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Everything posted by Sammykins

  1. I have 4 dogs so I know what you mean. My top dog Sam and she often puts the other dogs in there place but nothing like what you have described. I have never been quite sure what to do but have now decided that as I am the top dog and I can tell all the other dogs what to do and if I don't react then the dogs will assume their behaviour is okay. I suggest that next time Sniffy shows any aggression to Pepe Sniffy should be told to stop and taken into a quiet room and left there for 5-15 minutes. I think what you have described is very scary. All the dogs ganging up on one other dog is not a good thing. Show Sniffy you are the boss and that you will not let Sniffy go after Pepe but still treat Sniffy as the higher order dog if that is what Sniffy is.
  2. One of my dogs was very shy when I took her for walks. She still is aa bit she and she's 5 years old. I soon discovered that by giving her treats I was teaching her to stop not to keep walking. What I found best was if she stopped in front of a house (for example) then I would encourage her to keep walking by crossing to the other side of the road or going in another direction. I would take her along the same route until she became familiar and comfortable with that route. Once she had conquered that I could move on to other unfamiliar routes repeating the same process of crossing the road when she stopped. Sometimes I didn't know why she stopped where she did but often it was because the property nearby had a dog or there was a noise she didn't like so going a short distance way worked for her. It meant I was constantly going back and forth across the street but it built up her confidence.
  3. I agree with the other comments. I have two dogs and I have learnt from experience not to leave them treats or bones when I go out. When you have more than one dog it leads to aggression and even fights. I only give them treats when I'm home. If you can separate them to some extent when you are home (e.g. one in house and one outside) then it should be okay for them to have treats when you are home but not able to supervise).
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