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Everything posted by fourbouy

  1. Hi, thanks for your suggestions, however, he doesn't get shampooed at all since he swam every day, & his coat & skin have been fantastic since, it's just the smell I'm concerned about. I think it's the food really, I'm just wanting confirmation. Once or twice a week, I comb him, and then we vacuum him with pet grooming vacuum nozzles!! He loves it. Kind regards, Andy
  2. Hi, Oscar my 20 month goldie STINKS of Balsam, or pine or eucalyptus, but to me it's more balsam. He goes in the brackish Swan river each morning, & the ocean at the week-end. I think he seems more oily around the first 300mm forward of this tail on the top of his back. He looks WONDERFUL & his coat is very soft, but has heavy dandruff underneath that is apparant when I brush him. As a puppy he was dark underneath & the vet said he should be pink & she was concerned about allergies. We tried the elimination diet, but you know goldies, short of muzzling him, you just couldn't stop him eating plants, grass, garbage cat poo, oh yes dog poo, duck poo, horse poo!! We now feed him the Hills Science food for sensitive skins, which he loves. Can anyone offer me any advice? It will be gratefully appreciated. Kind regards, Andy
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