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Everything posted by eclecticgirl

  1. I was looking at the Mars Coat king, but it looks like a pretty dangerous implement if you dont know what you are doing, LOL Some kind of medieval tool ;)
  2. My vet said raw meat was fine, it is raw chicken that is the problem. Apparently chicken is the one that can harbour the most bugs, and has potential for the most problems....... In NZ, not sure about nowadays, it was actually illegal to feed your dog raw lamb. Lamb carried the Hydatid tape worm, and that is potentially lethal to humans. (i guess all the others can be too) Each year every dog in town had to go down to a certain area to be given a hydatids drench, it was green and yucky, and could really upset the dogs stomach. They wernt allowed to leave until they had done a poo and it had been checked by the vet that was in charge...But this doesnt happen now, so not sure if there is no hydatids or they have changed there way of thinking.....was a while ago. But like everything, you do what you think is the best......cant wrap ourselves in cotton wool and worry about everything you hear. Obviously some vets have their own opinion on the chicken issue.
  3. My vet also says no raw chicken. He said that because they are RAW there is more of a danger of picking up bugs etc, and of course no cooked chicken bones...
  4. Hi all, Can someone please give me some tips on grooming a long scruffy coated dog. Think he is a bearded collie X wolfhound. A real scruffer, I have always had short coated dogs, greys, jrt's, foxy. Im really not sure where to start, i was going to get him clipped but after reading a few threads, am thinking i may not do that now. He has a downy under coat. His coat doesnt really shed, nothing like my others, yaaay Can someone give some guidance on what to do first. Yesterday I tried to trim his beard as it is yuckky from eating and drinking, he saw the sissors and was gone, so I am thinking he hasnt had a good experience with sissors, LOL I will get him groomed but dont want to do it yet, he is a rescue and I want him to settle in first before i introduce more strange things to him. He doesnt mind being combed, not thrrilled, but tolerates it ok. I have read all the threads on grooming, and I am even more confused, LOL. Shedding tools, mars, furinator etc...... Thanx in advance for your replies....... ;)
  5. Hey Imy not meaning to hijack the thread, this is a fat greyhound, LOL, this was 3 weeks before he died at 16, :cool: my magnificent man.......Not full greyhound though. . That was 6 months ago and I still cry each day, I miss him so much....
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