I know how exactly how you feel now. Our puppy, Shika, had grade 2-3 LP when she was 9 months old. 2 vets told us only operation can fix the problem. It was a BIG operation and we didn’t want her to go through the pain Luckily our friend introduce natuaralvet (http://www.naturalvet.com.au/). Shika had 6 sessions of acupuncture and were back to grade 1 LP . She can run around with no trouble now. We were also given instruction how to strengthen her leg muscle and massage her body. Acupuncture is not a quick fix but it’s worth for to try. Plenty of love and care require too. Shika now go for acupuncture every 2 months. She is used to the needles now and quite relax (12 needles stay for 20 mins). Good luck .I was wondering about ongoing success of the op, considering he's not yet finished growing ;).