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Everything posted by stolz

  1. I have a 6 month old mini schnauzer pup that loves to chew off our mini daschunds collar! Anyone have any suggestions as to how to stop her doing this? thanks
  2. we have a 4 month old mini daschund male pup who has taken to pooing on the back patio when he is out there. he will urinate on the grass, but he doesnt seem to want to poo out there. we have tried picking up the poo, disinfecting the area, putting him on the grass if we catch him in the act(sometimes goes or will just hold on) but we seem to be having no luck. hes also still going to the toilet in the house. he urinated on a sheet just last nite when i was with him and he was sitting behind me! any help would be greatly appreciated. thanx in advance
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