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Everything posted by kiahzen
I hope that all the sick rotts are doing ok today.. Give them lots of love from me, they sure do deserve the very best..
Thank you to everyone Such a lovely prayer wolfgirl, Thank you
cavNrott.. It brought a big smile to my face hearing that Sophie went out for a walk and was happy. Don't regret trying to do what you thought was right as there was nothing wrong with the care that you have provided. You want the best for Sophie and she may not have gone for a walk but she sure had a lot of love and care and that is the main thing The walk out is just a bonus for her and i'm so very happy to hear that she enjoyed her time out. Please keep up courage and keep fighting this with Sophie I am here for you both and hope that she has more time to enjoy walks and rolling in the grass. Zed & Q I also hope that you are doing ok as i know how sick poor Zed is and i just hope that he can make it to his Birthday Thank you to everyone for all your messages, pm's and your kind words it is getting me through this day and i'm sure it will help me through the days to come.
Thank you everyone.. ZnQ.. your words are very kind and you are right they do something strange to my eyes... I know now that we did the right thing for her. She fell asleep so peacefully and i felt the pain leave her body, I know now that she is at peace and will remain forever in our hearts.
I don't know what else to say but Thank you to everyone. I have started a new thread in the rainbow bridge for Kiesha, We still have some sick rotts here and i would like this thread to remain for those that still need our thoughts and prayers. Special hugs and kisses for Zed, Sophie, Ollie, Pearl and Bonnie (sorry if i have missed anyone)
Kiesha lost her battle with Osteosarcoma 05/02/2008 Run free of pain Girl
Thanks everyone for your wishes and very kind thoughts for Kiesha and our family. Unfortunately Jeff and I made the hardest decision of our life last night and Kiesha is now running free of pain, Laid to rest at 3am. I made a promise to her that when she had too much pain and wouldn't eat and didn't have quality then we would let her go. She didn't improve last night and lost all her senses and it wasn't fair on her. I have dreaded coming in here this morning as i knew that you would all be wondering but i knew i had to let you know as you have all been such a fantastic support over the last 2 months and i can't thank you enough. Most of you i have not even met and you have been a tower of strength to me and all our family, providing information and tips it really has meant alot. RIP Kiesha (Ammerzen Jayzen Kiah) 25/09/2001 - 05/02/2008 Never Forgotten
Thanks guys, I'm not really sure what to do..... I was just woken by Kiesha yelping and not being able to walk I have given her a massage and she seems ok now but i'm so worried now about where this is, I will keep you all updated and hope that she can sleep now she seems to be walking ok now.............
DFA.. That is so sad and i admire your fighting spirit cavNrott.. I'm so glad to hear that Sophie is doing ok, am back working early now so am not online as late as normal.. Lets hope that she has another good week ahead of her.. Well today wasn't good at all :D Kiesha wouldn't eat nothing not at all.. Not even to take her meds with. She was sick 3 times and was basically the same if not worse than her turn last week. She stood in the middle of the lounge room staring for 15 minutes and didn't respond at all to us. I have a feeling that she may be starting to lose sight as Jeff walked over to her and she jumped like he was going to hit her with a baseball bat ;) Very disolusioned and scared just not like herself at all. I called the vet as soon as they opened and they have taken her off the Feldene for 48 hours. They wanted her to have nothing during this time but i kicked up a fuss and made them think of something else to give her else i wasn't going to comply.. She has enough to worry about without having to deal with the pain. They have given me injections to give her for pain for the next 48 hours and they finally gave me some Maxalon for the neusea. They have also organised to get me the Tramadol in, I asked for either the Tramadol or the Codiene phosphate (sp) that you suggested Chell.. I think that they have organised the Tramadol. The vet here was not too familiar with it so i faxed them all the information on the studies that i have found and i think that he agrees that it is a good thing to do.. So in 48 hours she will go back onto the Feldene and back to only 1/2 a tablet 2x a day until she workes back up to the full tablet and a Tramadol tablet 2 x a day. However he may change this to 1/2 Feldene morning and 1 tramadol at night but i doubt it as she needs 12 hour medication at the moment. Jeff had to give her the injection tonight although i nearly had to do it as he was so scared of doing it wrong. We basically helped each other though. I held her head and patted her and grabed her skin so he could inject it :p I was so worried that she didn't eat anything and was soo sick that i got a BBQ chicken from the shop and tried to give that to her. At first she wouldn't eat it and spat it out but after the Maxalon and the injection she ate at least 1/2 a cup of chicken and 1/2 a cup of fresh mince from the supermarket. We have now made the move to a more cancer like diet and she is on human grade mince and BBQ chicken, salmon, sardines, eggs, goats milk, yoghurt, cottage cheese and human grade chicken mince, looks like Diesel will also get this plus he will get chicken frames and bones added in, these she cant have as she is not able to chew on bones anyome. Funny though Diesel would never ever eat the raw pet mince before that i would get, would spit it all over the floor. I hunted all around for a pet mince with no preservative and he still wouldn't eat it. I got human grade mince and he scoffed it down like i have never seen. She is happily sleeping now and has not been sick in the 2 1/5 hours that i have been home and she has finally settled. The next 48 hours is touch and go with the medication and to make sure she doesn't go downhill but i have hope that this will be ok.
cavNrott... How is Sophie going Have not spoken with you in a couple of days i hope that everything is ok.....
Please let us know how she goes Wolfgirl... Thanks for that link too.. Lots of info on there, but i just don't know where to start lol...
Yeah it has grown a little but not too much within the last week so that is one good thing...
Hey Kiash, She has been fine the last few days... Really good infact. We are getting some more medication on tue just something for the neusea and then some stronger pain relief just in case we need it... Other than that there is nothing here to report other than she is doing really good for now... It's amazing how much difference the little bit of extra medication and then the splitting it over 2 doses has done.. .
My 9 Year Old Rottie Girl Has Had A Stroke
kiahzen replied to rakaaz's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Rakaaz... I hope that she is going to be ok, I'm sure that the Bowen will be helping her. I don't have any info for you but just wanted to say that i'm thinking of you here and do hope that she gets better... Give her big hugs from us all here (that's lots and lots of hugs ) -
I have no issues in answering that question Grumpette..... In our case the Tumor is extremely agressive and doing anything that is going to prolong Kiesha's life is basically not fair on her.... It won't stop the growth of the cancer and it will not do much for her pain... If only i had the X-Rays to post here so you could all see what I am talking about..... We have spoken with an Oncology specialist in QLD and have spoken with a specialist here and they all agreed to treat pain and then when the time comes that it really isn't quality then we will need to make the decission to have her PTS Believe me if i could spend a million dollars on her to make her better i would but i just don't feel that it's fair to prolong the inevitable, this is in her case only as Sophie has something that is totally different to Kiesha... The Osteosarcoma is very agressive and in a location where it will be affecting her whole body eventually... I hope that this makes sense... Medication change seems to have gone well and she seems to be back to her normal self.. Fingers crossed that she remains that way for a couple more weeks before we need to change it again..
Thanks everyone, It means alot and i will be sure to let cavNrott know that you are thinking of her too... Today we had a really bad morning Kiesha wouldn't eat and was all disorientated and hid in the corner when she woke up.... I offered her some shaved ham and she spat it out on the ground OH and i really thought that tonight was going to be horrible as we just couldn't leave her go being all strange and hiding, she really looked like she was lost and didn't have a clue where she was... I managed to get her to eat by hand feeding her then she finally ate from her bowl then went to the kitchen and stole the rest of Diesel's food.... I thought about her all day at work and was really hoping that i would come home to find her in a better way.... What do you know i got home to her greeting me at the front door and she had the biggest happiest grin on her face i was so relieved... Jeff said that when he got home he couldn't find her anywhere and went into a panic... Said that he looked everywhere for her and was calling her... Her hearing must be going as he said that he found her outside playing on her own in the sand and when she noticed him she ran over to him all happy, i cant tell you how relieved we were that she was ok tonight. I think that i changed over her medication dose wrong so that could be the reason she was so bad this morning... She went from 3/4 tablet at night to 1/2 a tablet morning and night.... Last night i only gave her the 1/2 and then the other 1/2 this morning but i think i should still have given her the 3/4 and then started this morning with the 1/2 doses. I'm not sure if this would do it maybe some of the nurses out there can shed some light on that one but i have a feeling now thinking about it that i should have done it the other way round..... Just sooo thankfull that she is ok tonight, she even managed to go for a walk to the park...
Thanks guys, I spoke with them first thing today and they have changed the way that the Feldene is given. She now gets 1/2 tablet morning and night, no head shaking or ear scratching tonight and she hasn't hidden away from us at all... We think that the hiding has something to do with wanting to be close to us but also it is darker there benind the lounge and she tends to put her head under the side table in the dark.. She hardly goes outside so we are assuming that maybe the light makes it worse and causes a bigger "headache" for her... She seems better today sleeps pretty much 24/7 and doesn't move around at all normally she is in the same spots, I can go out and come home and she wouldn't have moved.. She used to greet me at the window when i got home from work now when i'm walking in the door she is still managing to try and get herself off the lounge to greet me.... Sometimes if she is asleep on my bed she wont even make it to greet me and i have to go in there and say hi to her... IHF... Yes i would be 100% certain that the tumor has grown and is irritating her more... If you look back on the pics i posted in this thread you will see the difference that 4 months has done to the size i have a pic from december and it is about 1/2 the size from the last pic that was taken last week cavNrott asked me to pass on that Sophie is doing ok today and that she is hasn't been banned or warned she is just not up to getting on here after all the nonsense.....
Thanks for sharing your story staffyluv, Reading through it now hoping to get some good tips in there.. We will be changing Kiesha's diet this week and have changed the dose of her meds again. I really don't think that she has a long time left but at least we can try and make it as pain free as possible...
Rottweiler Health Issues And Nutrition
kiahzen replied to kiahzen's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
yeah i do sorry -
Basically on the X-Ray Eza you can see how it has eaten into the bone... It hasn't gone to her brain as yet as there are many layers to the skull... It has started to affect her hearing and she is scratching at her ears, when we had the scans done it had not gone into her sinuses or into her spinal cord but we are assuming that it will... We really don't have anything to go by and i have not been able to find another dog through all my research and the vet said that he has only ever heard of one other case like it We knew that she was special but we didn't think that she was this special....
I agree Kiash, some of these people have never ever replied in the Rotty thread but they feel the need to give their opinion now?? Just what is this world comming to......
Yeah i can understand that....After reading through all that information i think that it might not be worth it.... Its hard to know what to do? better to not give it and make sure that they are not in pain i guess
can you still give it to her CnR but give it to her maybe in the middle of the day and not at the same time that you give her other medicine?
wow thanks for all that information Grumpette
Can i get the Slippery elm from a health food store? Is it ok to give her tablet form?