Adelaide so many times I've lost count, it takes 3 hours, so how can she be adequately caring for them in the little time left. Of course she can't, hence the numerous rspca complaints over the years and the seizure of some of the animals. On to the quarantine. I've watched your dig the hole a bit deeper videos. I saw that the "quarantine" building had no hand wash facilities or foot bath on exit. Now considering you were talking about seeking an injunction based on the rspca not washing their hands you are stretching that a bit don't you think. There appears to be no adequate exclusion zone around the "quarantine" area either. I also noted that there was something that looked like an old freezer that provided easy access on to the roof for the loose cats into the "quarantine" area, I saw cats near that so they have definite access. The cats! Moorook posted that they have too many cats to house so they are loose on the property. Now I don't know if you actually are aware of infectious disease in cats and their mode of transmission. How are they protected from feral cats, snakes, getting run over, transmission of parasites? How are they prepared for rehoming if they are left run loose? What is the disease management protocol for this free population? Why did you claim the last visit by the rspca was illegal entry when they have an open warrant, proven by the response from the minister on this matter? Remember when you said everyone had to close ranks because the rspca were targeting no kill shelters and there were two shut down, one in Victoria and one in WA. Yet no one can find a thing about that, none have been shut down, care to explain why you said that? I won't even go in to things like the fact you said you took five tonnes to QLD and Paul contradicted you by saying he saw your load and it was two, or the fact you go on about buy Australian yet import cheap Balinese statues, or the fact you aren't that popular as a pollie because you never come close to winning. the above points are a few of th
  14. Yeah, probably more of the I know where you live and who your friends are type tactics. Have fun with that Mark, it hasn't worked on us so far :laugh:
  15. I wonder if he will show now he has worked out he can't block what we see. He doesn't seem keen to talk unless he thinks everyone who might question him can't actually see what he says. The people here are also very intolerant of sub standard practices and more than a few know the real story at Moorook.
  16. Maybe I'm Troy as well, who knows, apparently we are all one Someone nameless had a theory, he hasn't met people before that can spell and use grammar correctly, so that's why he thinks we are all the same person, we are all literate :laugh:
  17. Yes, Troy is the boss here, so Cinch and Fair Go can't join as well :laugh:
  18. I wonder if he knows DOL is moderated, I am surprised he is a member considering he called it a vile hate page and at one point said DOL was behind the truth page :laugh:
  19. My weakness is I will persist if the crazy persists until I am too tired :laugh: Lack of logic offends my Vulcan sensibilities and I also knew that volunteers had cleaned algae out of those containers because they told me. Ordinarily I would laugh at these clowns and move on, but the lies just kept going and going. It's a good thing though to end the public posts because I can put my time into helping make sure everyone is compliant with the law instead. Paul, you guys should be more worried about those you don't know about.
  20. I'm not offended either Pailin and there have been times I just walk away to keep it all in perspective. I do also remind myself that he is in trouble with various government agencies and either the truth will come out about Moorook or Lola will plead guilty so the time for facing consequences will come. I have worried about the others who have been threatened because I can switch off once I've left the computer but they are picking on vulnerable people. I will say Mark was doing damage to rescue before he was pulled up on it and I don't think we were wrong to persist because a lot of people have started to question his claims. The fact he claims Moorook is great means that new regulations will be extra tough to ensure substandard rescues like Moorook are forced to comply. We are all passionate about rescue so when a fool like him comes in to supposedly talk for all rescue the other side needs to be able to correct his misinformation and outright lies.
  21. They are really pissed that Cinch was revealed as Mark and that he also was caught sending threatening pms plus he was blanked by Moorook publicly :laugh: I think Dave is the campaign manager and Paul is just some hanger on. He is pretty incoherent and today he tried to say the algae in the water was just the colour of the green shadecloth on the roof, except that the white container didn't have a green cast and neither did anything else, only the water was green. I find it hard to keep up with who is supposed to be who, they change it all the time, I think their tactic is daze and confuse :laugh:
  22. He posted again and I know he is reading, he has decided that because I said I could make a FB profile to look at Mark's page if blocked I am so much worse than his friend Mark who makes multiple fake profiles and send threats. Good luck to him proving I actually made an account to look, I just get sent stuff instead :laugh: Nice try!
  23. I'm sure Mark and Paul are special needs kids :laugh: Mark tried to claim I made up my FB profile not long and within minutes I was attacking Mark. So I posted a screenshot showing my name on my timeline with joined 2007 :laugh: Then Paul tried to drag DOL into it and he found my profile so I said so what, I used my real name when I joined so not hiding. The twit then decided I had admitted to making fake profiles. So I posted a screenshot showing my join date and all my usernames for my profile :laugh: I think I am more offended by the lazy approach to their lies and subterfuge, really quite low standards
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