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Everything posted by Thalion

  1. Ok, she is 5 months and I thought she would have grown out of it by now. Any ideas? If I am there, a simple 'leave' will suffice and she wont touch it. Or i pick it up striaght away. If not it is open slather of eating. She wont touch it after about 10-15 mins though.
  2. How do prices compare re nutro v other premium brands. Where would it be available?
  3. Quite simply Eukanemba v top range supermarket (say Supercoat). Is it worth the price? Breeders had the dog on Supercoat, but I am considering a mix of the formentioned foods.
  4. I think i read somewhere that they eat thier parents for a similar reason as we breast feed as kids, ie pass on antibodies etc. She is getting better with the poo. The vet mentioned there is something we could try that makes thier poo taste terrible, and they shouldn't touch it. Will see once I go back to school as at the moment I am cleaning it up straight away. They biting is still going slowly. Are teaching bite inhibibtion. Anything too hard and a 'gentle' is moslty enough. If she goes hard again, I am yelping and walking away.
  5. Thanks for the web pages Mel, had a good read. Dad did bite inhibition with his lab which worked well, but they generally have a really soft mouth. Was interesting to read that you can also do it with staffies. May try along these lines instead... although after having an overly excited pup draw blood again I don't know how it will go. The really hard bites come when we are playing, and I worked out it is a result of how she has been playing with Dad's lab ie running and biting after a short stair off. I tried to limit that sort of 'playing' when I was with them. Food at the moment is Supercoat puppy. The vet recomended the Euca. Hopefully she will grow out of it. May start including a bit a fresh mince into her diet soon. Will talk to the vet this week. Cheers for all the replies peoples, have been much help.
  6. Thanks for the suggestions. She gets her final shots next week (so is about 16 weeks) so will ask about the poo thing. The biting is annoying as (and yes even though she is still a pup) it is not on...staffords don't have a reputation of having a soft mouth. She has many toys, rope, soft rubber, harder rubber, as well as getting a rawhide/dentabone, and she has access to the thigh bones after teh other dogs have taken the meat off them. Hopefully it clicks soon. Have a few pics in the stafford thread on the general forum. Will try and post one here when I get the chance.
  7. OK, Pup is going well, very smart but there are 2 things that are giving me the you know whats at the moment that I really want to fix. No 1: Or should I say No: 2. She eats her own poo constintly unless someone is there to stop her. When I catch her it is a firm "No" or "Uh-uh", then rediret her attention to something else. This works fine, but she will sometimes run behind the water tank, or under the stairs to go out of view. No 2: Biting. She has just drawn blood on me for the second time. She is just starting to teething, but also had this problem before this. She is a dominant dog, and plays quite rough with Dad's lab. This needs to be fixed asap. Any ideas/help would be appreciated.
  8. Woke up at 4 this morning and grumbled for an hr before I felt the neighbours had had enough and let her in. She is currently destroying a pair of (old) cricket gloves instead of chewing on the nermous toys that have been bought for her. She seems to like my stuff a lot better. At least they are not the $70 ones. Again chewing on my thongs. Ripped up mum and dad's dogs bedding and started putting white cotton across the veranda. Ripped the newly replaced fly screen on the veranda (other dog had started to rip it...... she finished it off). Continually chew on my hands no matter how many times I stop and correct her (and her jaw is getting stronger which is not all that pleasant).
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