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Everything posted by arby

  1. Personally after 4 breaks in a tail I would remove it. It wouldnt really heal properly from the breaks and chances are it would break again. I mean its been broken twice already! if you do get it done, make sure its a reputable vet that does it. A good vet would actually worry about the condition of the dog, not how much paper work would need to be filled in because of the surgery.
  2. Thats very great news! Glad the little bugger is doing better
  3. both my boys are on BARF and dry food (as a snack)
  4. Hey Karyn, GSD's are great. Hope all works out for you and your hubby. Make sure you come on here bit more, we love GSD's so make sure to post some pics. If you ever have a problem no matter how silly it might seem feel free to ask on here. People are really friendly and always happy to help So yeh WELCOME Barbs
  5. Hows Diesel going tonight??? Hope to hear some good news soon, been worrying about the little guy.
  6. If he's stable then its a great sign *fingers crossed*
  7. it depends on if your dog has a weight issue or not. Underweight you feed more at night then in the morning meaning they transfer the energy from the food into fat at night etc. Overweight you'd probably feed more in the morning less in the evening. This way the dog doesnt have that much energy to store at night. 50/50 is a good option for a well balanced dog. PS. you should not be feeding a dog before exercise. One reason is because it will upset their stomach, can make them vomit etc. Another reason is the dog uses stored energy for the exercise instead of using the energy straight from food. Basically they burn their fat instead of the food. So this helps keep a healthy lean dog.
  8. never had probs with roo we got a very good pet store owner gets a good fresh supply each week freezes it straight away. OHs cousin feeds his dogs fresh wild roo on occasions never had a problem. He has pigdogs so when they go huntin the dogs get the meat from the pigs or the roos from the hunt.
  9. You just have to keep an eye out on it. Could just be a puppy murmur and they grow out of it. At 7 weeks and being very faint it more then likely will go away. You need to get the vet to check him at the next vaccination. If the murmur is still there check at 6 months and then get an ultrasound once old enough. Question have you bred this pup or is it from a breeder? Just wondering how you are in possession of a 7 week old pup.
  10. what sort of diet is he on normally?
  11. That is so sad. Hopefully he will make it through alright. You have a very strong breed there. Mini's are fighters thats for sure. I know how hard it can all get. We had to pts my boy after a speeding car had hit him and not even bothered to stop. The boy managed to still try to walk with broken ribs, internal bleeding and the like. He lasted another 4 or so hours before my dad decided to have him pts. They are very strong, dont give up hope.
  12. CHEAP AND NASTY is all i can say Taz got given them as a xmas prezzie one year. Threw his guts up everywhere. I have no probs with rawhide. These chews thought are rawhide thats been highly processed, glued back together and painted. Dogs (like humans) should not have artificial colouring or preservatives
  13. its not just any puppy...Mini schnauzer pups never cease to surprise me. Axle (RIP baby) once ate a huge bone..it was as big as him. We didnt think he would eat it all just let him chew on it a bit. Half hour later it was all gone... On another occasion we went out and poor bugger got stressed out...he managed to eat all the upholstery on the door (it was a sound proof door thing, foam covered in fake leather stuff). He ate like a square meter of foam and pvc stuff! Basically as high as he could jump and rip and bite thats how much off the stuff he got off the door. Of course by the time we got home he threw up everywhere including my mums boots. Couldnt really punish him because he looked so sorry for himself. Anyways hope your little man is doing better today keeping you and him in my thoughts. Since its a bigger blockage it could be a g string and bra set he ate...
  14. especially 3 little uncontrollable bush brats age 7,9, 11 their spoilt 9 and 13 year old cousins all together in the backyard. I saw them teaching our boxer to jump up on them and also teasing him with food and I just go stuff that. I kinda agree what my vet said at puppy school. Usually when kids are with dogs, she doesnt worry about the dog starting something, she gets worrried about what the kids might do to the dog!
  15. Good idea! Is he crate trained? if they want him inside but not all over them, perhaps he could be in a crate in the room where they watch TV? he has never been crate trained but will be soon. As we go into agility he'll need to learn to stay in a crate. He's usually so good in the house. Will go sleep on the couch or in my OH's room just waiting for his mum and dad to come home.
  16. Ah the mini schnauzer...never underestimate the power of their stomach. He probably stuffed himself silly, even when they eat a little at a time. He might've just eaten a bit too much of a bone at once. I spent half my life with these little buggers, my grandparents bred them. For a little fussy dog they can still stuff themselves.
  17. well my OHs sister especially is bad at training Humphrey the wrong things. She will give him food give him cuddles one day, then she will tease him with food (eating infront of him, pretending to give him some then eat it herself), then another day she will lock him out of the house...even when its raining and very cold and night time. He's used to being let in at night if someone is home. My OH's siblings will keep him locked out, and just watch tv in the back room (lots of windowns and the dog can see inside). Just just stresses him out. I mean usually when he comes into the house, he'll want a cuddle or a pat and then go to sleep. She's also the one responsible for bringing over young kids under age of 12 and not looking after them around the dog. These 3 boys will tackle the dog, tease it, run around screaming, actually teach him to jump up on them and then when they get injured or scratched or somethiing its suddenly the dogs fault!! When the kids are around I've actually gotten to the point of taking the dog and locking him up with me in my OH's room.
  18. can i ask why soaked buiscuit we have a mastiff x and ridgeback x should they be having thins done to one is 11 weeks the other 2 yrs karen its important especially with young pups Young pups tend to gulp and dry kibble can be a bad mix could easily get stuck etc. You should never leave a younger dog unsupervised with eating until you know your dog can eat properly. Chew not gulp. Diesel, the lamb shank wouldnt help too much if it was a tummy bug. Gastro is usually agrevated by rich foods. Just too much for the dogs system to ingest. I's stick to some plain food for next few days if i were you.
  19. hey myszka, Humphrey is my OH's (and he's also my boy). I really want to be able to implement that sort of thing but with this family its a bit different. Humphrey is good with my OH's parents he mostly respects them. LIke i said he basically walks over the OH's siblings because they have no clue about dog behaviour. To me you have to earn a dogs respect. I doubt you'll get that screaming and screetching at them or locking them out of hte house when they are actually behaving.
  20. I'd say you have a leadership problem on your hand. How old is she?
  21. Hey myszka, the dog lives with my OH and his family. Right now there is no chance of moving out :D Erny now you know why I really want to do a dog trainers course. Boxers are very smart and they can be very cheeky and even vengeful if they dont get respected or made to feel like a part of the pack. They can really hold a grudge and I've seen proof of this first hand. I cant wait to start agility with him, I really think that it will help this situation, keep him stimulated and also get closer to me and the other half. He really loves exercise and running around and thats his motivation. That way I can use agility as a motivation for NILIF.
  22. How old is your pup? If its very young you might not want to be leaving it unsupervised with bones. Also what sort of meat was the bone? Lamb can be a bit rich for pups so it can cause some bad tummy upsets.
  23. Or perhaps make the rest of the family listen to you so that he will listen to them? :D I've tried...It just ends up with me getting mad. My OH's sister has a thing about saying Humphrey is basically stupid, should be kept outside and makes the whole house dirty (coming from a person who takes over 3 rooms of the house). She will scream in a high pitch tone at him, any wonder why he barks back. Also the siblings have a thing about teasing the boxer with food before kicking him out of the house for realy long periods of time. Being a very social dog it drives him insane. It also amusing that the only items he destroys in the house are my OH's siblings stuff.
  24. 18 months? Then he's had a fair period of time to learn, establish and exhibit this behaviour and convince himself of his higher ranking position. You've used NILIF before and stopped? This should be a consistent program, not one that's only there when there are problems (especially at his young age). A leader must exhibit leadership consistently for it to retain its credibility. Each time you let it slip it will become more difficult and time consuming to re-claim. Leadership is something each member of the family should practice. Sorry Erny didnt make myself too clear, I think the ridiculous hour of the night might have something to do with it. Well the jumping thing has only come out in last 4 months, before that he was undercontrol. We still to the NILIF, just with the jumping there is a powerstruggle right now. This I think is mainly due to us having been overseas for 6 weeks. During that time my OH's siblings were looking after the dogs and I doubt they did anything we taught them. At the moment it seems the ranking is my OH, me, the dog, the rest of the family. My OH's parents still have some control. Humphrey couldnt care less about the 2 siblings (ones 25 and other 23). They do everything opposite to what they should. When he barks they start screaming at him etc, which just makes things worse. I make sure that when he's playing up he gets put in "time out" until he settles down. When he settles down I'll go out to him again practice a few commands and if he does them then i'll play with him or take him for a walk. When he gets all jumpy and stuff with me and the OH we will get very stern with him and he'll settle down and become submissive. Sits down ears back looking all innocent. Just need to figure out how to make him listen to the rest of the family.
  25. Thanks Erny, I had a feeling it would be a leadership issue. Most days he is fine with me and my OH. The problem is the OH's family, they're really bad at keeping training. So i guess I will be training them too. He's 18months, so he's still a growing brat. Its kind of funny because he pushes the boundary with me but after a bit of a power struggle I manage to dominate over the little bugger. I think its a problem right now because he is entire and he is growing bigger everyday. He wont be full size for at least another 6 months and he's already 30 kgs. Will try the TOT, NILIF has worked with other problems before so should try doing that. If i still have problems then we'll get K9 involved.
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