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  1. with Caspa- who is a 18 week old ACD. We feed 3 times a day. The dry food we use is pro plan puppy mix which he absoulty loves and seems to be going great on it(was rescue and on the lean side) in the morning he gets some chicken necks. I feed him raw chicken mice and have rice and veggies blendered up with it. sometimes we add roo mince too when available. he also gets some cubes of puppy roll mixed in too
  2. Just want to make sure i am heading in the right direction with my pups diet and making sure he is happy. Caspa is a 18week old Australain Cattle dog. We got him thru is forum via rescue. So sort of unsure what he had been fed previously. At the moment he is getting *Pro plan puppy kibble *chicken mince and sometimes mixed with roo mince too *chicken necks *rice and veggies i have tried egg mixed in but he hated it with a passion. He was on the slight side when we first got him but he seems happy and is starting to put some weight on with this diet. Am i doing the right thing with his diet? What else should i feed him if anything as i want to make sure he is getting all the right nutrients. Also with the thread about leaving a pup home alon i was wondering if i am doing right by him (see below) we have just got a 16 week old ACD from rescue- now both myself and my partner work monday to fridays i work 9 till 5 and my partner works 11 till 5.30 monday-thursday and 1-9 pm on fridays so the most he is left by himself is 6 hours HOWEVER we have organised a friend to feed him his lunch and play with hima bit during the day. Caspa has access to alot of toys- kongs, soft turtle (which he loves to run around with and kill lol), tennis balls, chew toys etc etc so there is alot of mental situlation for him so for him not to become bored, lonely or desructive. He is walked sometimes before work if time permits and also after work without fail. During the weekends and some weeknights he will come to the horses with me and get a good free run around too. He also comes to bike races and travels in the car to partners parents etc etc. Is this a suitable arrangement? the pup in question
  3. so is what i am doing with my 16week pup ok then? No one is having a go at anyone for having to work, we have to work to support ourseves and also our animals ( i have horses and Caspa) You just have to work out whats best for them and yourself also and work on the correct enviroment and surround them with love which is definatly there in your realtionship/ownership
  4. BTW- would love to see pics of Simba too
  5. Meetu, would it be monday to friday for the ten hours? or would it include some weekends with your training? If your friends are happy to puppy sit for you thats great too, but im assuming that they cant always do this? I think whether the pup will cope i guess comes down alot to the puppy in questions. Caspa seems to cope but then i know other dogs that wouldnt, did the breeder help you in deciding about a pup that would suit your situation. With Caspa's Kong i put treats into it and actually froze it- he finds it very entertaining lol
  6. we have just got a 16 week old ACD from rescue- now both myself and my partner work monday to fridays i work 9 till 5 and my partner works 11 till 5.30 monday-thursday and 1-9 pm on fridays so the most he is left by himself is 6 hours HOWEVER we have organised a friend to feed him his lunch and play with hima bit during the day. Caspa has access to alot of toys- kongs, soft turtle (which he loves to run around with and kill lol), tennis balls, chew toys etc etc so there is alot of mental situlation for him so for him not to become bored, lonely or desructive. He is walked sometimes before work if time permits and also after work without fail. During the weekends and some weeknights he will come to the horses with me and get a good free run around too. He also comes to bike races and travels in the car to partners parents etc etc. So even tho yes he is left alone for sometime the time that we spent when we are home is quality time with him and we make arrangements and as a good enviroment that can be considering our working hours
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