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Everything posted by kiahzen
I wouldn't be giving cows milk... Try natural yoghurt... I give this to my pup and it is really good for their tummies and puts good bacteria in there... I get a natural organic full fat 1kg tub that lasts nearly 2 weeks for about $5 I think that cows milk might give them an upset tummy....
Awwww.... I just love BB they are just adorable..... They are my second choice....... Rottys are my first of course..... I would love to get a BB but they seem to be quite expensive (OH woldn't let me spend that much on a puppy).... Not that a rotty is cheap but the BB seem quite alot more but I do love them lots... Very cute pice of all the BB puppies... makes me jelouse... LOL.....
Its nothing major... basically when she was born she didn't have her unbilical cord atached to her tummy... The vet can fix it for you without any issues.. If she is not for showing/breeding then they usually do it when they desex them....
You should probably take him to the vet now as he will need his first vaccination.... The vet will be able to do a health check to make sure he is in good condition.... You say you have been giving him worm tablets and flea treatments... how much? I wouldn't be so worried about fleas at this age if he doesn't have any... He would only need one dose of worming tablets for at least the next 2-4 weeks and make sure that you are giving him the correct dose for his age as you can give them too much and they can get very sick from it.... The vet will be able to tell you what you should do... eart worm should be treated at around 10-12 weeks with his 2nd vaccination.. then a booster vaccination at 16 weeks.. Make sure that you are feeding him puppy food and at lease 4 times a day as he is still a baby and growing... Ask your vet what they recommend for feeding if you are not sure where to start.... Don't feed him dairy products... but natural yoghurt is very good for little puppies tummies...
With the biting we had the same issue with Diesel when we just got him (he is 14 weeks now so he has learnt a little) The only thing that we do when he bites is say NO BITING in a growling deep voice and then give him something else to chew a toy etc... He did used to get really excited and challenge you with biting etc and would not listen ans would keep biting... He would get quite dominant and agressive to try and tell us that he was the boss and would just keep at you biting harder the more he got into trouble... We ended up rolling him on his back when he was like this and leaned over him holding his chest to the ground so that he couldn't get loose or bite and growled at him and said NO BITING again... we said this and held hime there until he calmed down... once he stopped the nonsence we firmly patted his chest and said 'good boy calm down' in a very soft placid voice.... This has helped 100% with him and he is a very dominant dog but not so much anymore.....
I think that the poo eating is called 'coprophagia' ....... Usually caused from... dietary deficiency, a learnt behavior developed during boredom, and has been found in puppies that have had to fend for themselves, strays for example.... What are you feeding? Maybe change to a premium dry if you are not already feeding or change brands... I have heard that Nutro is really good and I feed Eukanuba and i think that is very good too... I usually feed it with other stuff... diced beef, minced chicken, sardines in live oil, egg yolks, natural yoghurt, lamb necks and chicken necks (Gourmet!! LOL) I think the other reason to change to premium dry food is because they are processed more easily and apparently not so appealing to eat after.... Some say adding pineapple or extra fible like green veg help too... Other than that im not really sure other than speak with your vet as is is apparently antisocial behaviour....
Our Rotty pup does the same thing... He is 14 weeks now so he is not so bad.. Basically what we do when we are walking he tries to get in front of you and mostyly ended up us stepping on him or tripping over not really a good option for either one of us.. We just stop and wait for him to get out the way.. It might make it take 10 times longer to get anywhere but he has got the message in the end.. He knows that when we are going somewhere and he gets in the way then we dont get to go anywhere or do anything and thats not much fun.. The other thing that we do is when he gets a bit excited we just sort of push him to the side (always the left as he is a show dog) with our foot (only when we have no shoes on) not roughly just to make him aware of were he has to be... Start to walk him around on a lead a bit more try and use one side rather than swapping from left to right.. this also helps alot... Our puppy used to carry on when he was outside to come in and it didn't take him very long to get the message that when he bahaved like that he didn't get anywhere and especially not inside like he wanted...
We had a little long haired Chi that used to do this also.. She had epilepsy and had to take medication to help with the seizures.. Mainly caused from overheating.. It usually happened on hot days or when she had been running around for a while.. It looks like the same thing and she would always be really tired after and would just sleep and rest... I would be assuming the it would be epilepsy after seeing the vid and having a little dog that used to have the same fits... I hope that he is ok.. Just try and make sure that he is safe when it is happening and there is nothing that will hurt him or no other dog to hassle him..
Kymbo: This seems like a really good idea... We also have a 5yo female rotty and she is a real biatch when we try and do hers and it is nearly impossible. But she absolutely loves to go for a walk so i think that i have a new bribing tool to get her used to the idea a little more... I had run out of options for her and have tried just about everything but nothing has ever worked.. I will deffinately be giving this a go....
Pretty sure that it is a pure dominance issue... LOL Our little rat bag treis to hump my leg and i'm pretty sure that he doesn't have the hots for me..... He is simply trying to tell me that he is the boss... but he can think that in his dreams... LOL Just trying to be boss and he quickly gets put in his place.
Sometimes i dont know what is better a dog that doesn't really like water or one that loves it Diesel is now nearly 12 weeks old and he has had 2 official baths.. mainly because him and our older dog play in the dirt and he is the one that gets dirty as she rolls him in there as a game........ :rolleyes: Now he has decided that he loved water and every morning he comes in the bathroom and opens the shower door and walks in there with you.... :p not only when i have a shower but when the OH has one to so at the moment he is having 2 showers a day...... He runs in and out and has a good old time playing in the water... luck for us we have a really big shower and there is enough room in there for him.... not sure if he will still be trying to do it when he is fully grown though.. but it sure is funny..... ;)
Cool thanx for your help i will go shopping and change what i'm using to see if this makes a difference....
Thanks for the help.... What is a Dremel and a bastard file..? What are Suitable nail clippers for dogs??
Also at puppy school they taught us the 'calming' technique. This involves you sitting on the floor, on your knees and sitting back on your feet (hard to describe). Get pup in between your legs head facing outwards, sitting against you and if you bring your feet together under your bum, he can't wiggle backwards. Rub his chest, slowly massaging him. When he tries to wiggle and carry on to break free, stop massaging but hold him. As soon as he stops wiggling and making noise, start massaging again. If he tries to bit you, hook both your thumbs under his collar and he wont be able to get to your hands. Keep doing this until he realises that if he carries on and wiggles, he is not going to get free. But when he stops, he gets a nice massage and/or treat. I understand how you mean.... This is how i had to hold him to get his front paws cut... He is always testing the boundaries to see how much he can get away with.. I had to have a word to the OH as he was being way too soft on him... He wasn't very happy but i think now he sees what Diesel is like and that he has to be told who is boss... I called our breeder and she also recommended the above to us and we use that method on a daily basis to get him to calm down and as soon as he is on his back now he stops having a tanty because he knows that he is going to get a nice pat.. that he loves just oh so much
I have a 11 week old Rotty pup (quite dominant) and i have been trying to get him used to having his nails cut... We have a 5 year old rotty girl who absolutely hates having them done so we are trying to get him used to it before he gets too big to control. So far he has pretty much let me hold him and cut them without having any issues with the whole thing.. I only cut a tiny little bit off and if the nail doesn't need it i just pretend that i am doing it so he gets the idea of what is happening.. Well tonight we had i guess what you caould call a "punch up" over cutting his nails... He cried and wiggled tried to bite me... Bit me etc etc... anyone who heard the whole ordeal would have thought that he was getting murdered... I managed to cut his front paws but i am going to wait a couple of days and get my OH help me to do the rest... How do i stop this behaviour before he is too big? He gets treats and lots of praise and even a toy to chew on instead of my hand but he still is not very impressed with the whole thing... He is fairly dominant and i have had to teach him straight from the word go who is boss and he will try in every way to win me over but there is no way that this is happening as it would be disaster especially seeing as you can tell how dominant he is going to be with his attitude etc... What is a good method to use to get him used to getting his nails done? Is there anything else that i can do that i am not already doing that would be more beneficial for me and him.... Here is a pic of the little man himself ( butter wouldn't melt in his mouth... )
What your doing sounds fine... I know exactly how you feel with the toilet training. We just recently got a male rotty and he is now 11 weeks old. It has taken most of the 3 weeks that we have had him to get him to go outside 95% of the time. We have another dog 5 year old rotty which i think has made thing a little easier as he follows her outside and when she does a wee he will walk over to her and we over were she did. We still had to take him out every hour or more to get him to go. I only use two words outside on the way there and wee when we are out on the lawn, lots of pats and praise. It didn't seem to be getting through to him so i started using food rewards when he did the right thing. The only other suggestion that we had was that when you are cleaning up his mess make sure that you are using a good pet cleaner that gets rid of his scent else he will just keep going inside. For the first week he stayed inside and we just puppy proofed the area he was in to and cleaned up whatever mess was there when we got home. Now he stays outside when we are not home with our other dog and they are fine together. He now mostly goes to the toilet outside and sometimes he is even taking himself out there without us having to do it but we still go out there to remond him thats what he has to do just not as often as before. We always leave the back door open for both of them to go out there whenever they want to. At first he was too scared to go out there and he is now used to it and we often find him out there on his own playing. Just be persistent with what you are doing and he will soon get the hang of it.. Just make sure you dont make a fuss when he goes inside and if he is caught in the act say NO or growl at him and take him outside and show him... It eventually starts to work...
I dont know were to start.... LOL. maybe just the things he has done tonight.... Dragged my pants out of the dirty washing out onto the back lawn growled at them then barked!! Somehow managed to get my bag of the kitchen cupboard and took that to the bathroom and barked and growled at that.... Stole the tea towel off me when i was cooking dinner... Got the empty dog food bag and stuck his head in it to lick out the crumbs in the bottom... quite funny seeing a puppy with a giant bag on his head and enjoying it.... ran off with a towel from the bathroom and took it to the backyard... ran off with some socks and found them in the backyard.... Ripped up all the junk mail.... (or should i say shredded!!) Found shoes hidden in his bed... Tore the wrapping of presents... And now he is having a sleep and is all puffed out... Might i add also quite proud of himself with all the extra work he has given me for the weekend.... But we still love him.......
I use natural organic yoghurt full fat and not diet, I think so long as its full fat then its ok..
Gosh pups are cute... Diesel does the same thing when he is outside... Looks up at you waiting for you to give praise... We can't say anything until he has finished also else he stops and runs over to get his love Only one accident inside today and it was on the lino so that was good.... I'm sure that they will all get the message in there own time and then I guess we will have something new to deal with that they have discovered.... ;)
With Diesel he is a 9 w/o rotty he gets fed about 4 times a day... Morning is soaked (Eukanuba) with natural yoghurt and grated cheese... lunch is just a cup of dry not soaked... Then in the afternoon he gets 1/2 cup soaked with diced beef/chicken and once a week this is swapped for 1/2 cup soaked and some sardines and an egg yolk or some chicken necks, lamb neck or marrow bone.. Then for dinner he gets 1/2 cup soaked with diced beek/chicken... If she doesn't seem too keen on the dry maybe try and mix it together with a spoon of tinned food to try and get her to eat it... Just be careful if you feed chicken necks you need to make sure that your pup chews them and just doesn't swollow them as they can get lodged in their intestines and cause all sorts of problems... I have to hold them when Diesel eats them else he would just swollow them whole..
Grrrrr as i read this my 9 w/o rotty pup diesel just wee'd in front of me... Little bugger I'm not sure if there is a difference between toilet training girls and boys but i have found that there is a real big difference... My girl only ever pooed inside once and that was it... Diesel has now started to do all poo's outside he goes out there all on his own without me needing to take him... (what a good boy) the back door is always open for them to come in and out whenever they want.... But when it comes to wee he does it everywhere... It doesn't seem to matter how much i take him out he still manages to do at least 1 wee inside every day.... Does this come from males marking their territory? I understand that he is a puppy and doesn't have that territorial side yet but is it just human nature (or animal instinct) for a boy to want to wee everywhere? Its not always in the same spot either just wherever he is standing at the time and he doesn't sniff around he just lets it all out wherever, whenever.... Why will he go do a poo outside all on his own, (he knows what to do and where to go...) But the same doesn't seem to apply for a wee?????
We get the same kind of behaviour from our two... We have a 5 yo rotty that we have had since a puppy (8 w/o) and have only just recently got a male Rotty 8 w/o and they have the same little arguments sometimes the older one will let him do anything then other times she just wants to be alone and she tells him so... Nothing different to a human needing some alone time.... We have no real issues with food our older girl has never really cared if someone else is eating out of her bowl as long as she can go over and share with them too...
Meetu I have the same kind of issue at the moment but i have 2 dogs I have a 8 week old pup and a 5 yo and they spend about 3 1/2 to 4 hours at home alone. Currently my puppy goes mental when he is not with us... What thisgs can i do so he gets used to being here withour us.... At the moment before i go to work i leave them outside for about 10-20 mins on there own and he does nothing but cry,bark and growl.... I dont really think that 3-4 hours is a long time and they have sooo many toys to play with its not funny... any other suggestions to get him used to spending some time alone?? Meetu have you thought about having 2 dogs so that they can keep each other company while you are not there?