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Everything posted by stephcola

  1. I don't think there was a "no pets" message. I think it was aimed more at people who are likely to buy a BYB puppy from a pet store then people who post/read a pure bred dog community forum. No one in my household (minus the dogs) eats meat, wears anything from an animal, or supports animal testing - I don't think it's such an absurd concept.
  2. On the same topic, here is another documentary I would strongly recommend. Food Inc. It is much less graphic & intense then Earthlings - but still really powerful & informative. It focuses more on agriculture & outrageous farming methods in the USA but is still defintely relevent. Here is a link for the trailer! --
  3. I don't feed my dogs "tinned scraps". I feed a complete raw diet. Even when they were on dried food they still never ate tinned food. I am not accusing you (or anyone in particular) of doing so. But it's a fairly common diet for a dog, would you agree?
  4. I have a friend who has raised his newfoundland on a vegan diet (he SLOWLY made the transistion when the dog was young) & i would say he is happy & healthy. He uses a combination of Veganpet kibble & home prepared vegies. If someone is willing to put in the effort & money to do it properly then i believe a dog can thrive on this diet. Obviously doing it incorrectly or being lazy about it would be terrible for the dog. Bringing the word "natural" into the discussion seems like a bit of a joke to me. In my opinion feeding a dog a well balanced vegan/vegetarian diet monitored by a human is no more or less "natural" then feeding a dog some tinned scraps from the abbatoir floor that you bought from the supermarket.
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