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Everything posted by Lab_Rat

  1. Sorry I missed you!! I was on the lookout for a blonde and a redhead today but didn't see anyone that fitted the description and had no idea where/who you would be sitting with... Will you be at Hound Day at the Royal? Buzz had a lovely weekend; Baby in Show yesterday at the Sighthound show (not quite by default; the only other baby was another Whippet - Whipitgood's new little one Georgie :D - got some lovely comments from the judge though who was quite taken with him so that was nice!) and was in the last two for Baby in Show today - the judge ran us and a Beagle and the Beagle got it. Not to mention I won the raffle at the Sighthound show yesterday! :D Not going to Geraldton so next show for us is the Royal, which will be Buzz's last show in Baby! Well done Mas on Mason's wins! Mirawee, Gaz is adorable Ptolomy - :eek: Has your heart resumed it's regular rhythm yet? I hate snake season ST, did you show Charlie at the Working Dog Show today? Hope everyone had a lovely weekend! ETA: Welcome home Lincoln! :D Thats ok PD, I did have a browse for some DOLers, saw Emery in the ring with Kelari but that was it!! When it comes to searching for people at shows it seems Im not much good at it! And everyone seems so busy and distracted I hate to distract them ... I will be at the Royal on hound day, looking forward to seeing my favourite RRs again!! I will try and track you down that day!!
  2. Cute baby mirawee ;) I like the cross too, makes a good horse!! I have just had an exhausting weekend at a bazillion dog shows........................I am soooooo knackered! I had a lovely time tho, although I didnt get to catch up with any DOLers apart from WX, who just happened to be sitting with her two gorgeous pooches very close to where we were camped . So I got Naca hugs, and feel very lucky! Thanks J! I saw some lovely dogs, including some south aussie ridgies, cute as buttons 14 week old basenjis and some nice little kelpies....Now after a three hour drive I just want to sleep.
  3. I am verrry disappointed, Mirawee, that you dont have any tickets for Tuesday
  4. Congrats to you and Lincoln, vCBR ....Well done! WX, I joined that same FB group - havent been in there much, but will go in and have a read! Rach, have you been posting on a FB page? Or just your own.......Sometimes I have to wonder about some of the things my "friends" post...I just shake my head and scroll on I wish there was a button to make things invisible! Well cakes are made, car is being loaded and Im pretty excited about heading to the show tomorrow
  5. :rofl: Great to read some wonderful positive stories!!! WX, I hope the hammy heals quick, ooohhh sounds so painful!
  6. Oh J not good the offer is there from any show after this sunday to handle for you if you need it i would feel honored lol. if you are stuck for the royal i can help out there too will pay my own way no worries Just give a holler Lisa I will endeavor to track you down Emery I would love to volunteer to help with the Xolos - but my stupid shift work makes me too unreliable for weekends :D ..Which is precisely why I am so over the moon excited about going to the shows this weekend :) Ill be interested to see them trotting around the ring on Sunday thats for sure!
  7. OUrs are the same with water bottles Sparky. Zola loves to chew the lid off - thats the end of the game then! I try and get dog toys that have NO bits that stick out whatsoever. No eyes, ears, taggy bits.... The first thing they both try and do is to chew off any little sticky our bits!! Usually ends in tears - mine!! I like plain hard wearing toys. Zolas first toy which was from her aunty ( ) was Lobby the Lobster. He is now quite sick for a lobster.....1 leg and 1 claw......and a body. He is a plush toy, was yellow, now blechhy colour of dog slob and 4 years of dirt
  8. No walks here this arvo - they will have to be satisfied with a big play in their paddock, before I let the sheep out!
  9. Big Birthday Greetings for Mr Spartan ...Hope he got lots'n'lots of prezzies from CL The weather down here is foul tooo, but Im thankful that our tanks will fill up! It was really windy here this morning RS, quite scary. Now the rain has started though, the wind has died down. Hey can any of you sports nuts out there suggest a good, easy to understand beginners Agility DVD?? Preferably Australian....
  10. :laugh: Thanks for the link.................thankfully I DONT have a credit card ;)
  11. Damn Valley - I looked And I found stuff I want!!! Those skineez look great - think Miss Z would love those :rolleyes: I have bookmarked it...................
  12. Thinking I may have to check this Clean Run out...................or should I not????
  13. Ow WX, and she wasnt even playing footy!! Poor thing, I hope she recovers well - I cant imagine how painful a torn hammy would be! Im glad you have some backup handlers.....otherwise we could see you racing around the ring!! I am going to have such a busy weekend - so many peoples and dogs to meet!!! :rolleyes: Looking forward to seeing you WX. We now have rain. I was hoping to take my two sheepsters off to get a haircut this week, but I now dont think that will be happening! Two hours ago I was ready to go - but the shearer wasnt home when I rang .Now its too late coz they will be wet as...
  14. Me too I will be down on the lower oval on Sunday doing the obedience mock trial so if you wander down and see someone with 2 Labs, most likely that is me so feel free to say hello I will, I think the rr shows will be jsut about over by the arvo - I was def gonna head down and have a look
  15. Exceelent - I will get to meet another DOLer AND some Whippies Are you entered in the Sighthound & Iggy Show Saturday??? Am gonna send you a PM! I would love to Mirawee, but the RR show is starting at 8.30am - theres 2 RR shows and the sighthound show in the one day - and the same judge :D I just wont get there You will have soooo much fun on the arvo - team penning! I am so jealous! Man I need to go riding Yes it was Sparky ;) Somehow I new someone would know who it was!! So where is Yellagonga?? It sounded so much like Walyunga. We used to go walking there when we were kids. We lived in Bullsbrook for a while... Emery - You showing Saturday and Sunday??? I will try and find you and introduce myself ....I hate being the woos I am and wandering aimlessly around too gutless to introduce myself................Youd think by 42 years of age Id have gotten over it, but no - still a shy kid at heart I didnt realise there were quite so many shows on this weekend....Seem to be lots of Club Champ & Open shows!! I so hope the weather is kind and it wll be outside. So much nicer than being undercover WX, will you be up there on Sunday for the Non Sporting show???
  16. Hairy Xolo YAY 10 points to CC what a good brain you have there!! It is a coated Xolo, just thought I would share here. What a gorgeous dog!!! they look so different to the naked ones :D Tiggy, your Sophie looks a little like a staffy friends of ours had many years ago - she was known as the Brindle Frog. She was such a tiny girl, and such a sweet nature! So there will be some of you obedience nuts at K9 on Sunday arvo?? I may wander down and have a peek!! It will be so much easier to know who is who - gets quite confusing for me on here! Specially when everyone else seems to know each other Sparky - was it Walyunga Park you went to with the Weis??? That reminds me - when heading home from Perth the other week, we drove next to a Wei in a four wheel drive with a Trackwest sticker on the back window.......Hehe, Wei seemed to enjoy being chauffeured around, even had the window down for a breeze in his/her ears ;) I am so excited about this weekend To catch up with some of my doggy friends will be soooooo much fun! PD888 (ooh, I hope I got your name right ;) ) will you be showing the whippies on Sunday??? Bedazzled & Ptolomy, good luck and have fun over east!!
  17. Well done mirawee good one Diva! Which class?? I think my friend wouldve been in a Galloway class if there was such a thing Dont know about horse classes! Enjoy your lovely new rug!
  18. I saw bits of this episode too Curlyburt!! Excellent news about Doc Martin mustve missed this bit.... I reckon he is a great actor as well. Doc Martin and Gary are as opposite as two people could be! I often wonder how hard it must be for him to portray the Doc Martins character - I bet there are quite a few retakes, which I would love to see!
  19. Hey Valley!! Sorry about your poor Toby! Do you live near pine trees or wattles??? Both are flowering now and they are notorious for allergies! If you go down the diet road, please be careful with using camel meat. My vet informed me there have been some poisonings from using camel. Something they eat in the wild which is obviously not toxic to them, remains in either the meat or fat and affects dogs!! I hope you find the causes of his allergies!
  20. Well if you like immature English comedy, youll love this!! Martin and Neil Morrissey play a pair of idiot beer drinking English lads, and the series pretty much revolves around their non-pc lives!! It also has Caroline Quentin as Garys (Martin) long suffering girlfriend and Leslie Ash as Neils (Tony) love interest. Great series, but probably very 80's by now. Wikipedia has a good rundown of it! Bring back Doc Martin Ihope they have another series! I would also love to visit the place where its filmed - looks so beautiful!
  21. I didnt see all of it, but what I saw I loved!! Made me miss riding so much! How was the armour he and the horse had on!! I dont think I wouldve even got past a trot - especially with the limited vision of the pair of them :p I will have to record next weeks, hope its as good as this week. Anything with Mr Clunes is bound to be good though, hes a legend! I may have to track down some Men Behaving Badly DVD's...
  22. What a cute little snake the Keelback is. Id never heard of it, so just googled them!! Non-venemous too, thats always a good thing! And they eat cane toads without any ill effect? Even better!! We havent seen any snakes as yet, a couple of lizards and I think our resident Monitor is moving about! i hope I see him this summer. Up until 2 summers ago I wasnt too worried about snakes - we live in the middle of bush. But when Zola got bitten it changed my way of thinking - was totally paranoid for quite a while. I just have to remember that after being in snake country for over 30 years with only two dog snakebites and one cat snakebie, with all three surviving we dont really have to be quite so panicky!!
  23. I found Ruby last night - but I guess I was looking for Millimoooooooo ...Is she in there?? Wandy is assoc. registered and she has AR after her rego number....Zola dam and sire where both AI'd, they both have AI after their names in brackets. So I would think DW have made a mistake!! Well done Mr Lincoln :p ..Thats great stuff Valley!! When are you off for a visit?? And when do you get to bring him home?? Poor tough ridgeback was cold this morning, so had to have some jammies on when she got out of bed Followed by a nice warm brekkie!!! I now have a draw full of doggy coats - 4, maybe 5 for the RR and 1 for the Kelpie. Although she refuses to be seen in it, as its a hoody
  24. SR has been around for a while, although I don't know exactly how long since it isn't something that actually affects me HOY was today and tomorrow. I didn't go today as Diva didn't work well yesterday (went and watched and ended up helping prep and warm up a friend's horse though ) However since she was fairly good when I rode today I will do Intermediate HOY tomorrow... particularly since there are only 4 horses in her section Ive only just noticed it, probably coz I was going through the lists looking for everyones dogs :D Didnt help though coz I dont know anyones real names!! Good luck for tomorrow - hope the weather is good for you all! Keep an eye out for a little bay Arab mare form Bridgetown!!
  25. Forgot to say - AI definitely does stand for Artificial Insemination Interesting on an Associate dog! Sporting Register is for dogs registered in a working registry. Not sure if it is only WDA dogs or others as well. Because Associate Register dogs now need to be sterilised, registered working dogs obviously couldn't go into the AR if they were going to be bred! Plus it means that they get a prefix on their name not just a single word name :D So is this a recent thing mirawee? Did or are you going yo HOTY ? Was it this weekend?I know someone else who was going!
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