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Everything posted by bridged
good thread my pups stolen the sole out of one of my shoe (never found it either), dug up all the plants in the back yard, stolen a bag of sugar out of the pantry and took it out side and ate it, stole a roll of toliet paper and ripped it up in the lounge room, ripped up all the blankets in her kennel and brang all the weeds in from the back yard. Shes also destoyed varios other things but there the main thing i can think of
thanks everyone i'll try a few things that have been metioned. It seems alot of training things are just common sense (pity I dont have alot)
Shes inside most of the time when Im at home so preety much from 5 or 6 on weeknights till 9or 10 then she goes outside to bed. She doesnt mind going outside when its bed time and knows when the lights are off its not worth waisting her breath. She's about 4 months old now
How do stop my girl barking her head of at the door when she wants to come inside? I've tryed ignoring her but thats starting to drive me nut. Somtimes I shout at her and shes queit for 10 mins or so but then she starts again
Na not at all shes very well behaved most of the time its just the baths she hates. I think i'll try filling the bath then pouring water over her with a bucket she seems to be ok when the taps off i think it just might be that she hates.
I think if I were to put that in the back yard she would come out twice as dirty as she was before
How do i wash my 4 mounth old rotti? She loves going for swims but when i try to bath her the second the water turns on all hell brakes loose she does not want to be in that bath So how do I wash her with uot washing half the house too?
My rotti pup has been digging for a while now, shes about 19 weeks old now and the problem is that the holes are getting to be a bit large. She doesnt burry stuff in em just digs for fun i think. Is it somthing that she'll grow out off i should i do something to stop it?
my pups been diging holes all over the back yard though she doesnt put anything in there she justs digs a bit then moves along and starts a new hole
cool i wont be to hard on her then
My rotti pup is really starting to get on my nerves when ever i walk anywhere she grabs hold of my shoes or pants or socks. Ive tryed destracting her with other toys and always tell her a stern NO when she does it. She gets distracted by the toys for about half a second then goes strait back to biting my legs. Help please
Im in caroline springs/ deer park
thanks alot for your advise poeple i'll stop taking her for such long walks I think the rotti club is to far away for me (says on the website cranbourne) I'll try and find something a bit closer i think. Anyone know a good place to take her in the western region of melboure? Shes getting her final shot tomorow so I'd like to start taking her somewhere next week
Shes about 12 weeks now i take her for a 2or 3 k walk most days, Is this too much? Not enough? Where are the located? any details would be apreciated
NILIF sounds like a good plan i'll give it a shot
ok next problem im having with her is one shes just started tonight, that is that if you try and take somthing she chewing she growls very agresivly at me. I think she might have learned this from the older dog as if I try and take a bone or something hes chewing he arks right up. I want to stop this asap as if she's chewing something she shouldnt be and me or my gf tryes to take it away we risk getting bitten. What i have done when shge growls is grab her by the scruff of the neck and tell her NO Not sure if im doing the right thing or not?
the problem is that she pulls on the leash its more that she pulls sideways and weaves either side of you not next to you like she does wen shes not on the leash
How do i sucesfully teach my 12 week old rotti pup to walk on the leash? I've been taking her for lots of walks and she walks perfectly next to you wen shes not on the leash but once i put it on she just pulls away, walks in frount of you and trip you over and is generally a pest. Also she walks ok on the leash when we take her out with the other dog she just sorta follows him along but when by her self shes a bit of a handfull