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Everything posted by labdevotee

  1. My lab has heartworm injection for 2 years now, did not have adverse reaction.Should i stop her on this injection and give her the tablet instead? Please help.Thank you
  2. i just wash bubble and troy(both over 25kg)in the bath tube. shampooed,conditioned,towel dried. only do it on sunny day.
  3. I shall do that.Last time when i asked my vet,he said is ok,but doesnt really need to. I will check with him again.
  4. it's always good to know he is doing well.
  5. i see. My lab has yearly heart worm injection,is it ok for her to take Sentinel? Where can i find Preventix collar,any pet shop?And how much is it normally? It's not avaliable on www.pricelesspets.com.au. But i ordered Advantix and Sentinel Specturm already. Thank you so much.
  6. $400? thats a lot. if i live in a low risk area,do i need to apply every 2 weeks?
  7. DOes Sentinel cover all worms too? Are you using Sentinel collar too? thank you for telling me the price, making my life so much easier.
  8. i never come across with tick before,but wish you have very good weekend with your family and Ramses.
  9. Advantix covers sand flies and mosquitoes?! GREATTTTTT!!!! i should change to Advantix.
  10. good idea,i should use the rinse every time i bath them.
  11. Sentinal Spectrum is tablet form,right? All these have to buy from vet or pet shop? Thank you.
  12. I used to use Frontline Plus,but found it is not working on my Yellow Lab, so i switched to Advantage.But it seems it is not really good in the summer. I use Revolution on my GSD pup,as it also cover heartworm.But poor pup starts to scratch now. So i just wondering what you use for your dog,so i could find the right product for my babies. Any suggestions is good,thank you!
  13. OK, i will cook them 1st. Maybe starts with small amount. Thank you for reminding me.
  14. My lab can swallow the whole chicken neck,i think maybe thats the reason she throw up. I shall go to this pet shop and get some raw chicken roll,it sounds great.Where about is the pet shop?Thank you
  15. I don't think the EP Holistic range has corn in it Hesapandabear, I don't have a bag handy to check, but I'm pretty sure that corn isn't one of the ingredients The Holistic range doesnt have corn,but the Natural formula has yellow corn ground. Thank you,Miranda.
  16. i checked the US version site, the "labrador" 30 formula contain corn gluten,is it bad too?
  17. thank you for your advice.I will buy sum tomorrow.
  18. Thank you so much!!! now i learned corn and pork is a no no.i'm thinking about change them to Eagle pack or Nutro or Royal canin.
  19. My lab does it 2-3 times a day depends on how much she ate. My GSD does it 3-4 times a day. hope this help.
  20. i see. i'll swtich to beef mince then. if i feed them eagle pack, how long will one bag last? which one will be good to start with? thanks!!
  21. sorry,as i wake up early everyday. I feed my lab with Supercoat special for sensitive stomach. 2 feeds a day,1 cup each time.with some human grade pork mince.She tried science diet which is a bizzard. I feed my GDS with Advance large breed puppy(his breeder recommeded it), 2 feeds a day,2 cups+pork mince each time. But i dont think is doing really well,as he poo alot and very smelly. Every time i do the poo cleaning,it just a nightmare. As you mentioned,yes,my lab doesnt chew,she swallows the bone,what can i do? she vomit after several hours,sometimes after a day. Thank you so much!!!!!!
  22. Sorry but I can't help you with the EP/Nutro question as I don't live in Sydney :D Feed a natural yoghurt like Jalna, don't feed the dessert yoghurts as they contain a lot of sugar. Yes you can blend the vegetables, but I wouldn't feed corn as it's actually a cereal, also cucumber is mainly water and low in nutritional value so I wouldn't bother with that either. Try some leafy green vegetables with the carrot and maybe a little broccoli. Try feeding your dog some beef brisket bones, they're also excellent for their teeth. I base my dog's evening meal on Eagle Pack dry food and human grade beef mince to which I add occasionally canned sardines/salmon/mackerel, raw egg and a little cooked liver (not all at once of course). They also get anything left over from our meals although we never leave much. I feed twice daily and they get chicken wings/frames/necks/lamb flap for their morning meal, but as your dog can't tolerate chicken, maybe give her a couple of brisket bones instead. I hope this helps Thank you so much. i didnt know this much until now,really really helpful. is hunman grade pork mince ok,or beef is better? with the cooked liver,what kind of liver? Thank you so much!!!
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