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Everything posted by BigBen

  1. Pork hearts used to be one of my favourite meal... Can't get them here in Australia... Maybe they're filled with worms or something?? Oh... you were talking about the dogs....
  2. BigBen

    Crying Puppy

    Where is he, when 'you go from room to room'? Or not playing 'fetch'????
  3. Important for me: General manners...: Don't beg (I really hate that), sit, lay down, when told... Wait, when told.. and... DON'T BUG ME WHILE I'M SLEEPING... (I work shiftwork, and he doesn't... )
  4. ewww... Ben brought in a decomposed (not sure if that's the word.. it was a rotten body) body of a frog/toad today... Ben, laying just beside me, and I smelt this horrible smell, and then found this carcass, he was happily chewing on... I nearly vomited, the smell was so bad...
  5. A great Dane is apparently not regarded an adult until he's 2 years old..
  6. BigBen

    Advice Please

    I would get him a crate, instead of the high sided box... He could get very hot in there, unless you have aircon... Also in a crate he'll be able to see out... He might just be a bit claustrophobic.. lol
  7. Over the 40 years I've had dogs, I've had a few, who were not interested in balls... My Great Dane X is the best retriever I've ever had ... :laugh:
  8. Oh... Wow! That's sooooo good to hear...
  9. I rescued a dog earlier this year, who was barking constantly... I bought an anti-bark collar, and all that happened, was that he learned to count! He also knew, when he didn't have it on.. The collar worked, but not in a way that taught him not to bark, only not to bark, when he had it on... Unfortunately this dog had to be put down due to people aggression..
  10. Today I found some duck heads... Would they be suitable to feed - not as a meal, but as an addition to a meal?
  11. Well, I wouldn't work for just a pat on the back, I want something more valuable - for me it's money... In the middle ages a lot of people worked for food and shelter alone, but I suppose we found better ways to encourage good workers.
  12. I have RSPCA's highest cover for Ben... It's about $22 per fortnight, and is direct debited on payday...
  13. 31 dogs??? Of course they'll bark, when being let out... This is FUN - have to BARK!
  14. I'm sorry you're having those problems.. How old is he? What was the reason he had an operation on his 'backside'?
  15. Sounds like great news... Obviously his weight problem is the cause of some of his problems.... Good stuff that he's loosing weight.. Well done.. :rolleyes:
  16. I would go by weight - not cups... 2-3% of the dogs ideal weight in food per day... If she's 30kg feed her 600 grams of food divided into 2 or more meals...
  17. I still haven't heard back from the Great Barko People.., and I got Advance Giant breed today, when I got food for Ben... Ben actually loves this stuff, because the biscuits are so large.
  18. I wouldn't be worried... She's peeing and pooping, she looks in great condition.. It could be if you keep on pampering her regarding food, she'll end up being overweight...
  19. Right from when I first got Ben, I have asked him to see what he's got in his mouth... He never minds, in fact he'll come and put his best new bone in my lap.. NOT that I want it! I always took the thingo out of his mouth, had a good look at it, and gave it back to him... 9 out of 10 times he could have it back... I'm still doing the same thing...
  20. Feed 2% daily of their ideal weight... If the ideal weight is 10kg, you should feed 200 grams of food per day. I used this formula on my GSD.. She died earlier this year... I rescued her, when she was 5 and she was severely overweight...
  21. Ben is also very mouthy at nearly 6 months old... He no longer bites, but put his open mouth on my arm... I don't move my arm, just give a low growl and he removes his mouth... The reason I do it this way is because, if I move my arm he'll move with it.
  22. Ben had no choice about having a bath... I had 3 weeks holiday, when I got him at 9 weeks... Then I had 2 weeks on nightshift, where he was crated... The first 3 nights he pooed in his crate, and was covered in it... So he went straight in the bathtub... and consequently got to hate water... or so I thought... I find that he's always coming into the shower with me... I just used to pat him on his wet head and laugh at him, and now he comes in all the way while I pat him... Afterwards he's loves getting towel dried... We're also playing with the hose outside, where he's starting to chase the water... Ben is nearly 6 months old...
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