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Everything posted by kelpiesrule

  1. One of all the pups... and Shamus wouldnt move until I took his pic He thinks he is more cute than the babies
  2. Ok, time to lighten up the mood... with some baby pics !!!
  3. Well some more sad news to add to this thread... I lost my little choc girl yesterday. The little choc boy is still hanging in there. He doesnt want to eat solids yet but is still really keen for the milkbar.
  4. I havent posted for a while, but have popped in every now and then and I am devastated about the tragic losses :D Oh a good note my babies are doing well. I have three little tackers who are hanging in there and they are all starting to open their eyes and get more active, so cute watching then trying to walk on their little wobbly legs :D The 3 big pups all weighed 1140g last night at 16 days old. the little ones range from 560 to 670. They seem to be doing a little better since I change Phoenix's diet, will just have to wait and see how they go once I start feeding them. Below is a pic of the big choc girl with the two little choc babies, and also a pic of the big black girl with the little black boy.
  5. Hmm looks suspicously like my kelpie litter haha nice bubbas ! :D
  6. I finally got pics of my other litter this is Trinity and her 3 babies.. all doing well.
  7. Some pics of the babies I took this arvo, cant believe it has been a week already ! Please excuse the bad quality pics, im using a cheap camera until I can get my good one fixed ;)
  8. Thanks for the suggestions... I was hoping it wasnt... but it actually looks like a problem i have had before with one pup (Phoenix's sister) and a fellow breeder has had several times, she has spent a lot of money trying to find out what the problem is... it is like the baby cannot process the fat? (or is it protein) they consume. The puppy's poos are actually milk coloured, so it is like the food goes in one end and comes out the other without the puppy being able to absorb anything from it. They do survive but it is difficult and a hard slog, i know of a supplement to put her on once she is weaned, (Enzyplex) and she will need to go on a high protein, low fat diet... actually i think i have two puppies with it The joys of breeding.. Has anyone come across this problem before? We have been trying for years to find out how to treat it better than what we are. Aziah.. do you think Protexin will still help? The runs are not bad (or often), it is just her poos are rather like thick milk coming out the other end...
  9. I think the little girl in my litter has the runs? I noticed it when Phoenix was outside to toilet. Any suggestions. Poor little thing is eating well, but she is not gaining like the others.. I have a boy similar but he is a little bigger... Any suggestions on why she would have the runs? Or is it normal? Ive never noticed a pup have it before as the mothers always keep them clean.
  10. Oh dear, i hope ur little foal is better soon!
  11. I have another litter of puppies ! My girl Trin, who lives with her owner, had 2 babies last night and one this morning.. 2 boys and a girl, all choc... just waiting to hear if she is having any more. The ones born last night were around 9pm, this mornings was 5am??? She will be taken to the vet today for a checkup to make sure all is ok and no more puppies lurking in there.
  12. Congrats Shelbyville ! I hope everything keeps going well... nice size litter Hey MM, i hope things get easier for you and your babies soon, that would be hard having to bring up babies without too much help from the mother... ive been blessed with my litters so far, the only problem one was my little single boy, but all went well after the caesar and his mommy took very good care of him ! My thoughts are with you. Whelping fairy has been sent your way Ozstar ! Hoping all goes well today with gorgeous Scarlett. My babies are doing well, I have a little girl i need to keep an eye on, she was the smallest born and isnt gaining as well as the others, but she is drinking well and seems content enough. The others are turning into little porkers. Amazing just what a couple of days can do.
  13. Congrats MM ! Sorry the whelping fairy didnt make it back in time... looks like ur girl had the same result as mine with with the colours switched !! Good luck with everything, sounds like u made the right call. I was so worried with Phoenix waiting for the first pup to come... the first one is always the hardest, I relax after that.
  14. Thanks Bilbo !! I have another litter due tomorrow, so that will be great to stay in the same thread
  15. Oh, im sorry about your 2 little ones. Hopefully the survivors will do well.
  16. Good luck with getting your girls Ark ! Phoenix did a great job, all delivered in a nice order... choc girl, choc boy, black girl, black boy, choc girl, choc boy. I couldnt believe it ! All in less than 4 hours. She has been to the toilet, and eaten this morning, so mum and babies are doing well so far.
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