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  1. Well we both work full time too and so my mum comes over at lunch time and feeds them and plays with them for a while. Thats spoilt, but my mum loves them so its good.
  2. Hi there Im just wondering if someone can help me, i have 2 golden retriever pups - they are 16 weeks. I feed them 3 times a day, but my vet said that I can start putting them down to 2 meals a day, just give them more at the 2 meals, so that they are eating the same food but just twice a day. But I tried giving them more breakfast and they just dont finish it, so im a bit unsure what or how to go about reducing them to twice. Is it too soon to start doing this? I dont want to overfeed them but at the same time dont want them to go hungry.
  3. Hi there I need some advice - I have 2 x 14 week old Golden Retriever pups. We got them at 8 weeks and taught them to wee and poo outside, and apart from the odd accident they have hardly peed inside at all. In the last week, they have started peeing inside. I do all the right things as in taking them outside after meals and sleeps and playtime etc, but they have started just squatting and peeing when inside and i dont get a second to stop them. Why have they suddenly started weeing inside when they have been so good? Is it normal to have a relapse in training? They know it is wrong because they run away after they have done it cos they know they are going to get into trouble. Any feedback appreciated
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