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Posts posted by gemstone

  1. I have spoken to a few people in the U.S i'm told they have internists over there who put their dogs on fluids for 5 days straight to give the pancreas long enough time to recover. I have a feelng maybe she has never properly recovered but i don't know what to do as they don't do that here!

    Do you mean just fluids and no food?

    Callie was in the vets for 5 days on a drip but had food too.

    My vet says they have only started treating pancreatitis like this in the last year, before they would not have fed the dog

    now they try to feed them as soon as possible.

    Hope your new vet can give you some answers must be hard not knowing what causes it.

  2. Diet can play a big part in pancreatitis... Very low fat is vitally important to reduce the chance of a flare up.

    My old boy has cancer and as an aside from all the meds etc, lots of other issues are coming to the fore now - pancreatic problems are one of them. He had an 'episode' a while back and we have since removed as much fat from his diet as possible.

    Low fat meats like roo, tuna, chicken and turkey are now the mainstay of his diet. He has some veg added and he has fish oil capsules to add back some fat and other reasons. He gets cottage cheese and yoghurt as well.

    I was going to ask my vet about fish oil capsules as I had been giving them to Callie before her episode.

    So they are ok to give? I was worried that oil was fat

    Hope Ollie is doing ok

  3. good luck - and please let me know how you go.

    My dog had a very bad attack about 3 months ago but she is old and I know exactly what caused it.

    We have a very strict diet regime and I am hoping she wont get another one

    My girl is only a baby, i have no idea what leeps causing her flare ups!

    Can i ask what diet you have your dog on? and what caused it?

    Hi Lizzy

    we moved house in Feb and it seems the previous owners emptied a very full bbq drip tray

    into the flower beds - pure fat - and so she ate a lot of it :laugh: and nearly died.

    Now she cant tolerate fat.

    I home cook her meals. Chicken breast or mince (boiled then squeezed with paper towel) veggies and

    a small amount of rice. Also tuna in springwater and a special low fat kibble I use for treats.

    The only problem with that is I have to feed her 4-5 times a day to keep weight on her.

    What did your new vet say - were they helpful?

  4. By the way, as much as I love dogs, I am seriously considering never getting another dog again!!! I don't think I could withstand any more heartbreak! Dogs really do become more than "just dogs" to you. It is seriously the biggest joke of nature that dogs only live to around 14 years (if lucky). That was a bad idea, Mother Nature!

    I am sure I will get another dog one day, just not for a long time to come! All the good far outweighs the bad.

    I feel exactly the same.

    I know the day is coming when I am going to have to say goodbye.

    Went to pieces when I heard the word cancer - how I am going to have the strength to hold her as she goes....

    but I will - I owe her that.

    Thats why I feel so much for the people who's pets have gone and its why I cant spend more than a few minutes

    in Rainbow Bridge forum.

    I think these feelings we have are natural - ups and downs, a rollercoaster ride - well thats how the last year

    has felt for me

    ;) :) for you and Jasper

  5. RMC: Fred is actually a rescue dog. Found him on the petrescue website. When i saw him i knew he was my dog, but in the day between seeing him and emailing them, he'd been adopted. But a week later they gave him back.

    Seems he'd been adopted by an elderly couple who'd previously had a 15yo silky terrier lapdog. They lived near a shopping centre, and Fred escaped their backyard twice, and was found both times over the road at the local pizza shop! The last straw was when they went to church leaving him in their laundry. There was a sliding door to the rest of the house, and a fresh baked cake cooling on the kitchen counter... you can guess the rest. They got home, he had a full belly and it was back to the refuge the next day!

    He was actually found originally wandering the streets, no collar, no chip, quite skinny. The ranger picked him up and had him for 2 weeks, then he went to SAFE. They got him neutered, chipped etc, and was with them for a few weeks before that adoption. Then SAFE for a week, then to me. So he'd had a rough time of it before he got to me, had a bit of seperation anxiety to begin with, but got over it.

    And now this. Poor little fella deserves a break. I spoil him rotten and he truly is my furkid, just hoping he gets to live the long happy life he deserves.


    good story - :laugh: at the pizza

    As Mooper already said he has landed on his feet and you'll do the best for him

    My foxy is a rescue - has had skin cancer for the last year then pancreatitis to mix it up a bit and keep me on my toes

    Hope Freds feeling a bit better

    ps - how many photos do you have of Fred :D

  6. Totally understand why you have to try again - I would have done the same.

    Who knows, maybe it will work again and he will have another long remission? I hope so.

    Keep fighting little man!!

    Nell, I know its a hard time you are going through so take care of yourself too :laugh:

  7. Fred is one good looking dog!! where did you get him from?

    so here's hoping tomorrow he's a little bit better day after better still and hey maybe

    next week you will be doing another 'day in the life of' but it'll be 'look how good I feel today'


  8. Hi Kingbob

    hope Fred's feeling a bit better today - its hard seeing them in pain but they usually bounce back in no time

    good luck for the test results hope you get the best possible result

    Loved your 'day in the life of' Fred has a geat life with you :thumbsup:

  9. oh no - sorry to hear this

    Jasper has been fighting for what over a year now?

    true fox terrier.... he never gave up!!

    they are very special little dogs arent they? I have one.

    I dont have any words of wisdom to give you I wish did.

    But I am thinking of you both :cry:

  10. My GSD is 2 years old. She has been on a Barf diet for almost a year now.

    She seems really healthy and happy, her coat is fantastic and she has heaps of energy :dropjaw:

    My only concern is the amount of grass she eats. I know it is normal for dogs to eat a certain amount of grass, but she seems to eat a lot. Her favourite place is up at my mums place, she will happily graze there for ages. I have even seen her in the horse paddock grazing with the horses :laugh:

    her poos lately have had a fair amount of undigested grass in them. They kind of look stringy (sorry for the description).

    I am starting to worry that there is something I am missing with her diet.

    Currently she gets:

    AM - Lamb necks, chicken frames, chicken wings or various beef bones.

    PM - (per week) vegie slops 5 x, sardines 1x, kidney/liver 2 x, kanagroo meat 5 x

    Additives - fish oil, Evening Primrose oil (to help with the itchies), yoghurt or cottage cheese and ACV.

    her vegies slops usually consist of silver beet, zucchini, tomato, alfalfa sprouts, carrots, capsicum (minus the seeds) plus some apple/banana and the occasional broccoli and pumpkin.

    Does this seem balanced enough or could there be some reason for her grass eating?

    Any thoughts would be appreciated.

    Oh and she doesnt thow up after eating the grass either.

    I'm not an expert but that sounds like an excellent diet so I dont think its related to that.

    My foxy only eats grass when she wants to be sick so it will be interesting to hear of others stories

  11. Thanks for all your encouragement, yes cautiously optimistic and hoping for confirmation of clear margins.

    Poor Maxi, I picked him up late this afternoon, very sooky indeed. Big wound sites and stitches too (he's only a little bloke), so looks dramatic, I guess there will be some pain too.

    Anyway I had to carry him up all the stairs, and when he arrived he took himself off to his bed.

    I gave him a little nibble of vegimite toast, then half hour later a bit of milk and water (his favourite treat).

    It took him a couple of tries, but he has now toileted, opened bowels etc, and is a lot more comfortable.

    Later he had a couple of kibbles then a full dinner, he was really hungry.

    He is now up on the bed burrowed under the polar fleece blanket resting comfortably, and seems to be managing getting up and down on his own.

    He's got 5 days of antibiotics too just in case, then goes back in 10 for stitches out, unless something else needs looking at before hand.

    It's so good to have my littel furbaby back home.

    been thinking about you and Maxi - good to hear he is back home (and being spoilt by the sound of things)

    here's hoping for some good news when you get the results.

    take care both of you :rofl:

  12. Hi, on Thursday Maxi goes in for surgery to remove a pea sized lump from his chest/shoulder. It appeared before Xmas.

    The vet thinks there could be cause for concern but didn't do a needle aspiration, and we are going to go ahead and remove the lump with margins straight off with the first surgery. I might also ask her to do a needle aspiration the "lipoma" on the side of his chest just behind the foreleg while he is under.

    I am trying to stay positive and hoping it doesn't show anything too difficult to treat, but still looking through this thread to prepare myself just in case.

    The histamine factor is interesting.

    The anti cancer diet sounds interesting, is there a website with details?

    oh IDWT sorry to hear that

    hope Maxi's lump turns out to be nothing bad

    will be thinking of you both on Thursday, please let us know how he goes

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