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  1. Im looking for some advise on what do do with my 2 yr old british bulldog, she has infected folds and nothing seems to help. We clean the folds everyday and apply Malaseb wipes and Panalog from the vet but its not doing a thing? Any advise would be great as she seems to be really uncomfortably.
  2. I'm starting to think this could be the reason. Ive heard this about bulldogs as well but could not believe it could happen to Tilly as she used to love going for a walk. Anyway hopefully this is only a phase and if it is there is always other ways to exercise her.
  3. Well its strange cause she wont even want to leave the front door. once we get her outside she just refuses to walk in any direction, she will happily try to get into the car though. Her normal walk is generally no more than 15 mins I cant think of anything that might of scared her over the last couple of weeks as her life is fairly structured. Its looks easy when watching the dog whisperer but not so easy trying to pull 24kg bulldog.
  4. As of a week ago my female 12months british bulldog has decided she doesnt want to go for walks anymore. She is extremely strong and wont even do it for high praise rewards,ie bits of sausage. Anyone have any ideas? She usually loves walking !
  5. yeah she is so demanding of our attention 24/7. She is fine when we put her to bed but she barks at 6am to be let out, we need some sleep! Was just wondering if she will calm down when older .
  6. My 3 month British Bulldog pup is starting to really wear us out. We have plenty of puppy experience but does anyone else have similar experiences with this breed? ie dominance, training etc.
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