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Everything posted by Lab_Rat

  1. After replying to this thread, I had to go and open a bottle of red!! Now I want cheese and bikkies!!
  2. I hope so too, Lab_Rat. I'm a bit dubious (but it is hard to be optimistic when so many other things "that have always helped other dogs" have proven unsuccessful for Mandela) as there were some other Chinese herbals he was on for the same(ish) thing and they didn't make one iota of difference. I'm really glad you have had success from them for Zola and that's fantastic that Zola was ok with the beef brisket bones. *Touch wood*. If that can remain a fact - that is a HUGE progressive step!!! Maybe with the thyroidal assistance for Mandela, these other things will have half a chance of working now. Maybe - but I'm ready for disappointment. I think it is still going to be a long, slow road to recovery. I don't mind that thought - I will just really love it if the recovery could bear some consistency to it. Yeh, well I think I spoke tooooooooooooooo soon!!! Miss Zola has developed itchy ears, she scratched the crap out of one!! Pawpaw ointment for that one tonight. So I may try lamb bones next time, though something other than shanks or ribs..... :D
  3. :laugh: Yay for Mandela!!!! You must be feeling pretty good about that Erny! I understand your not wanting to jinx things, but I think you made some definite progress with finding out about his Hypothyroidism! I really hope the Chinese Herbs help - they made a huge difference for Zola. She was on a course about 2 years ago, and hasnt had anything but lamb and chicken since. Last week she had some BEEF BRISKET BONES and as yet, hasnt had any reaction to it! That has made me feel pretty good! I hope your boy continues to forge ahead, and surprise you! What is the RC "Intestinal"????? Havent seen that one.
  4. No I havent ST, the ones I have seen seem awfully fatty and they seem to be hard to come by!! The brisket bones I found yesterday were at Woolies and thats the first time Ive seen them there!! I will keep an eye out for the lamb tho, dont want to put too much beef into Zola until I know how she will handle it. Roo is out of the picture - too rich for her belly. You should see out photo collection RubyStar - I reckon 90% are animal pics, and mostly dogs at that! Before I can create my montage I need to get the video off a video, shouldnt be that difficult as I have the gizmo to do it. I need to make sure the VCR is up to scratch to play it first. I really wish I had some video of her after she lost her leg. Im hoping I may find some, but it was our friend who had the video camera, so its not looking good! When I was showing Zola I had my sister take some video at the first and only Western Classic we were in. I ended up making a little movie from the footage - which I was quite proud of ....even sent it to my ever suffering breeder!! Would love to see your slideshow!
  5. VCBR - that was a beautiful tribute for your gorgeous Lilly!! What an absolutely beautiful girl, I have such a soft spot for B&T's ;) ....And dont you dare feel like you cant share your sad stuff on here. Thats one of the things I believe we are here for, to support our fellow dog & animal lovers I understand (as many others do) what you are going through and how you may be feeling. You have inspired me to make a montage of my darling first RR girl, who was the bestest ever dog who taught me soooo much! My heart broke whense lost her - 5 years ago now, but I still tear up (like right now) when I start thinking about her too much. So head here and talk whenever you need to! Mas, we lost our darling old mare this year too. She was 30+ and we got her in 1984............So she was very much part of our family! I still expect to see her head over the fence when I drive up the driveway, and when the rain comes my first thought is "I better go rug Sal", til I then quickly realise where she is she will never need another rug. She is running with her beloved mates Nicky, Pancho and Fancy somewhere. Everytime we lose one of our beloved pets it hurts - big time! But we have to remember ALL the joy they give us over the time they are with us. Which is why we have them in the first place. I have lost 4 of my animal family in the last 12 months, which has been hard - but I know they had the best life here with us. Sorry rambled a bit too much there................... On a brighter note, my feral, sensitive sooky RR girl actually ate two brisket bones this morning She took about a week, well not quite, too eat them after she figured out how to gnaw on them. But once she got into them she really loved 'em . I will keep an eye on her over the next few days to see if she has any reaction to them, but Im hoping she will be fine! She hasnt had any beef for along time, and I really want her to be eating some bones. I think she needs a bit more than chicken wings (which make her itch like mad) and I dont like lamb shanks - too splintery.
  6. Poor Lilly VCBR, I hope the anti-inflamms do the job for her arthritis. Sorry about the tumour. I understand though that you would rather have her at home with you while she is crook! How old is the dear girl?? I will be heading to the Royal - to watch only - on Tuesday, for the hounds. Ridgies specifically Would love to get there on the Sunday for the Kelpies, but I am heading to a family reunion. This should be an interesting day as there will be lots of people there I dont even know! Sorry about the non-puppy situation WX, perhaps shes getting jealous of Mr Naca going to all the shows :D .
  7. That is so true Tiggy!! We managed to change our Kelpies behaviour towards Thunder & Lightning!! She went from a shaking, hiding scaredy cat to what she is now!! A legendary beast who barks at the scary thunder and scares it away Even the precious ridgeback is taking a leaf out of her book and not really reacting to it anymore!! After years of having thunder phobic dogs who destroy doors and whatever is in their way to hide, its nice to not have to worry so much! Poor Toby VCBR, but what a d!ckhead of a father to have a screaming match with his son anyway!!! Good example to the youngster....
  8. Where are yours lab_rat I am feeling especially unmotivated after my disaster training session last night. Also YAY STRAUSS!!!!!! :laughProbably early on in the Kelpie and RR threads.....................Ill see what I can do!!
  9. Well Ptolomy must have one giant grin on her face this morning!!!! I cant imagine how excited she would be I have been reading lots, but not contributing over the past few days.....You guys make me feel quite slack and non-motivated with all your training and trialling I have done nuthin for quite a long time. I hate that Im so far from anywhere to get to anything on a regular basis, and just lack the motivation to keep on by myself. Im sure I could do great things with Wandy, shes such a little trooper and loves doing stuff for me.............. Help!!!!! Oooh, meant to add - loved all the puppy pics!
  10. What ...............youve had rain - tonight????? Geez, its been fine down here alllll day, and hot in the sun! I hope some of the rain makes it down here!
  11. Hi Quickbrownfox - I will be another requesting pictures of your beautiful pupster My Dad had an Airedale when he was a kid, and Ive always admired them. I like them and Irish, Kerry Blue and Welsh Terriers, dont know if Im the right person to own one though!
  12. Hi Bastion, you may want to try a West Australian made kibble. Natural Balance is a Lamb based kibble and my girls have been on it for the past few years. Our ridgy has allergies to different meats, with chicken being one she really reacts to but does really well on NB. I hope you find something for your poor dog!
  13. I would have to agree with you dyzney!! For example, I have owned quite a number of dogs in my time, and consider myself to be an "experienced" dog owner. I have been obsessed by dogs from an early age and pretty much like most breeds. However - I would never even think of owning any of the independent type breeds, like Malamutes or Shiba Inu. I know that I dont have the correct temperament to own one of these breeds - they would end up owning me ..... Hehehe, our ridgy is hard enough work!!
  14. Im a tad confused now ;) .................I thought this Sunday was just Agility?? Or is the Obedience Trial on this weekend also?? Or another weekend??
  15. :D I may have to give it a miss............Visitors! Sorry guys no cake!!
  16. Happy Birthday RubyStar!!! Happy Birthday Buster!!
  17. 1.Kelpie 2.Rhodesian Ridgeback 3.Basenji 4.Pug 5.Borzoi 6.Greyhound 7.Irish Terrier 8.Airedale 9.GSP 10.Bull Terrier
  18. Cook - I dont think so!! When in Perth we do JUNK FOOD!!!! :cheer: Will let you know closer to the date. Poor Bos, a veteran already!!
  19. We should be in the WA thread .....But anyway! Yay - I plan to go the the Royal on Ridgy day, have swapped shifts for it!! DWD too excellent!! Im also coming up for the Specialty show weekend to!! Ill keep your spare beds in mind! Is Bosley in for the Ridgy show?? I dont think Ill put Zola in. I was going to enter her in the Neuter class, but dont think I will bother - Ill watch and socialise instead!!
  20. If this works for Zola I might investigate that. Lots cheaper! Where from?? Are you still doing DWD??
  21. Yep, just the small one to begin with. Im giving her 3.5ml per day with her dinner. Will see how she goes with the whole tube, seeing as she has such high anxiety. I suppose depending on what sort of issues the dog has will depend on when you administer it. I think Wazat is only giving it to her dogs before a show. So that would last alot longer. Are you thinking of giving it to your boy??
  22. Not sure about Melb. Kirty, but I would be trying the smaller non branded stockfeed type places. Like WX said, they seem to be cheaper than the others! Rat
  23. I was thinking maybe PetStock might have it too Washa - if there is one near you. They do horsey stuff.
  24. Oh, how I wish we had Lure Coursing over her in WA!!!
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