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desperate dane

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Everything posted by desperate dane

  1. Hi BlackJaq They both have IAMS large breed/ chicken necks/fresh vegetables. When we first rescued them (both arrived at the same time) Jolson was 4 yrs old and Frankie was a rescue aged 18 months) it was hard to find something they would both eat and would suit them, but this seems to be fine.
  2. Thanks for your responses, Ams and futuredogtrainer :) I have wondered about reflux, as it's more common when he's lying down. The smaller meals option is one I hadn't thought of, I'll try to take note of when in the day it happens in relation to his feed, and see if it might be an empty tum causing more stomach acid, so smaller more frequent meals might help him. Both Danes always gets fed morning and evening, at roughly the same time each day
  3. Hi DOL members Just wondering if anyone has had a similar problem to this. Jolson my beautiful big black Dane has recently started intermittently having the following symptoms, most often when he's snoozing or lying down.I hear his stomach gurgling , then a gagging / cough, followed sometimes but not always by vomiting of clear egg white looking liquid. Not a huge amount, sometimes has a bit of residue in, once it looked like soil, but only just visible-there is no smell, or blood evident. Other than looking a bt sheepish when it happens, he doesn;t seem to have any other problem. We do have a palm tree from next door which is dropping the small brown seed pods and one time I saw something that could have been a bit of pod in the vomit-but nothing more. Been to the vet for a check up and his heart lungs etc all clear, no sign of obstructions, temp up a little bit so amoxyclav and metacam for 5 days. Symptoms went away for a week but have now returned. He eats well, wants to walk, will play with the other Dane, is otherwise fine, not any more lethargic than usual for a 10 year old Dane.....His weight is stable at around 65kg. If anyone has any suggestions or similar experiences I would really welcome hearing about them. I will have to take him back for blood work if it doesn't subside, but was thinking about trying him on zantac, as the event is almost always preceded by a (loud) gurgly tummy. Thanks!
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