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Everything posted by kiahzen
I get mine from stefmar.com.au
I get food delivered from Pookinuk They seem to be really competitive with their price and it makes it so easy..
RIP Ollie.. Sorry to hear
http://www.chiropet.com.au/ Maybe see if you can get in to see Matt, he is very good!
Help With Understanding Hip Score Results
kiahzen replied to Tatjana's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Did the vet actually say that it was HD? High scores don't always mean HD it just means that they are more prone to developing it. You can have a dog with a Hip score of 32 who never shows any signs or symptoms of HD and you can have a dog who is totally crippled with pain with the same score. I don't understand hip scores 100% to know the difference but it might be worth asking the vet? I believe it depends on where the scored and what the hip's look like. I would just add in a joint guard formula, human joint tablets are fine and keep them on the leaner side. Walking and swimming are the best forms or exercise. -
I have a dog here 50kg who had TPLO 4 years later he is still going strong.. He has never had any issues with it and i can't even tell what leg it was that had the operation.. 2 friends had De Angelis method on Rottweilers on one them 45kg the thread broke once and then moved so it had to be done 3 times on the other dog 55kg the thread snapped about 8 weeks after surgery and they ended up going with TPLO..
Sending you lots of love Anne xox RIP Faith
RIP Beau All your Black and Tan friends are waiting for you Thinking of you Anne
Dyz, So sorry for your loss.. I have only just been in this section and noticed your thread RIP Jess may you be playing with my Little Lila :p
PP I hope he recovers well from this next lot of surgery, big hugs to you both..
Let them wake you up When they need to go to the toilet they will learn to tell you other wise just let them wait they will soon learn that if they spoil in their bed you are not going to come running to clean it up for them.... My male was a real pain for this and when i took him to bed would take him to toilet first and as soon as he got into the crate her would poo and wee in there One night i was fed up with him and made him sleep in it... He pretty quickly figured out not to do it again Our puppy now will only cry when she wants to go to the toilet or if she has a bone that she wants to bury She did a few wee's in the first few nights of being only in the crate but i did not change her bed till the morning so she had to sleep in it... I know its not nice but it teaches them they can't do it and they really don't like it...
I would keep him crated and quiet only lead walking to the toilet.. When my boy did his leg i did not take him to emergency for the same reasons as you mention, I gave him an asprin and let him rest over night and took him in the morning... Pitty it took 5 vets to finally diagnose his issue though I understand why you don't want to give him asprin, do you have any tiger balm or something similar that you could rub into his leg?? It may help him settle through the night, I even used to heat up my wheat bag and sit it on Diesel's leg when he was laying next to me and he was quite happy to leave it there.... If he was bouncing like you say then he possibly may have done his cruciate That is how my boy did his, bouncing around like a loony.. I hope he does not hold it against you for keeping him quiet until you get him to see someone tomorrow..
That is a great site thanks for sharing, plenty of great information I feed a mixture of Artemis Grain Free and Artemis Power Formula and find it fantastic.. Mixed with fresh meat and a few other things i find my dogs look fantastic. My puppy has no issues with chicken wings, turkey wings, lamb flaps, beef tail etc
My puppy sometimes gets annoyed by the light too. When she first came home we let her sleep in our en-suite until our older dog learned how to let her out and then eventually taught her so then she went to her crate which had a puppy pen attached to it when she was about 14 weeks old the puppy pen was removed and she just had her crate. Each time we moved her and then removed the puppy pen she had a little sook and then went straight to sleep.... If the light is on some nights she will whine and carry on until you turn it off I am so glad that this time around i got her crate before she got home, with our male we did not know about crates and never needed it with any of our other dogs.. he was a total menace and when we were advised to get one he was already 12 weeks old and he was impossible to get to sleep in there at night He is fine now but still wont sleep in it at night and sleeps on the floor next to my side of the bed..... The amount of things that he destroyed because we did not have the crate... I don't think i would ever get another puppy without having a crate ever again.. Not to mention it has been a god send for toilet training I found that you just have to be consistent with it.. Lila goes to bed at the same time every night and then wakes up at the same time every morning she has a routine and knows what to do, just be persistent and have consistency and they eventually understand....
You just have to be persistent.. A soft crate is probably not the best but make do with what you have for now. We recently went away with 3 puppies to a show and one was not used to sleeping in the trailer or crate so the first night away we gave him a little rescue remedy and he slept like a baby and did not stress at all.. Its great for calming scared puppies, dogs and animals and is natural and safe to use..
Congratulations Oonga And Maia
kiahzen replied to Jeff Jones's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Well Done once again oonga and Maia!!! I didn't have any doubt in my mind that you would get anything other than a Pass today..... ;) Your doing the breed proud :p -
Fyscha there are just as many debates on swapping puppies to Adult food as there are with Vit C :D The main reason that i have heard is the protein level in puppy food. Puppy food is actually designed for puppies but sometimes i find that it can cause them to grow quite rapidly Everyone feeds their dogs different and everyone will have a different opinion on food, basically feed what your dog does best on. Obviously at the moment your dog is not doing great with their growth so i would be changing what you feed, this is just my own personal opinion though.... I was feeding Advance large breed puppy with a mix of adult advance, my puppy looked to be growing really fast so i swapped to pro plan large breed puppy mixed with pro plan performance. I have changed again now to Artemis grain free and so far i find this food to be fantastic both of my dogs have only been eating it for just under a week but already their coat has gone extremely shiny, much less mess to clean up and they can't get enough of it.... Sometimes feeding is trial and error but i find personally i swap dry foods around to keep some variety, going from Advance, Pro Plan and now to Artemis It does not really answer your question and probably seems more confusing basically you have to chose what your dog does well on, its all trial and error...
Dogs may produce their own Vit C but during times of rapid growth and teething for a young puppy they require more than normal as the dogs resources of vitamins become depleted much faster than they can reproduce. Vit C plays many important functions in bone formation, alleviating joint pain, preventing cystis, preventing bladder stones. Vit C is excreted via the kidneys totally unchanged therefore it acidifies the urine making the bladder unsuitable for bacteria to live. Vit C is definitely a justified supplement especially in fast growing puppies and lactating bitches. It is not a cure for a genetic deformity it does not alter genetics, Vit C is a widely used supplement in growing, pregnant, lactating, working and stressed pets there is no concern for Vit C toxicity in our dogs. It is not always necessary to supplement a healthy dog with Vit C but during times of illness, injury, stress, fatigue, old age and serious health conditions their own resources of Vit C become depleted much faster than they can be produced. It enables the immune system to properly use calcium helping to strengthen bones, joints, ligaments and is also important for the formation of collagen. The internet is great at finding arguments for and against using anything but considering that it doesn't actually cause any harm then i would and do use Vit C within the first 6-12 months and for dogs with injury or whom are suseptible to joint pain or inflamation. This puppy obviously has an issue that goes deeper than cutting his toe nails, sure long toe nails can cause a dogs feet to become splayed and flat. Looking at the pictures i wouldn't think that it would be the cause for the OP's dog to limp or to appear in pain. To me i would make sure that the dog isn't running or sliding on the slippery floors, put matts down (sounds like the OP is already making this change.) Keep the nails trimmed to ensure that they don't exasberate the issue. Walk the dog on gravel or pebbles to build up the muscle and tendons in the legs and feet, I use this method and always try and get my dogs to walk on lose gravel daily. Limit walking on soft surfaces, eg sand or lose dirt Not only would i be adding Vit C to the dogs diet but i would also be adding some glucosamine and chondroitin, I use a joint formula something similar to http://www.rufusandcoco.com.au/Information...fault.aspx#info Changing the diet can also help there are so many options out there for dogs, normally change to an adult dry food and include meat on the bone eg: chicken wings, beef briskett or tail bones. I always try and give equal quantity of bone to meat. Everyone's opinion will differ so it may also be helpful to take on board the suggestions from others and combine it with your own research. You can also try swimming the dog, I find this is a good low impact form of exercise that really helps to build the chest muscles therefore helping with the dogs conformation. My older male puppy appeared to be east west, i used swimming as a part of his treatment and to help build up the chest muscles he now stands straight. I swear by a good Chiro or Bowen therapist, My 4 month old puppy appeared to be cow hocked and roached in the back, a trip to the chiro found that she was out in her Pelvis therefore adding to the issues with her standing. Getting them checked out at least once a month during their rapid growth period. Puppies will throw themself around the place and it is very easy for them to get hurt. I wish you luck and i hope that you find some answers to your puppies issues.
Name: Kalilah "Lila" Sex: Female Date of birth: 30th November 2008 Age: 8 weeks Colour: Black & Tan Breed: Rottweiler Hobbies: Playing with the Orbee ball Loves: Yogurt and Goats milk Hates: Going for a sleep
RIP Kiesha our princess gone but never forgotten 25/09/2001 - 05/02/2008
RIP Sinna.. Hugs to you Lors xox
The central markets has free range meat or some butchers.. I don't think that you would be able to find it in the supermarket as it is more expensive..
I'm glad that you got them ok cavNrott... I know that Sophie will not return for a couple more days and wanted something for you to look at to remember the love she bought to your house and the love that you shared for the time that she was here... If visiting you was possible then i would be there in a flash just to give you a big hug, It's such a hard time adjusting to life after caring for a loved fur friend with cancer... Look after yourself and you know that we are thinking of you...
RIP Sophie.. May you play, chase and be free of pain girl. xox Thinking of you cavNrott Jeff, Dannii and Diesel