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Everything posted by brentland

  1. Slightly difficult in the Group ring, but in the breed ring - ask the steward if you can go on the end of the line! Hard for anyone to crowd you if you are at the end! Stewards are usually quite accommodating if you have a good reason. Same thing in the Group ring - warn the steward beforehand! Of course, there are also people who complain bitterly about being crowded when it isn't happening! They like to draw attention to themselves and imply that other exhibitors are doing the "bad things"!!! Had that happen to me - exhibitor in front hissed at me to leave her room and I hadn't moved yet!!! Boring!!!!!!!!!! I think even the judge was amused at that one!!! Didn't work, I might add!!! LOL
  2. Hi All At the double Yarra Glen (Victoria) Championship Shows - 14th March, 2010 - Mrs C Wright is unable to judge Group 3 (part at both shows) for medical reasons. Her assignments will now be judged by Mrs J Pearson. Refer to January edition of Dogs Victoria magazine - page 17. Closing date for entries at these shows is MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15th. Cheers Gael Show Secretary.
  3. BIG 7 - Marshall's Gr Ch Pampard Phrench Kisses - Dalmatian BIG 3 - Scott's Ch Rhiannon Resplendence - Irish Setter BIG 1 - Culter's Ch Merimalt Dream Invader - Maltese BIG 4 - Veless' Gr Ch Afrikenji Hot Sumaknight - Basenji The others have already been advised. Cheers Gael
  4. BB The ring layout for Bulla is printed in the January edition of VicDog.. look at page 43.. The only changes - Groups 1 and 2 will be judged INDOORS!!! So, there will be 3 empty rings outside.... more space available Cheers Gael
  5. The temperature for MELBOURNE is the catalyst for any change!! Last time I watched the Channel 2 news, they didn't actually mention any suburbs!!! LOL Cheers Gael
  6. Well CC - I suppose each individual has to make up their own mind. A raging thunderstorm or hot northerly winds - I would decide and not wait for someone else to decide for me... The only shows ever cancelled because of high temperatures were the Classic last year (47 - Black Saturday) and a show at Hamilton a couple of years ago, and I can't remember the circumstances of that one. Everyone should bear in mind that there is very little shelter at Bulla - We can keep fingers, toes and everything else crossed that the weather will be favourable, and no one will have to be concerned. Cheers Gael
  7. When the exhibit numbers are posted for the ADI double shows later this month, the notice to exhibitors will state the following: ATTENTION: HEAT POLICY If the weather forecast on the Channel 2 (ABC) 7 p.m. news the day preceding either show is 38 or more - the shows will commence judging at 7.30 a.m. ........... That is the only way to make a reasonable decision re Heat Policy - pick the national broadcaster, pick the time (7pm news) and state the temperature at which things will change!!! Trust this is clear to everyone... Whether you go or not is ALWAYS your decision... Cheers Gael Show Secretary, ADIDC Inc.
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