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  1. we have just become the temporary? owners (?'parents' have just separated -he's moved back with his parents, she's moving into a rental property & probably cant have them, ?) of two 18 month old whippets (1M/1F) when the current owner dropped them here on Friday night, she said, "oh, I should warn you, if you go out in the car, be sure to take a towell as she 'dribbles' a bit whenever she gets in the car" .... both hubby & I took this to mean that she dribbles urine a bit out of nervousness, so today when we went out in his hatch back, 2 kids in the back seat, 2 dogs over in the back-back... we made sure to put an old blanket underneath them.... WELL, we were barely out of the driveway when our 8 yr old daughter squeals out "EEEWWW.... GROSS, SHE'S DROOLING EVERYWHERE!!!!" AND OMG WAS SHE DROOOLING!!!!!!!!! the entire time we were out, her whole bottom jaw was just OOOZING with drool, the poor male was coated in it because he was, of course, just lying down at her feet!! Hubby was, of course, not impressed, because the back of his 2 yr old car was ABSOLUTELY COATED IN THE STUFF! kids were REALLY impressed when she stuck her head over the seat & started drooling down their necks! It was the kind of thing you expect to see from those floppy mouthed 'Roly' dogs, or like the one in Turner & Hooch where he shakes his head & great big globules of the stuff go flying everywhere....not what you expect to see from a beautiful, delicate, dainty Whippet!!! HELP PLEASE!!! anyone with suggestions as to how we may cure her of this would be GREATLY welcomed!! (We have of course, not yet been to a vet with her, and by the casual way it was put over by the current owner we'd presume they have not made any effort at 'treating' it, but just put up with it!! )
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