Hello,everyone. I am new to here,but after i read so many threads,i decided to join in.
Start with some introduction here, my first language is not English,so correct me if i say anything wrong.
I have a 4 yrs old yellow Lab, a 8mths old GSD and a DMH tabby cat. My questions are as following:
1. Where can i find "EaglePack" or "Nutro" in sydney? well, i live in inner west area,dont mind a bit of travelling.
2. If i feed my dogs with yoghurt,what kind of yoghurt i should choose?
3. I feed my dogs with some vegetables, like carrot,corn,cucumber etc,is it ok? It seems like they both cant digest carrot and corn, should i blend them?
4. What knid of bones i should feed them,as my lab cant have chicken neck,chicken wings etc, she will vomit after she had it.
5. What else i should feed them?
Thank you so much for taking your time.