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Everything posted by kiahzen
Sending you love and strength today. :D This was sent to me Anne when Kiesha passed and i wanted to share it with you. Your Best Friend You’re giving me a special gift, so sorrowfully endowed And though these last few cherished days, Your courage makes me proud. But real love is knowing when your best friend is in pain, And understanding earthly acts will only be in vain. So looking deep into your eyes, beyond into your soul, I see in you the magic that will once more make me whole, The strength that you possess is why I look to you today, To do this thing that must be done, for it’s the only way. That strength is why I followed you, and chose you as my friend, And why I loved you all those years …… My partner till the end Please understand just what this gift you’re giving means to me, It gives me back the strength I’ve lost and all my dignity. You take a stand on my behalf, for that is what friends do. And know that what you do is right, for I believe it too. So one last time I breathe your scent and through your hand I feel, The courage that’s within you to grant me this appeal. Cut the leash that holds me hear dear friend, so that I can run. Once more a strong and steady dog, my pain and struggle done. And don’t despair my passing, I won’t be far away. Forever hear within your heart, and memory I will stay. I’ll be there watching over you, your forever faithful friend, And in your memories I will run, …. A young dog once again.
Anne I am just at a loss for words for you and Sophie I was hoping that this day would never come.. Know that Jeff, Diesel and I will be thinking of you and are here for you at any time.
Thinking of you both
Glad to hear that Sophie is still doing so well your vet obviously knows how in tune with Sophie you are.. She is a true inspiration in the way that she is fighting this disease with such dignity and strength.. hugs to you both.. xox
Sorry i can't help you there cavNrott but i hope that you find something somewhere.. How about china town or something similar? Surely they would know, pitty you can't find someone to prescribe it to you.. Can't you tell them that it's for yourself? I hope you find what you are looking for, glad to hear that you are both still well and that Sophie is still battling on with this horrid disease.. Hugs to you both you are always in our thoughts...
Glad to hear that you had some good results for Sophie cavNrott... Hugs to the girl she is doing a great job at fighting this horrible disease..
To you all, Thinking of all the sick puppies and praying for them daily....
Glad to hear that everything is still going along ok... She is a fighter your Sophie and you sure do look after her with so much love.. Hugs to you both...
Hope everything is ok for you and Sophie cavNrott..... Hugs to you both...
Glad to hear that things went smoothly, have my fingers crossed for a speedy recovery and that they got everything.... Hugs to Nova.....
Thoughts and prayers for Nova tomorrow, hoping for good results for the girl... Keep us posted on how things go.. cavNrott.. How is Sophie doing? sorry cant spell...
CavnRott... Happy Birthday, I hope that you and Sophie enjoy another special day together... :rolleyes: Hugs to you both and I hope that today is a good day for you both...
ZiwiPeak is a brand of dog food... I have never heard of Green Tripe before, what benefit does it have?
sorry for your loss, RIP Prue
The Pet Park is the same one as Vonrauten Kennels.. I take Diesel there and have done for the last 12 months... Normally it is $5 in summer and $10 in winter as the pool is heated, It cost a little more for the first time as you will more than likely need a life jacket and someone to help show you the ropes... At the moment i take Diesel for a swim and a 10min session on the treadmill all up $7.50, pretty cheep really.. If you need to do it often and go a few times a week i think that $5 or $10 is affordable.... You need to call first and make sure that someone is there but normally i only go on Saturday due to work and someone is always there at about 2pm...
cavNrott... Good luck with the onco appt today.. I hope that you get the results that you are after.. Hugs to you and Sophie..
cavNrott... I hope that Sophie is going ok.. She does sound like she is doing well, such a little fighter she is.. I think i might have to see if Diesel will eat scrambled eggs, when you wrote that i thought yummy.... Surely he would like that?? Keep up with everything that you are doing, whatever it is your definitely doing something right for her to keep her here.... OH and I think of you both every day and our prayers are with you both....
nell.m.... How is Jasper going? I hope that he is continuing to do well....
It sounds like a possible pinched nerve.. Do you have a bowen therapist or myotherapist that you can take her to?? even a good manipulator... Good Luck hope that she is feeling better soon...
cavNrott, Thinking of you and Sophie.. I hope that all is well and she is still doing as good as can be, lets hope for some more positive results at her oncology appt next week...
I have a male here who is a fuss pot and is the same with Chicken etc... I give him BBQ chicken (minus the bones) and he woofs it down, Give him a raw chicken carcass and he won't touch it... Chicken wings are a go but not chicken necks or legs... :D He will sometimes eat Lamb necks but he doesn't like them too much but will eat maybe one a week... He loves lamb chops but they have to be cooked so no bones..... He will only eat beef mince cooked and not raw... His father is the same they basically both prefer Cooked over raw....
I hope that Sophie is going well cavNrott... She is an inspiration thats for sure keep up whatever it is you are doing as there is obviously something there that is helping her.. Staffyluv sorry to hear about Ollie, lets hope that he is feeling his normal self soon.. Kiash, sorry to hear that you have a dog with a cruciate injury there.. There are so many varying opinions on what surgery to have or not to have.. I opted for the TWLO as i have a very boisterous 12 month old and i wanted it to be as strong as possible and give him the best possible chance at having a strong leg.. If however it was Kiesha that did her cruciate then i wouldn't have opted for the same surgery, she wasn't anywhere as energetic as Diesel and she would have been fine with the older method... Good luck in whatever you decide to do, I'm sure that you will chose the right way for your dog... RIP Jaida... Sorry to hear that you went too soon with all our other Rotts this year... :D
cavNrott.... I hope that Sophie is having a better day today... She is a real fighter that girl and you are amazing for getting her this far, her prognosis was grim but you both take it in your stride on a daily basis and you are both still battling through... Hang in there and know that our love and thoughts are with you everyday...
cavNrott... I hope that Sophie is feeling better today, hugs to you both..
cavNrott... I hope that Sophie improves and has a better day tomorrow, poor girl lots of love and hugs sent your way from all of us here....