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Everything posted by kelpiesrule

  1. LOL I actually only mated them 3 times in total, dont need more than that, actually 1 or 2 is enough, but sometimes we like to be sure. I mated tuesday night, wednesday night and saturday night (i didnt plan for that 3rd late mating but i couldnt get it dont thurs or fri so thought i would give it one more go just to make sure)
  2. I had a first mating on a tuesday and last on a saturday, pups were born to the first mating.
  3. and finally a pic of them all, Mom on left, half brother Jasper in the middle and Dad on the right (sorry Shamus for cutting your head off ) and all the babies in around... Jasper is actually trying to help his Mom to clean up the little ones
  4. This is the black girl sleeping next to Jasper (who is in the crate )
  5. Little black boy and little choc boy, these are my two little runties and so cute, especially the choc boy, he is into everything. Lots of spunk haha
  6. Awww everyones bubbas are soo cute ! Mine are now 6 weeks old and getting quite playful and active I have a couple of not so good pics of them, the little buggers wont sit still ! haha. I have a friend coming over tonight, so hopefully will get some stack shots of them. These two are the large choc boy (with curly bent tail ) and choc girl who I may be keeping.
  7. Aww why dont you put the pics up here so we ALL can see
  8. Im heading down to Sydney for the NSW Kelpie Specialty this year !! Will be doing Sydney Royal while I am there... Oh and maybe the Caboolture KC show if I cant find something better
  9. Oh and if you let them know from the start what your goals are, Im sure they will put you on the right path with your training from the start. Obedience clubs are always excited when they get potential triallers.
  10. Pine Rivers is good, I also highly recommend Metro (at Marchant park, Chermside)
  11. Awww... his little face just melts your heart
  12. I know you have already sorted out the colours, but as Tapua said.. here are Devin and Smoko, fawn and blue brothers...
  13. Oh he is gorgeous !!! Im really going to have to get my act together and get one of your dogs one day... I just love them
  14. Hi guys can anyone tell me when show training starts up again for Caboolture club?? thanks KR
  15. 12 !!!! OMG That will keep you and Pete busy hahaha Poor Tua I know alot of people who use different coloured ribbons/braid. I have marked mine with liquid paper in the past, but i waited until mommy wasnt cleaning them all over all the time, then just marked them in different areas. but I think the ribbons are the way to go, or those puppy collars, I think Swayd sells them.
  16. Oooh do they come in purple??? and where do you get yours from Hesa? are they expensive? im on the prowl for new show shoes...
  17. Of course we have to totally baby sit once puppies are born ! To not do so is negligence and we need to do our best to give these precious little babies the best start. I think there is far too much scientific interference in producing these little guys that is causing so many problems. I sleep beside my babies for the first week, rarely leaving the whelping box. Mothers are not perfect and the last thing we want is them laying on their babies.
  18. Good luck Tapua !!! Hoping for lots of fat healthy babies for you !
  19. I will have a new little addition this year...this time a girl ! Finally !! I have a black girl and a choc girl to choose from, they are only 4 weeks at this stage. Will post some pics when they get older I will also be going on with young Jasper, I am very hopeful that he will do well this year, he grown into such a nice looking boy !
  20. This is exactly how I feel. Yes I have been lucky in the breeding department with only the little hiccup I have in my current litter, which will not stop me from breeding. A young couple came out today to finally meet the little guy destined to be their new family member. They were beside themselves with excitement. I get alot of people asking me if it is hard to let the puppies go.. it isnt, because the joy on the new owners faces when they pick up their bundles of joy, far outweigh missing the puppies. Plus after 8 weeks, im pretty happy to see the backs of the little messy yappy buggers lol. I also breed for myself, so any litter I have, I am keeping at least one puppy, the other puppies going allows me to spend time with my new addition. Yes breeding can be filled with terror and heartache... but is also filled with so much joy.
  21. oh I will also add that i have never prog tested or scanned/xrayed to see how many puppies I have... that is all part of the excitement of breeding, seeing if it all works from start to finish. I have only done AI once is it looked like the girl didnt like the dog.. but we got two naturals after that... i should have listened to her as she obviously wasnt ready and that was the time I only got one pup... Ive also found it interesting in the amount of AI = C-setion = mother rejecting pups.... nothing natural has happened I dont have a problem with frozen semen when it comes with distance etc, but needs to be from a male that is a proven performer and a female who is a proven mother.
  22. I think breeding has become far too clinical and we arent allowing our dogs to do what comes natural. All for the sake of the next best in show winner ?? I have had 7 litters to date and only one was c-setion... no fault of the bitch, she only had one pup in her and she wasnt going into labour, he was also huge and facing the wrong way, so the decision was made to take him out before anything bad happened. All my girls mate natural and whelp natural. In my first litter I had a tiny baby and in my current litter I had 3 tiny babies. The tiny babies are fed the best I can without too much interferance.. and fingers crossed they survive, I lost one of the tiny babies in my last litter, but that is the only pup I have ever lost. Sounds a bit harsh not interfering too much with the little ones? Maybe, but if they survive, they deserve it. It is sad, but there really isnt much you can do with the little ones... vets are really not much help as they dont know what is wrong with them and we end up forking out hundreds or thousands of dollars for nothing. Yes I have a healthy breed, but there are already breeders out there who are having mating and whelping issues and then breeding on from there, creating more isssues. I love my dogs to pieces and will do anything to keep them.. except fight nature when it obviously has the upper hand.
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