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Everything posted by shakaiba

  1. yes always check,the packaged meat from any supermarket..especially the meat range which is in the cold pet food section.....alot of those meats have preservatives,,its called sulphu dioxde..which doesnt allow the body to asorb vitamins..especially thamine..which can cause anamia and lots of other things..so if people are just feeding that as a meat source its not a good idea..
  2. so when you say locally what area is that.....so i can look around also...is it close to sydney..
  3. Why do you think it "was going to get a whole lot worse"? Are your qualified to make that statement? Do you have extensive experience with HD? A pup is not a bicycle, it is a living organism, prone to ailments which which any living organism can have. Corona Virus is highly contagious, and can be caught from people's hands or shoes, or contact with another dog which has the virus, but may not be showing any symptoms. It is rarely fatal, and is like numerous other viruses that dogs or people can contract - such as the cold virus. I don't think it is very reasonable to come onto a public forum and paste a breeder because the pup caught a virus, and then blame the breeder because the pup had an undiagnosed limp, which may have been due to someone standing on it, falling off something or any number of other causes. Something which probably happened when it was in your friend's care, incidentally. The breeder was there for the buyer - she told her what she thought the problem with the pup was - and took the pup back and gave a refund, at your friend's request. What more did you expect? I think the breeder did the right thing, but you are looking for someone to blame - get over it, things happen to living organisms which no one, and no care in the world, can prevent. Your friend decided to return a pup which was sick, but which would recover, and which had an undiagnosed limp. The breeder took it back, and was probably pleased to do so, because, imho, your friend's attitude to the pup did not show the caring attitude that dog owners should exhibit. to all that have read this; sorry if i have upset or offended anyone here that was not my intention..nor did paste the the breeder...nor did i blame the vet...i just wanted to ask other dog lovers/breeders opioion...on what they wouldve done in this situation as i thought that was what this forum was for to ask questions..to gain knowledge and advice..and yes i understand what the coronavirus is and what it does..and how it rips the lining of a dogs stomach hence the blood in poo...and there is a vaccine for it so they are less likey to come in conntact with it nor did i diagnose HD i just said it looked like the pain was in the hips and yes i have had experince with HD many years ago..its not only painful for the dog its painful and heartbreaking for the owner...the breeder took it back because they were asked to do so..buy the buyer..the puppy came back to the buyer with this injury so therfore it wasnt fallen stepped on or anything else,,the reason i know this is because i saw the puppy straight after it came home..after being away for 5 days of being treated in quarantine either by the breeder or vet .and if you call crying over a puppy and beingworried everyday till it came back home and trying to get info about it everyday not caring..and getting someone else to drive their car because they were to upset to do so to take they pup back...then could u please tell me what is..and as for getting over it i dont think she will..but thanks for caring..
  4. thanks for that... i will
  5. it was the breeder that told her it was coronavirus and was so blaise about it..because another pup in the litter that was still with the mum also got sick..and they tested for parvo..it just wouldve been nice for the vet /and/ breeder/to explain excactly what this virus does to a puppies stomach...cse thats what they are therer for to help...
  6. this question is regrding my last topic....what exactly does a lab puppy need befre it goes to a new home...i know all the vacctions and stuff but what scoring do they need..do they their hips done when they are puppies...if not at what age...im trying to help my friend get the right puppy this time from a breeder who will help...thanx..
  7. ..yes,,my friend brought the puppy from a registred breeder who was recommended from a highly regarded breeder..she was given all the papers,.the pup was taken back by the breeeder and taken to her vet who was less than helpful..because they said they could tell her anything about anything when my friend asked on her puppies condtion.and what the treatment it had been given which was very frustrating for her..a refund was given..but why she is so upset is the fact that the breeder seemed to cover up why the puppy was sick and that the virus was just something like a everyday cold..which totally disgusted me....and yes i a agree the hip problem looked to me as if it was going to get awhole lot worse not better,,which is a shame cse she was a beautiful puppy..as a dog owner and lover im disgusted that the breeder never offerred any advice or didnt seem to care and tried to cover up the severity of the problem..
  8. shakaiba

    Sick Puppy

    hi to all..my friend brought a beautiful lab puppy..after 2 days she got sick,the puppy was taken back by the breeder to fix her...she was then told that the puppy had a virus that puppies get and not to worry...it tuned out to be coronavirus..still my friend was told not to worry its just something that they get...when the puppy came back she couldnt walk properly it looked like she had something wrong with her hips...my friend was abouselty devastated..and decided to give to puppy back...which was so heartbreaking..the breeder didnt apolagize for whats happened..for a first time buyer for these beautiful dogs its a bit dishearting..there was no help from the vets or the breeder..i always thoght the breeder was meant to be there for the buyer and help..and give advice..is this wrong..any info or advice would be appeciated....thanx all
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