Hi DOL members
Just wondering if anyone has had a similar problem to this. Jolson my beautiful big black Dane has recently started intermittently having the following symptoms, most often when he's snoozing or lying down.I hear his stomach gurgling , then a gagging / cough, followed sometimes but not always by vomiting of clear egg white looking liquid. Not a huge amount, sometimes has a bit of residue in, once it looked like soil, but only just visible-there is no smell, or blood evident. Other than looking a bt sheepish when it happens, he doesn;t seem to have any other problem. We do have a palm tree from next door which is dropping the small brown seed pods and one time I saw something that could have been a bit of pod in the vomit-but nothing more. Been to the vet for a check up and his heart lungs etc all clear, no sign of obstructions, temp up a little bit so amoxyclav and metacam for 5 days. Symptoms went away for a week but have now returned. He eats well, wants to walk, will play with the other Dane, is otherwise fine, not any more lethargic than usual for a 10 year old Dane.....His weight is stable at around 65kg. If anyone has any suggestions or similar experiences I would really welcome hearing about them. I will have to take him back for blood work if it doesn't subside, but was thinking about trying him on zantac, as the event is almost always preceded by a (loud) gurgly tummy. Thanks!