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Posts posted by bluecollie

  1. Hi Guys, A little while back I asked for the following to be done which was great but I wonder if I can get Harleys face lifted up a bit so it sits even within the frame to match Sids?? Please??

    If someone could please help me with this I'd be thrilled as the new owners have moved house and I'd like to blow them up as a house warming present... :laugh:

  2. I use it, always have and always will..

    My prime example is my big boy BC Scooby who has eaten it ever since he was 8 weeks old in conjunction with his dry food and bones and everyone who meets him comments that he has the most magnificently soft and shiny coat etc. I feed it to all my dogs and my foster dogs too & those that I have had who've come through terribly underweight with dull coats etc look so much better in no time at all. Our Rescue vet actually asked me what I feed them because he noticed such a quick improvement. Even the fussy eaters enjoy it!!

    When my girl was pregnant she ate the VIP and had 9 very healthy weight puppies and she herself sustained a healthy weight all the way through. Its easy to mash for pups, it doesn't smell in the fridge and it even has a herb in it that helps reduce stool odour.

    With 3 kids, 6 dogs, 3 cats, 3 birds & the OH I don't have time to prepare my own dog food but even if I did I probably wouldn't bother because I like the results it has with my dogs and recommend it totally!! :)

  3. Hi Everyone,

    I just realised its been about 4 months now since we got Polly and boy were you guys right about how she would change..

    She has got to be one of the funniest dogs I have ever known - to see her race up the yard when you get home or throw the kong and watch her fly over about 6 puppies at times just to beat them to it.. Her favourite toy though seemed to be my sons soccer ball so after she destroyed it we bought her a new one which lasted 10mins before you heard pop and seen her pull the balloon out of the middle-lol

    Though the funniest thing yet has to be her attempt one night to actually "sit" next to my hubby on the floor -She has learnt now to play with our cats and for a dog that had zero tolerance for any other dog she now plays the rabbit role to presently 8 x 14 week old pups and flys up the yard with all of them chasing her madly and when they get her at the other end I think the game is 'Who can touch the highest part on the greyhound' its hilarious and impossible so far to catch on camera but I'll keep trying...



  4. I was starting to get a little worried about Harley's ear going missing (thanks Siv :eek::cry: ) I was about to call in a search party but as luck would have it, It turned up on in my files on MY computer! :cry:

    Sorry, Harley, but here is your ear back! :cry: :p :rofl:


    Thank you Ris I was starting to really panic how i was going to explain it to his mum... :rofl:


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