I am having issues trying to teach our JRT (Parker) to focus.
I've enrolled in obedience school, which starts on sunday (he doesnt attend the first session though).
What I was told to do at home before coming along, was to teach him to pay attention (focus) to me, and they gave me an exercise to do it which involves calling the dogs name, touching him on the nose with a small piece of treat and saying his cue word when lifting the treat up to your chin so he looks at you, then rewarding, and 'releasing'.
After a while we're meant to extend how long before he gets the treat, and alternate treats here and there.
The problem is, I've been doing it for nearly a week, and we're still at square one - and I just don't think he gets the idea of the exercise - after 3 or 4 times of touching him on the nose with a treat, he will just look at me without having to say his cue word. Then next time we go to practice, he won't realise whats going on at first, then once he realises treats are involved, he'll just look at me.
Also, with the exercise requiring me to 'release' him, he doesn't know that yet. But the exercise for 'release' requires me to get him under control with the attention cue, which i'm having trouble with. What should he learn first?
What am I doing wrong? What should I/shouldn't I be doing?