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    Bernese Mountain Dogs
  1. Teebs - I used to sit on dogzonline a lot - for the past 6 months or more have only visited occasionally and quickly. I've just been skimming through some of the threads in the BSL forum and you're words really explained an absolute confusion I was having - I thought Id gone a little odd - I used to consider this essentially an anti BSL forum, now it seems, the tone is pro BSL? The thrust of one thread was lost in a greater sadness attached to it - but it was basically to dob in any new owner you suspect of having a pitty, so they come under the scrutiny of the council - not to wait and make an assesment, as a dog of any breed, as to whether you consider that individual dangerous. Pro BSL in essence. I dunno, Im confused. How quickly we accept the status quo, and let the wedge drive a little deeper.
  2. Thanks for the replies! Sounds like Eagle packs a bit of a winner :D
  3. Hi, Its been a long time since Ive had a puppy, and Im getting a bit overwhelmed with feeding choices - Helppppp!!!! Pup is a large breed, ocd and hd in the breed. Pups parentage is an unknown quantity, and she is 4 months old. Had been fed Bonnie puppy cut down with rice by the person I got her from (another thread :p ) Pup has poor conformation, so Im keen to give her the most appropriate diet I can, to minimise joint problems. That being said, I know my faults, and I dont think Im up to figuring out a full on Barf type diet, yet I dont want to purely feed her dry food - the vet recommended feeding only Advance with an occasional bone for teeth. Soo, in my dog world friends, one suggests Advance, but blended with supercoat sensitive (partly to drop the protein, partly cost I think) and small amounts of meat and veg. Other friend suggests basing her diet on pet chicken mince (she recommends adding a teaspoon of calcium to a pound of mince as she doesnt believe the calcium in it is readily available(?) to a cup of dry food. She also recommends leftover vegies etc and vitamin c for connective tissue.... Im confused! Id like to base around the chicken mince - am worried about adding calcium - and dont want to muck up my pup any further - cost of course is a factor too - any comment about these suggestions?
  4. Fantastic!! Thanks so much for saving me more fruitless searching. Thats handy to OHs work too - better than I could have hoped for
  5. Hi Topic title says it all! Im still finding my feet in Geelong - its only been a year <sigh> but I think Ive figured out vaguely which suburbs are where! Wondering where to head for good chicken mince - dont want to support the local pet shop as it sells pups. Prefer smallish bulk lots, to fill my freezer - say, 25 kilos? Thanks
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